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Toxic Chemicals Unregulated in US



The United States consistently fails to ban and regulate harmful chemicals, ProPublica reported in December 2022. Neil Bedi, Sharon Lerner, and Kathleen McGrory explained how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the chemical industry are responsible for causing the United States to become “a global laggard in chemical regulation.”

Michal Freedhoff, the EPA’s head of chemical regulation, conceded to decades of regulatory failure, blaming the agency’s inaction on barriers created by the Trump administration, including funding and staffing shortages. However, ProPublica’s investigation revealed broader issues at play. Through interviews with environmental experts and analysis of a half century’s worth of legislation, lawsuits, EPA documents, oral histories, chemical databases, and regulatory records, ProPublica uncovered the longstanding institutional failure to protect Americans from toxic chemicals.

Although the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) gave the EPA regulatory authority to ban or restrict the use of chemicals that pose serious health risks, the chemical industry’s involvement in drafting the bill was so extensive that one EPA administrator joked that the law “should have been named after the DuPont executive who went over the text line by line,” ProPublica reported. The law required the EPA “to always choose regulations that were the ‘least burdensome’ to companies. These two words would doom American chemical regulation for decades,” Bedi, Lerner, and McGrory wrote.


In 2016, Congress amended the law to remove the “least burdensome” language, but that statute too was seen as “company-friendly.” Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) stated that the American Chemistry Council (ACC), an industry lobbying group, was an originator of the draft bill, a claim that has been denied by the ACC and a congressional sponsor of the bill, ProPublica reported.

In the meantime, over sixty thousand chemicals remained on the market for years without being vetted for health risks. Some toxins that were originally exempted from regulation include asbestos and trichloroethylene (TCE). ProPublica noted that “asbestos is only one of many toxic substances that are linked to problems like cancers, genetic mutations and fetal harm and that other countries have banned, but the United States has not.”

After the 2016 removal of the “least burdensome” language, “the EPA named TCE as one of its 10 high-priority chemicals and tried to propose a ban on high-risk uses that year,” according to the ProPublica report. But after industry complaints, the proposal was shelved by the Trump administration, which decided instead to “reassess” TCE. ProPublica noted that in July 2022, the EPA’s draft assessment “found that 52 of 54 uses of TCE present an unreasonable risk to human health.”

Chemicals are difficult to regulate because the United States still uses a “risk-based” approach in which chemicals are “innocent until proven guilty.” This approach “puts the burden on government officials to prove that a chemical poses unreasonable health risks before restricting it,” which can take years, ProPublica explained. By contrast, in 2007 the European Union (EU) “switched to a more ‘hazard-based’ approach, which puts the burden on chemical companies to prove that their products are safe.” Under this “no data, no market” approach, the EU has banned or restricted more than a thousand dangerous chemicals.


Another reason for lax US regulations is the burdensome process that encumbers even high-priority chemicals, including asbestos and TCE. Each chemical must undergo a lengthy assessment protocol, but the underfunded EPA cannot keep pace, especially in the face of industry resistance. “The whole regulatory process is designed to be slow and to be slowed down by those opposed to regulation,” said Joel Tickner, a leading expert on chemical policy who was interviewed by ProPublica, “Frankly, unless EPA doubled their size, they can’t do much with the resources they have.”

ProPublica also highlighted industry-friendly staffing practices at the EPA. Specifically, “the EPA has a long history of hiring scientists and top officials from the companies they are supposed to regulate, allowing industry to sway the agency’s science from the inside.” The revolving door contributes to “the sense that industry science is the best science, which is very much in line with regulators deferring to industry-funded studies showing there isn’t cause for concern,” said Alissa Cordner, author of Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health, who was quoted by ProPublica.

In a related story, IFLScience reported in June 2023 on an Annals of Global Health study based on decades of secret industry documents about PFAS—so-called “forever chemicals”—showing that “the chemical industry just like the tobacco and oil industries were aware of the dangers of the product they were making but willingly suppressed the knowledge as it would hurt their bottom line.” Meanwhile, governments and people pay the price. According to a May 2023 article in DCReport, the global societal costs of PFAS alone are over $17 trillion per year.

A handful of corporate outlets have reported on the EPA’s slowness to regulate certain toxic chemicals, including the Washington Post and the New York Times [Note also: Timothy Puko, “EPA Struggles to Ban Asbestos, Other Chemicals Years After Congress Granted New Powers,” Washington Post, February 19, 2023; Eric Lipton, “Public Health vs. Economic Growth: Toxic Chemical Rules Pose Test for Biden,” New York Times, March 16, 2023], occasionally noting business opposition to proposed new rules and the downsides to industry. However, none have highlighted the systemic failures wrought by the EPA and the chemical industry.


Neil Bedi, Sharon Lerner, and Kathleen McGrory, “Why the U.S. Is Losing the Fight to Ban Toxic Chemicals,” ProPublica, December 14, 2022.

Student Researcher: Reagan Haynie (Loyola Marymount University)

Faculty Evaluator: Mickey Huff (Diablo Valley College)


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Idiot Trump Accidentally Debunks Himself at Pennsylvania Rally



The New Republic

Donald Trump played a strange video at his rally Wednesday meant to criticize Kamala Harris’s plan to increase taxes for the middle class. But a closer look at the video finds that none of the clips included advocated for increasing taxes on the middle class.

“She’s the taxing queen. She’s going to raise your taxes, where you’re going to be at least paying at least three thousand dollars a year more. Take a look,” Trump said before referring to the screen behind him.

Behind him, Trump played a video that edited together different times Harris had announced her plan to “get rid of that tax bill” and “get rid of that tax cut,” referring to the corporate tax rate cuts Trump had installed during his time in office. In fact, two of the included clips are of Harris explicitly talking about corporate tax rates.

Originally, the Trump administration had claimed that the corporate tax rate cuts at the center of his 2017 tax bill would boost household income by a “very conservative” estimate of $4,000 per household, according to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.


In reality, workers who earned below an average of $114,000 saw no change in their earnings as a result of the corporate tax rate cut, while wealthy business owners and top executives reaped the benefits. Harris plans to increase the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent.

The video also contained footage of Harris saying that estate taxes “are going to have to go up.” Harris has proposed a plan to lower housing costs that would be funded primarily through changes to the federal estate tax law and an increase to the corporate tax rate.

Harris has yet to publish a proposal for increasing the yield from estate taxes, whether it would mean upping the rate or lowering the exemptions. Currently, only 0.2 percent of U.S. adults are subject to the federal estate tax, according to IRS data.

The video also contained footage of Harris’s campaign co-chair, Chris Coons, defending her plan for a 25 percent tax on unrealized capital gains. It contains another clip of Bharat Ramamurti, President Joe Biden’s former National Economic Council deputy director, explaining that the plan would only affect those with a net worth of more than $100 million, or less than 1 percent of taxpayers—a fact that Trump’s video carefully elides.


The video also contained footage of Harris advocating for a carbon tax, which would penalize big polluters. While this could potentially increase energy costs for consumers, it is not a tax on the middle class.

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Biden-Netanyahu call fails to dispel doubts over US ability to influence Israel



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Joe Biden on Wednesday pressed Benjamin Netanyahu to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Lebanon and minimise civilian casualties in Israel’s strikes against Hizbollah, even though previous calls for restraint from the US have fallen flat.

The US president and the Israeli prime minister spoke by phone for the first time in two months after a new flare-up in tensions between the two allies compounded by miscommunication over Israel’s approach to expanding conflict in the Middle East.


The conversation, which was described as “direct” and “productive” by the White House, came as US officials try to limit Israel’s response to last week’s Iranian missile attack on the country and rein in its ground offensive in the south of Lebanon.

However, there are widespread doubts over Biden’s influence over Netanyahu after the Israeli prime minister has time and again ignored Washington’s pleas for more limited military operations and increased diplomatic engagement since the war in Gaza broke out in October 2023.

Those concerns have grown more acute in recent weeks, as Israel’s military has sharply increased its attacks on Hizbollah, the Iranian proxy group operating in Lebanon, directly defying Biden’s calls for a ceasefire in the region at the UN General Assembly in New York last month.

According to the White House, Biden did not call for Israel to stop all military operations in Lebanon in his conversation with Netanyahu on Wednesday.


But he did tell the prime minister that a “diplomatic arrangement” was needed for Lebanese and Israeli civilians to return to their homes on both sides of the “blue line” — the de facto border between the countries. He also called for Israel “to minimise harm to civilians” in Lebanon, especially in the capital, Beirut.

The White House did not say whether the two leaders discussed Israel’s looming response to Iran, though the US president has warned the Israelis away from striking nuclear facilities and energy infrastructure.

But while Biden and other top US officials have repeatedly been irked and even angered by Netanyahu’s unwillingness to heed their advice, they have been unwilling to make any big changes in US policy to raise the pressure on Israel — such as an arms embargo.

“Biden has been unwilling to use his leverage over Netanyahu because of the president’s persona, policy and domestic politics, especially so close to one of the most consequential elections in modern American history,” said Aaron David Miller, an analyst at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.


“Biden’s margin for pressuring Netanyahu contracted, [while] Netanyahu’s margin for resisting that pressure expanded,” he added.

In recent weeks, US officials have acknowledged that Israel has made what they see as tactical gains against Hizbollah in Lebanon after it killed Hassan Nasrallah, its leader, and damaged much of the group’s capacity to strike at Israel.

But Washington has also warned Israel against overplaying its hand, insisting there should be a path back to a truce.

When Netanyahu on Tuesday warned the Lebanese people in a video address to root out Hizbollah or face similar destruction to what Israel inflicted on Gaza, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, responded: “We cannot and will not see Lebanon turn into Gaza — into another Gaza.”


Other US officials have said Israel needs to develop a better long-term vision for its place in the Middle East.

“The challenge going forward is to turn tactical wins in battle into a strategy that secures Israel’s people and its future,” Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, said at an event at the Israeli embassy in Washington this week.

“That takes real discipline, it takes courage, it takes foresight to match the conduct of war to a clear and sustainable set of objectives. That is never easy, but it’s imperative,” he added.

But many in Washington say US diplomacy towards Israel has floundered. “US policy has been trying to both deter and de-escalate at the same time, and realistically speaking, you can most effectively do one or the other, but trying to do both seems to have limited effects in both directions,” said Jonathan Lord, an analyst at the Center for a New American Security.


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The Secret to Storing Bread in the Freezer: How to Do It Right



The Secret to Storing Bread in the Freezer: How to Do It Right

Freezing bread might seem simple, but a few clever tricks can make all the difference in keeping it fresh.

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‘I was evicted and lost £20,000 in a rent scam’



'I was evicted and lost £20,000 in a rent scam'
Sam Read/BBC Craig Spokes is looking at the camera with a serious expression and wearing a white T-shirt with a blue shirt open on top. He is standing in a garden with hanging baskets in the background.Sam Read/BBC

Craig Spokes is rebuilding his life in Northampton and has a new job after losing almost £20,000

A man said he felt “embarrassed and ashamed” after losing almost £20,000 of his inheritance in a rental scam and being evicted from his flat three weeks after he moved in.

Craig Spokes, 36, from Northampton, paid a year’s rent upfront for a flat in London to Samy Daim, who he believed was the landlord. Yet less than a month after moving in, Mr Spokes was told to leave and all his possessions were left on the street.

Mr Daim, 27, has since not responded to Mr Spokes or to the BBC’s requests for comment.

Action Fraud, the police reporting body for scams, said it was not recommending an investigation into the case.

Instagram Samy Daim wearing a white dressing gown and holding what appears to be an iPad. He is standing by an infinity pool with a city skyline and sunset behind. Instagram

Social media accounts of Samy Daim show pictures of him in luxurious locations around the world

In October 2023, Mr Spokes was looking to move to London after leaving a career as a cruise ship entertainer.

He said Mr Daim had told him he was the landlord of a flat in Bloomsbury, which could be secured for a £500 a month discount if a year’s rent was paid upfront.

Mr Daim was in fact a tenant himself, renting the flat from the real landlord, but he gave Mr Spokes the keys to the property and allowed him to move in.

The BBC has seen court documents that show Mr Daim owed more than £14,000 in rent to the real landlord and this had led to bailiffs being sent to the property.

Instagram Samy Daim standing in a wooden room with an elephant's head coming through the window with its trunk extended upwards and taking food from Mr Daim's hand. Mr Daim is wearing a white T-shirt and smiling as he looks at the elephant.Instagram

Samy Daim’s social media profiles show him on trips to places such as Thailand, where he is pictured with elephants

The flat was listed on a letting agency website, but rather than using the company’s payment system Mr Spokes transferred £19,500 directly to Mr Daim to cover a year’s rent and deposit.

The money had come from his inheritance after his father Barry died of cancer.

Yet as he got ready for work one morning three weeks after moving, Mr Spokes was evicted by bailiffs instructed by the real landlord.

“By 08:30 everything was out on the streets,” he said. “It was a whirlwind and I was in such a state of distress. I was made to feel like a criminal.”


‘Embarrassed and ashamed’

The experience has had a lasting impact on Mr Spokes who said he “felt so embarrassed and ashamed that I had fallen for this scam”.

He said for a period “days would go by and I couldn’t even go out”.

Mr Daim has not responded to Mr Spokes since the eviction. His social media profiles appear to show a jet-set lifestyle.


He has not responded to BBC attempts to contact him.

instagram Samy Daim sitting on top of a white 4x4 vehicle parked beside a beach with  palm trees in the background. Mr Daim is wearing an unbuttoned white shirt with blue trousers and cap.instagram

Samy Daim is listed as the sole director of Cobblestone Realty Group Ltd and shown beside the beach at Key West in Florida

‘Let down’

Mr Spokes was told by the Metropolitan Police to report what had happened to Action Fraud, the national reporting centre.

Action Fraud does not have investigative powers, but assesses which cases to pass on to police forces for investigation.


This case was not passed on and Mr Spokes said he felt “let down” by police and that it had been treated as if it was “not that serious of a crime”.

Action Fraud said reports were assessed against criteria including “the vulnerability of the victim”.

It added that it prioritised “reports most likely to present an investigative opportunity for local police forces, those where a crime is ongoing and those that present the greatest threat and harm to the victim or victims concerned”.

In 2023 Action Fraud classified 5,093 reports as rental fraud.


‘Controls in place’

Mr Spokes said he also felt “let down” by his bank, Kroo, which said it will not repay the money.

Kroo said it has “a number of controls in place to manage financial crime and protect customer funds”.

Sam Read/BBC Pat Coomber-Wood is looking at the camera in an office with a straight face while wearing a top with a flower design on it.Sam Read/BBC

Pat Coomber-Wood from Citizens Advice said people should “slow down” the process of signing a contract

‘Don’t be rushed’


Mr Spokes said he felt like he had “double-checked” everything before transferring the money, but all the information he had been provided “was part of the scam”.

Pat Coomber-Wood, the chief executive officer of Citizens Advice West Northamptonshire and Cherwell, said anyone feeling under pressure to sign a contract should “put the brakes on – it is better to miss out than be scammed”.

She said a land registry search, which costs £3, could determine whether the person you were dealing with owned the property.

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Room2 launches new loyalty scheme offering a free birthday stay



Room2 launches new loyalty scheme offering a free birthday stay

Members of The Hometel Club will qualify for a free birthday stay at any room2 property when they complete a paid-for stay

Continue reading Room2 launches new loyalty scheme offering a free birthday stay at Business Traveller.

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Florida braces as Category 4 storm set to make landfall



A crossing from Largo to Indian Rocks Beach on the Gulf of Mexico is closed Hurricane Milton's expected landfall tonight on October 9, 2024 in Florida. Milton regained power on October 8 to become a Category 5 storm with maximum sustained winds of 165 mph (270 kph) as it barrels towards the west-central coast of Florida and is forecast to make landfall late October 9, according to the National Hurricane Center. (Photo by Bryan R. SMITH / AFP) (Photo by BRYAN R. SMITH/AFP via Getty Images)

Good morning and welcome to our coverage of Hurricane Milton, the category-three storm which has hit Florida this morning.

Millions were urged to evacuate their homes in Florida as the hurricane threatens the US state’s battered Gulf Coast, with President Joe Biden warning it is a “matter of life and death”.

The storm made landfall Wednesday along Florida’s Gulf Coast, bringing powerful winds, deadly storm surge and potential flooding to much of the state.

The cyclone had maximum sustained winds of 120 mph (205 kph) as it roared ashore near Siesta Key in Sarasota County, the Miami-based National Hurricane Center said.


The storm was bringing deadly storm surge to much of Florida’s Gulf Coast, including densely populated areas such as Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota and Fort Myers.

Residents have been forced to flee from the area faced massive traffic jams on motorways and fuel shortages.

Milton threatens a stretch of the densely populated west coast still reeling from the impact of Hurricane Helene, which flooded homes and streets in western Florida and left at least 230 dead in September.

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said the storm surge forecast for her city of up to 15 feet (4.5 metres) would be deep enough to swallow an entire house.


She added: “So if you’re in it, basically that’s the coffin that you’re in.”

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