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We hope sentencing review concludes we need a fitting punishment for warped men like Edwards — and deterrent for others



We hope sentencing review concludes we need a fitting punishment for warped men like Edwards — and deterrent for others

Paedo rethink

THE major sentencing review which could increase the likelihood of jail for paedophiles is hugely welcome.

After the scandalous leniency last week towards BBC star Huw Edwards, The Sun launched our Keep Our Kids Safe campaign, demanding prison for anyone caught with the worst images.

The major sentencing review which could increase the likelihood of jail for paedophiles like Huw Edwards is hugely welcome


The major sentencing review which could increase the likelihood of jail for paedophiles like Huw Edwards is hugely welcomeCredit: Alamy

We called for “a new intolerance towards perverts fuelling a heinous global trade which destroys children’s lives”.


We are delighted Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood listened and will include it in her shake-up of the sentencing regime.

Edwards possessed unthinkably foul Category A material. Yet like 80 per cent of similar offenders he walked free.

The court even gave a hearing to truly pathetic efforts at mitigation: That Edwards was a fragile soul who had a domineering dad and hid his true sexuality for years. That he felt inferior at the BBC because he did not go to Oxbridge.


Imperfect childhoods and university disappointment cannot possibly excuse paedophilia. We need a fitting punishment for warped men like Edwards — and a meaningful deterrent for others.


We hope the review concludes the same.

Nurse ratchet

MANY will be aghast to see nurses overwhelmingly reject a wage rise at well over twice the rate of inflation.

Labour too must have thought the chaos the RCN union inflicted on the NHS by striking under the Tories was finally sorted by the 5.5 per cent award.

The RCN may be misjudging the mood of a nation which wants a better NHS but is wary of public sector union greed.


But the danger is that any union — having seen the staggering no-strings-attached pay hikes for militant train drivers and junior doctors — thinks it can now expect the same.

RCN chief Professor Nicola Ranger candidly admits her members’ “expectations of Government are far higher”.

Huw Edwards is a manipulative paedo – if The Sun hadn’t exposed him he’d have remained undetected

If the Tories were still in power the union would already have called a strike ballot. But they are giving their favourite party a chance to up the offer.

The test for Labour, what with its “£22billion black hole”, is whether they are prepared finally to say No.


Rayning cash

WHO said this?

“Balancing my own department’s budgets brought me back to the old days when I had 60 quid to get me and my son through the week. I know more than most that every pound counts.”

That was Angela Rayner, Labour’s Deputy PM, two days ago.

Next day it was revealed she has hired a personal vanity photographer on £67,000 a year paid by the public.


Every pound may count when it comes to her own cash.

With taxpayers’ money, anything goes.

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Prince Harry’s US visa details to remain private, judge rules



Prince Harry’s US visa details to remain private, judge rules

The Duke of Sussex’s US visa application should remain private despite him admitting taking drugs in his memoir, a judge has ruled.

Prince Harry had referred to taking cocaine, marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms in his book Spare, which prompted a conservative Washington DC think tank to question why he was allowed into the US in 2020.

The Heritage Foundation brought the lawsuit against the Department for Homeland Security (DHS) after a Freedom of Information Act request was rejected.

The think tank insisted the details were of “immense public interest” and argued that US law “generally renders such a person inadmissible for entry” to the country.


However in his ruling on Monday, US judge Carl Nichols said “the public does not have a strong interest in disclosure of the duke’s immigration records”.

His judgment added: “Like any foreign national, the duke has a legitimate privacy interest in his immigration status.

“And the duke’s public statements about his travel and drug use did not disclose, and therefore did not eliminate his interest in keeping private, specific information regarding his immigration status, applications, or other materials.”

Judge Nichols said the public’s interest in disclosure of Harry’s immigration records is “outweighed by the duke’s privacy interest”.


“Public disclosure of records about a single admission of a foreign national in the circumstances described above would provide the public, at best, limited information about the department’s general policy in admitting aliens,” he said.

“And the marginal public benefit of knowing that limited information is outweighed by the privacy interest the duke retains in his immigration status and records.”

Some part of the judgment, including details relating to his immigration status and records and what was contained in his visa application, has been redacted.

In his controversial memoir, Prince Harry said cocaine “didn’t do anything for me”, adding: “Marijuana is different, that actually really did help me.”


The Heritage Foundation had said answers on the duke’s prior drug use in his visa application should have been disclosed as they could raise questions over the US government’s integrity.

In the DHS’s response to the legal claim, it said: “Much like health, financial, or employment information, a person’s immigration information is private personal information.”

The submissions made by lawyer John Bardo on behalf of DHS also said no “publicly available information, shows that Prince Harry was ever convicted for a drug-related offence”.

Mr Bardo added that any suggestion from the Heritage Foundation of wrongdoing on behalf of the US government was “purely speculative”.


Additional reporting by the Press Association

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Uniper’s dormant Russian gas contracts may pose hurdle to listing



FILE PHOTO: Logo of Uniper is pictured at the company


Reuters exclusively reported that legacy gas contracts with former main supplier Gazprom could become a key hurdle for utility Uniper in its attempts to return to the stock exchange following its 13.5 billion euro bail-out by the German government during the height of Europe’s energy crisis.


Market Impact

The expected re-IPO of Uniper could become one of Germany’s biggest listings in 2025 and would mark a major milestone for Berlin following Uniper’s nationalization in 2022, making it a key strategic issue for utility investors. 

Article Tags

Topics of Interest: Energy

Type: Reuters Best


Sectors: Commodities & Energy

Regions: Europe

Countries: Germany

Win Types: Exclusivity


Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop

Media Types: Text

Customer Impact: Significant National Story

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Moment 'moron driver' screeches around Batley in Bentley with public furious



Moment 'moron driver' screeches around Batley in Bentley with public furious

Other drivers have condemned the actions of the motorist

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Boeing union hits out over ‘final’ 30% pay rise offer



Boeing union hits out over 'final' 30% pay rise offer

The union representing thousands of striking Boeing workers has hit out at what the aircraft manufacturing giant called its “best and final” pay offer, which proposed a 30% rise over four years.

The new offer also included the reinstatement of a performance bonus and improved retirement benefits.

However, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) said the offer was not negotiated with the union and that “it was thrown at us without any discussion.”

More than 30,000 Boeing workers went on strike earlier this month after rejecting a 25% pay rise offer.


“After listening to our employees and their concerns, Boeing today presented our best and final offer,” the aircraft manufacturing giant said in a letter sent to union officials.

The proposal doubles the value of a one-off bonus for signing a new pay deal to $6,000 (£4,497).

Boeing said the offer is dependent on it being ratified by union members by midnight pacific time on Friday 27 September (7am GMT on Saturday 28 September).

But IAM said Boeing sent the new offer directly to union members and the media without telling the union’s representatives.


“This tactic is a blatant show of disrespect to you – our members – and the bargaining process,” IAM said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The union also said it would not hold a vote of its membership ahead of Boeing’s deadline.

BBC News has asked Boeing for a statement on IAM’s response to its new pay offer.

Boeing workers voted to strike on September 13 after rejecting a new contract deal, which included a 25% pay rise over four years.


The union had initially aimed for a number of improvements to workers’ packages, including a 40% pay rise.

Almost 95% of the union members – who produce planes including the 737 Max and 777 – voted to reject Boeing’s initial offer.

Of those who voted, 96% backed strike action until a new agreement could be reached.

The strike threatens to cost Boeing billions of dollars, deepening the crisis at a company already facing significant challenges.


Its impacts are already being felt across the industry and wider US economy too, as Boeing has halted shipments of most parts and taken other steps to save money.

The company has already suspended the jobs of tens of thousands of staff.

It has also said that US-based executives, managers and staff would be asked to take one week of furlough every four weeks for as long as the walkout lasts.

Government officials are now helping to mediate talks between the two sides.


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How to eat carbs without spiking your blood sugar, according to a nutrition researcher



How to eat carbs without spiking your blood sugar, according to a nutrition researcher
  • Eating carbs with protein, fat, and fiber can help promote more stable blood sugar.

  • How you eat also matters, and eating more slowly and early in the day can prevent blood sugar spikes.

  • Other healthy habits like getting enough sleep are crucial for balanced blood sugar.

You don’t have to cut out carbs to balance your blood sugar for better health and energy, according to a top nutrition researcher.

It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat that matters when it comes to reducing blood sugar dips and spikes, according to Sarah Berry, professor at King’s College in London and chief scientist at ZOE, a personalized nutrition and health science company.

While a rise in blood sugar after eating carbs is natural and not necessarily a problem, Berry said, having blood sugar that’s too high or too low can increase inflammation, raising the risk of chronic disease and other health problems, research suggests.

“Our bodies are so clever, we have all of these different things in place to be able to handle that. But if this happens repeatedly and excessively, that’s when then it becomes a problem,” Berry said.


Dramatic fluctuations in blood sugar can also leave you feeling “rubbish,” she said, leading to afternoon slumps, cravings, and brain fog.

The latest science suggests a few tweaks to your routine may help you prevent blood sugar spikes and drops without cutting out carbs.

“It doesn’t mean you need to obsess about it, but it means you can be slightly more aware about it and be more aware about how you partner your foods, when you eat your foods and those kinds of things,” Berry said.

Combine your carbs with nutrients like protein or healthy fat

You can still eat your favorite carbs, from pasta to bread, but the key to making them healthier is what you add to the meal or snack, dietitians previously told Business Insider.


Take breakfast as an example, Berry said.

If you’re having a bagel, pairing the carbs with protein or healthy fats, like cheese or other nutrient-rich toppings (think salmon and veggies, for instance) can reduce your blood sugar response and help you feel better after eating.

“You stay fuller for longer and that’s what’s important,” Berry said. “Carbohydrates can be a really fabulous part of our diets, particularly if they’re high in fiber. But just make sure you are having plenty of protein and healthy fats with it at the same time.”

Choose high-fiber carbs like whole grains and berries

The type of carbs you chose can also influence your blood sugar response.


Foods that are high in fiber help to slow digestion, which means your blood sugar won’t rise as quickly or crash later, dietitian Bonnie Taub-Dix previously told Business Insider.

Add more fiber to your diet by adding nuts and seeds to your snacks, using whole grain bread for sandwiches, loading up on chickpeas or other beans (especially in pasta), and eating fiber-packed fruits like strawberries and blueberries.

Slow down and enjoy your food

Wolfing down your food can lead to bigger spikes in blood sugar and over time, is also linked to weight gain, research suggests.

“We see that if you eat your food more quickly, you have a higher blood sugar, you have a higher body weight,” Berry said.


To level out your blood sugar, take time to enjoy your food without rush or distraction, chowing down in front of the TV, or racing to finish your meal.

A man enjoying a sandwich in a cafe during a lunch break.

To enjoy a delicious sandwich while managing your blood sugar, just have it on whole grain bread with some protein and take a real break to enjoy it.Bobex-73

Eat earlier in the day (and avoid nighttime snacking)

Some of the research Berry is most excited about suggests that when you eat matters for blood sugar, too.

A recent ZOE study found that people had a more moderate response in blood sugar when they ate a meal for breakfast, but a larger blood sugar response to the same meal when they ate it later in the day.

That supports growing research that our circadian rhythm can affect our metabolism. Previous research suggests eating too late at night can set you up for higher risk of certain health issues, too.


“This fits in with the kind of data that we are seeing that people who are late night snackers tend to have a higher BMI tend to have poorer cardiovascular health, tend to have higher circulating blood glucose,” Berry said.

Take a short walk after meals

Another way to manage your blood sugar is to get moving, since exercise helps use up stored energy and makes you more sensitive to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar.

One study found that walking for just two to five minutes after you eat can lower your blood sugar.

Get enough sleep (seriously)

No, you’re not dreaming — getting some shuteye can help you enjoy carbs more healthfully. That’s because too little sleep can raise your blood sugar. It can also make you more vulnerable to cravings and overeating, research suggests.


“If you have poor night’s sleep, you have a higher blood sugar response compared to if you have a good night’s sleep. So you set yourself up on this rollercoaster,” Berry said.

It’s a good reminder that blood sugar is about more than what we eat, but all our habits and even parts of our identity like age and sex can play a role.

“We are starting to get a beautiful puzzle coming together because what controls our blood glucose is so complex. It’s who we are, how we eat, how we feel, our lifestyle, et cetera,” she said.

Read the original article on Business Insider


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US prepares to sue Visa for alleged anti-competitive behaviour



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The US Department of Justice is preparing to file an antitrust lawsuit against Visa, accusing the payments company of anti-competitive behaviour.

Federal prosecutors are set to file a lawsuit as early as Tuesday, said a person familiar with the matter. The move would come after a years-long review by the DoJ into Visa’s business practices.


The company in 2021 disclosed in a regulatory filing that the DoJ’s antitrust unit had requested information on potential violations of antitrust law provisions that outlaw anti-competitive agreements and monopolistic conduct. The civil probe focused on Visa’s debit card business in the US as well as competition in other networks and payment methods.

The company last year said federal prosecutors had sought additional documents as part of this investigation. Visa said it was co-operating with the DoJ and in 2021 said its “US debit practices are in compliance with applicable laws”.

The DoJ declined to comment. Visa did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The prospective lawsuit was first reported by Bloomberg.

Visa shares fell almost 2 per cent in after-hours trading.


It was not immediately clear whether the areas of interest Visa previously disclosed would be the focus of the DoJ’s upcoming enforcement action.

Antitrust agencies have also scrutinised Visa’s competitors. Mastercard last year reached an agreement with the US Federal Trade Commission to settle charges that the company illegally forced merchants to direct debit card payments via its payment network.

Visa and Mastercard earlier this year agreed to cut the so-called swipe fees they charge retailers in a legal settlement that merchants said would save them $30bn over five years, but the deal was later rejected by a federal judge.

Progressive antitrust officials in the Joe Biden administration have adopted tougher antitrust policy in an attempt to course correct what they have described as decades of lax enforcement.


Under the leadership of Jonathan Kanter, the DoJ’s antitrust division has pursued big cases attempting to curb powerful businesses including in Big Tech. The justice department is facing off against Google in a trial that accuses the company of monopolising the digital advertising space. It won a separate case against Google in which the company was branded a monopolist in online search.

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