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🎯 Dumbbell Crossfit-Style Workout: Endurance

🎯 Dumbbell Crossfit-Style Workout: Endurance

🎯 Dumbbell Crossfit-Style Workout: Endurance

With lesser rest periods, this workout is going to challenge your muscles and cardiovascular fitness.

⏱️ Rest Between Sets 30 seconds
1️⃣ Dumbbell Thrusters 3 x 15
2️⃣ Dumbbell Snatches (alternating arms) 3 x 12
3️⃣ Dumbbell Burpees 3 x 15
4️⃣ Dumbbell Farmers Carry 3 x 100 meters

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Keywords: dumbbell crossfit workout, crossfit dumbbell strength workout, dumbbell strength training, dumbbell power workout, at home dumbbell workout, crossfit style workout, functional fitness workout, full body dumbbell workout, beginner crossfit dumbbell workout, dumbbell complex
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