To develop a truly impressive Sixpack, you will want to train from abs a whole range of perspectives. You see, the core is generally made up of four key components. Namely – the rectus abdominus (6pack / lower abs), obliques, the serratus anterior, and the transverse abdominus (inner abs).
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The obliques are an absolute must when it comes to developing an aesthetic physique. If your goal is to attain the V tapered look, there’s no way around training them. The obliques are a multifunctional muscle, they act to pull the chest downwards and compress the abdominal cavity, as well as performing side bending and opposing side rotation. Overall, you can’t skimp on your obliques for aesthetic and performance, and the best way to ensure that you stay on track is to keep your workouts fresh & challenging
The serratus is a muscle that originates on your upper rib cage and attaches to the media border of the shoulder blade (basically the shark gill looking things). The serratus muscles play a pivotal role in framing out your abs, obliques and lower pec. Not too mention, it absolutely serves as an asset to the v taper, in turn giving you a better looking set of abs!
This video is full length which means you can just follow along with whatever I’m doing. If you need extra rest, just pause the video. If you don’t need a rest – watch it the whole way through.
You can hit this home workout 2-3x per week – and if you wanted to keep active on your other days – be sure to check out my other workouts!
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