Let’s level up your chest workout with four incredible chest builders that you’ve probably never tried before! From the dumbbell Guillotine press to the three-second paused deficit push-ups, these exercises will give you a deep stretch and help you build a bigger, denser chest.
Song: Ryan Little – Switch
Just in time for international chest day
oh wow!
Your cooked 😂
I'll try all of these except for the first one
Bro died as a demonstration. Bro is dedicated to the education.
As somebody who tore their pec tendon 5 years ago, I can't flare the elbows no more ever😂 I refuse
"If you drop the bar your cooked" 🙂
Tomorrows chest day so thanks ❤
Please don't spread half information these exercises are only good for ppl who have a good build not for beginners so all the beginners please stick to the fundamentals
Gee ya teen
Shut it Nerd 🤓
The editing is unreal💀
I didn’t died due to a bar chest press but I used dumbells in a similar chest press and I almost lost my arm so be careful everyone 🌞 (I still go to the gym but I use more machines than free weights on upper days sadly 😂)
When I grow up I wanna be just like you
Great exercises! Fyi the "ll" in the word "guillotine" is pronounced as a "y" not an "l" sound. Gee-yuh-teen
Rare footage of Jeff saying a slang
Oh man, I need to get over this shoulder impingement😢😢
On the dumbbell bench, I’ve heard the proper form to emphasize your chest is keep your elbows out at a 45 degree angle and keep the dumbbells close to the bottom half of your chest. What is your take, Jeff?
How does he look like a different dude as the gym bro lmao
The bar drop was wild lol
Nothing beats incline dumbbell press
Nothing beats incline dumbbell press
I just hit chest! gonna do these next time
Love how for the gym bro character he had airpods and headphones
Lil man tryna 2 get big
The bar drop was crazy work 😂😂😂
Gill otine 😭
One and one half reps are good
All this nonsense for what exactly????
You’re cooked from Jeff means something😭
Short guy
I do dare to claim all body parts you train with Weight bigger then your daily use in your daily life will get slappy really fast and boobs hanging is depends.