We could all use a stronger core. As a doctor of physical therapy many of the problems I treat are resolved with increased core strength.
THICK EXERCISE MAT: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/drjaredexercisemat
Looking for the perfect compliment to this video? Try 8 STRETCHES YOU SHOULD DO EVERYDAY TO IMPROVE FLEXIBILITY: https://youtu.be/KsYUVCZzheQ
These are the 5 exercises I recommend most often to people with weak cores and the results are pretty incredible! Try doing these everyday to get stronger and more healthy.
You can also see the whole post on my website at: https://tone-and-tighten.com/2018/03/the-best-core-exercises-for-strength.html
A strong core is vital for overall fitness and pain-free movement. Check out these 5 core exercises everyone should be doing for improved posture, better stability, and less back pain. Not only will you tone your abs and slim your stomach, core exercises will also help you with day-to-day activities.
5 Core Exercises Everyone Should Be Doing
Side Plank
Bird Dogs
Hip Abduction
Keep reading for a step-by-step guide with pictures, videos, and descriptions of each of these exercises.
Eliminate guesswork and confusion and start seeing results.
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As a doctor of physical therapy, low back pain is the most common condition that I treat in my clinic.
It never ceases to amaze me how many of these patients would never have even become patients had they followed this one simple rule – you need to be doing some sort of simple core training most days of the week
Keeping a strong, healthy core (your abs, your sides, your lower back, and your hips) is essential not only to pain-free movement, but everyday functional movements as well.
Today I wanted to share with you five of my favorite exercises that I feel everyone should be doing to maintain a strong and healthy core.
Eliminate guesswork and confusion and start seeing results.
Subscribe to Tone-and-Tighten.com and get our FREE “7-Day Workout and Healthy Menu Plan” delivered daily right to your inbox. Click here to get it: https://toneandtighten.activehosted.com/f/3
There should be more motivation to doing core workouts than just having a 6 pack or flat belly. If you strengthen your core with regular core exercises, you will build a strong body that will benefit you for life
Pretty much any movement uses our core strength like walking, sitting, exercising, etc. If you have a strong core, it will be easier to do many activities like swinging a baseball bat to reaching up to the top shelf of the grocery store to bending down to tie your shoes.
Your core helps stabilize your entire body- it is where your center of gravity is focused. A strong core will bring better posture, less lower back pain, and more overall stability.
1. Plank
Research has proven that planking actually activates more of your abdominal muscles more effectively than most other ab/core exercises out there.
– 3 x 30-second holds for beginners; 3 x 60-second holds for advanced
2. Bridging
Terrific at-home exercise for your back and butt. Great for functional strength; the booty pop is an added bonus.
– 3 sets of 10 for beginners; 3 sets of 20 for advanced (or single leg bridges)
3. Side plank
Side planks are a great exercise to activate and strengthen many of the spine stabilizers in your lower back.
– 3 x 30-second holds each side for beginners; 3 x 60-second holds each side for advanced
4. Bird dogs
Don’t let looks deceive you, many people find this one surprisingly difficult. Balance is key in stabilizing as you lift opposite arm and leg while maintaining a flat, neutral back.
– 3 sets of 10 for beginners; 3 sets of 20 for advanced
5. Hip abduction
In my clinic I referred to this one as “Jane Fonda” (did you ever see her workout videos?). It’s amazing how weak people can get in their lateral hip muscles. This weakness comes on primarily because we rarely perform any motions laterally in our everyday life. Keeping these muscles strong goes a long way in helping knee pain, hip pain, and back pain.
– 3 sets of 10 on each side for beginners; 3 sets of 20 on each side for advanced
There they are – five of my favorite core strengthening exercises that I feel people should be doing most days of the week.
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Hi, I live in Caverswall in England. I have saved your video and a few more. This one is my favourite and it changed my life. I do it five days a week and it takes me 20 minutes adding longer times as I get stronger. Thank you.
from today i will
What's "isolisation "? 😮
From your wardrobe why isn’t the channel entitled ‘One Giant Tick’…
Home exercise helps to weight loss?
Outstanding mate, thank you.
Do you have a good yoga mat recommendation for someone with knees that hurt.
Excellent. Glad to see I'm doing most of these already a few times a week. Thank you.
I realize that you do not offer medical advice that would take the place of seeing a specialist in person, but maybe you could make a recommendation for certain videos I could WATCH since I already do physical therapy. I have had multiple injuries since I was a kid, broken tailbone and SI pain, spinal cord damage from multiple falls and resulting 5th & 6th cervical disc replacement, head and neck injuries from a car accident. All have resulted in pain and weaknesses, which partly is spinal cord damage, and according to my neurologist "cross reflex" where my brain "rewired" my body to use muscles that "work" so that I can walk (which amazes the doctors) but which leaves those unfortunate muscles where neurological connections are broken to atrophy. I have my own "therapy" that I do to "rebuild those connections" (which the doctors say is impossible), and to the amazement of physical therapists everywhere, allows me to move without shaking and tremors. I will keep doing "my" therapy but do you have any suggestions of videos I could watch that will help muscles that have atrophy from spinal cord damage? Again, I'm not asking for medical advice, just asking for video suggestions that I can WATCH. Thanks!
Thank you so much…..I have been doing these 5 exercises but yr additional steps definitely help.
5:14 the lower back shouldn’t arch in for this. Before starting, get on all 4 in a neutral positions, back is neither rounded nor arched. Take a breath in, fill up your abdomen and tighten core. Then extend leg back while holding the core tight, toes are only a couple inches off the floor to prevent arching of back – not the way shown in this video.
You’re the man ! Thank you ! Very tight hips and weak abs from being lazy with kicking in Muay Thai. Appreciate you
I subscribed today
Try ripping big plants out of your garden. I have a strong core under my fat 😂
And what are the best exercises for flatter stomach, when you have lower back on and off pain.
Are all of these great exercises okay to do even if you have lower back pain?
Perfect, thank you.
I just realized both my exercise and stretch routine were picked up on this channel. I really appreciate this channel!!
I’ve been doing this workout at home (I lapse and fall off my routine but have been on and off it for a while). I decided to add a few exercises to really round out the routine for what I want. I added squats, crunches, and heel lifts. It extends the work out for me from about 17 mins to 25 (I rest 30 seconds between reps and between exercises that work a similar muscle group.) I also make the plank a marching plank, like the video suggests.
I’ve had awesome results! I am young and my body has always responded well to exercise, and I am rather thin. At 5’7” my max weight has been 149, but this routine and watching my diet helped me get down to 130 ish. It also really tones up my stomach, arms, thighs, and calves, which is awesome.
Would highly recommend adding a few things. If you want a tone belly, add the crunches at least, because, while these exercises work the abs, I found my abs toned up much quicker with the adding of the crunches. However, for the purpose of this video, and exercise routine, I think it’s a great start and it definately got me going in the direction I wanted to be going!!
Not exactly 'beginner' friendly. I mean, as a physical therapist, I have to assume you see people in really bad shape where even those '"beginner" planks are challenging.
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Chocolate Oats and Peanut Butter, and now they are my weight loss heroes! They keep me full, fueled, and satisfied without sacrificing taste. I highly recommend it for anyone on a weight loss journey!
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Chocolate Oats and Peanut Butter, and now they are my weight loss heroes! They keep me full, fueled, and satisfied without sacrificing taste. I highly recommend it for anyone on a weight loss journey!
I have osteoarthritis in both thumbs and all fingers so cannot put pressure on hands. Would deadbug be equivalent to bird dog?
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Chocolate Oats and Peanut Butter,
and now they are my weight loss heroes! They keep me full, fueled, and
satisfied without sacrificing taste. I highly recommend it for anyone on a
weight loss journey!!
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Rolled Oats and Peanut Butter, and it changed my weight loss game! Packed with protein, fiber, and deliciousness, they're the perfect solution for anyone wanting to lose weight without giving up taste.
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Chocolate Oats and Peanut Butter, and now they are my weight loss heroes! They keep me full, fueled, and satisfied without sacrificing taste. I highly recommend it for anyone on a weight loss journey!
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Chocolate Oats and Peanut Butter, and now they are my weight loss heroes! They keep me full, fueled, and satisfied without sacrificing taste. I highly recommend it for anyone on a weight loss journey!
I recently tried @alpinohealthfoods Chocolate Oats and Peanut Butter, and now they are my weight loss heroes! They keep me full, fueled, and satisfied without sacrificing taste. I highly recommend it for anyone on a weight loss
The longer the plank the better
Do you recommend to do these exercises while we are in recovering phase from herniated disc?
What if I can't even do these excersize!
Those sideplanks are killing it for me as a 1,9m guy 😂
Excellent!! Succinct explanation 👏👏👏
I love your exercises but NOT your Nike shirt….
Please …l
How about dead bug side planks as well
I’m going to try
Nice douche swoop.
Thanks a lot. Very helpful and greets from the Netherlands!
Live this simple yet effective workout 👏🤛❤️
Your exercises are great for strengthening, the back and the core. Thank you very much. I have been suffering with pinched nerves in my back. I read it takes four weeks to strengthen your core. I plan to work to do these exercises faithfully.