Dr. Mike Israetel shares what his favorite chest exercises are!
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0:00 Best Chest Exercises
1:27 Exercise Number 1
4:33 Exercise Number 2
9:22 Exercise Number 3
11:32 Exercise Number 4
15:33 Exercise Number 5
18:39 Recap
I have back issues from a lumbar fusion but I started incorporating dips for chest and it’s a good way for body weight and my back to not take too much
This guy has the cringiest jokes; give it a rest, your definitely not that guy.
Could you start providing citations for the lit that you or your guests reference? Not doubting you, but it might help people. It might also be a subtle challenge to others out there that claim to offer science-based training methods.
Would also like to see a video about ways to determine if you're watching someone who's just making their stuff up and those that are basing on solid lot. There are a lot of verbal cues you can probably highlight that enable determining the difference between anecdotal things, stuff made up by some guy, and statistically significant data.
You are looking like Mukesh galot
Dr. Mike, thank you for the outstanding foreword at the beginning of this episode. As a novice lifter, I need to be reminded about this stuff from time to time. Thanks!
Opening 15 seconds was crazyyyyy😂😂😂
I would assume Incline Barbell Press done with Dumbbells is also fine right?
13:39 his back was flat he’s just too caked up for it to look that way
standard batman villain tbh
fly's are dog for me i tried them for years i train more biceps than pecs every time.. the only fly i can realistically do is the old school machines that you push from the elbow with bent arms
What about incline seated cable fly press?
I am a tall individual with a 6 ft 10 inch wing span can you do a video for individuals with really long muscles.
Love the humor
What is this thumbnail 😂
These are stretchercises. Not sure a little more stretch is gonna do more than just heavy weights and brute force. I gotta get my test levels to 55,000 and try these. 👹
The gay jokes are getting excessive
Is this an ad?
Can i deficit pushups by using dumbells to elevate myself?
Just started watching dr mike lately. I love the way he explains everything. Its even better when he inserts his jokes. Fucking hilarious lol. I’m a new a fan. Keep it going make. There’s noone doing it like you. Hope someday i can get a workout with you 💪🏽
Sad that these are the only ones dr mike considers real chest exercises
i get recommended this right after i do chest wtf
Dam, I was here for the anal sphincter video. What a let down.
Ive been training as long as you mike but your just an average meat head! You have good and bad points! But i feel anatoli surpassed you in fitness knowledge. You look like your going to have a heart attack soon with that stomach bloat. Im sorry but I dont recommend your channel. But maybe you can convince liberals to follow you because they have been following the wrong side since 1776
Love the fact that I started this video out loud while in the waiting room for my car. Now everyone thinks I’m working out my sphincter 🙃
And here, I thought Jared was Mike's son.
That thumbnail is disturbing
You said you can use cambered bar for incline but your 3rd exercise is a straight barbell on incline. When doing incline do you prefer straight or cambered?
At 2:13 your honour, exhibit 🍆
12:20 what if I will perform pushups on fists/knuckles instead of that bricks? will it do better or worse?
Dr Mike better hope the feds never take his laptop
Mike looks fat in this video
Bla bla takes to much
And then. Im gonna stare at his bulge 😂😂😂😂😂
What do you guys think about neutral grip bench press? There are Swiss grip bars (some are cambered for the stretch).
Cool video, but the sexual innuendos are cringe and make your videos look cheap.
Hey Dr. Mike, Since 24 Hour Fitness is probably not going to run out a get a Cambered Bar for me, would flat bench dumbbells work and have the same large range of motion at the bottom? Also, bonus question!, how many exercises do you suggest for each body part? Give the dog a biscuit for me!
awesome content