Of course he has rice bags laying around the house and I don't even have one😢
Must push-ups be involved 🥲
You killed me with the rice bag curls lol 😅 I want bigger arms. 😅Thanks
48 reps per exercise 5 exercises and call it a day
Who is doing this for no reason
Thanks 👍
Yo it worked it gave me 2 pumps
Fuck i think I am super man I’m a fat ass why u think im looking this shit up
I saved the workout for real
2025 is the year to workout
Why don't I use bags of cat litter 😭 I dont have just bags of rice and I'm not gonna ask my parents to get one so I can just say it's for a workout lol and plus cat litter is like 25-50 lbs per bag
Thanks bro for tips
Thank you bro
Then carry the delivery man’s gf
King i dont have rice bag or these things can i just do workout without things
Me: yes i want every muscle on your body
Of course he has bags of rice💀
Never seen a dude so happy working out
Alr bettt
I’m already strong
You literally have a hole rice bag
Fact : Meanwhile bro's body is made in gym😂
Don't mind bro😅
Whats the benefits of the diamond pushup compared to your standard pushup?
I want ur physique but a bit smaller 😢
I really like your eyes how you make that
Me who wanted to get strength to do the push ups
20 sets
Bro said without Equipment
teeth too white
Pre-Req: Must be Asian.
Can only boys do this because my sister tried it and she did not get buffed
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Of course he has rice bags laying around the house and I don't even have one😢
Must push-ups be involved 🥲
You killed me with the rice bag curls lol 😅 I want bigger arms. 😅Thanks
48 reps per exercise 5 exercises and call it a day
Who is doing this for no reason
Thanks 👍
Yo it worked it gave me 2 pumps
Fuck i think I am super man I’m a fat ass why u think im looking this shit up
I saved the workout for real
2025 is the year to workout
Why don't I use bags of cat litter 😭 I dont have just bags of rice and I'm not gonna ask my parents to get one so I can just say it's for a workout lol and plus cat litter is like 25-50 lbs per bag
Thanks bro for tips
Thank you bro
Then carry the delivery man’s gf
King i dont have rice bag or these things can i just do workout without things
Me: yes i want every muscle on your body
Of course he has bags of rice💀
Never seen a dude so happy working out
Alr bettt
I’m already strong
You literally have a hole rice bag
Fact : Meanwhile bro's body is made in gym😂
Don't mind bro😅
Whats the benefits of the diamond pushup compared to your standard pushup?
I want ur physique but a bit smaller 😢
I really like your eyes how you make that
Me who wanted to get strength to do the push ups
20 sets
Bro said without Equipment
teeth too white
Pre-Req: Must be Asian.
Can only boys do this because my sister tried it and she did not get buffed
How to get stronger but not mass