Hitch Fit Online Personal Training

» Hitch Fit Online Personal Training

People will tell you that everything goes down hill after 50.  Frank shows us whats possible, losing 73lbs and building muscle after 50.  He is got in the best shape of his life. How did he do this?  He was ready to take his body and health to an amazing place and willing to work hard, eat right and follow the plan!!  Frank, we could not be more proud of you.

Build Muscle After 50



Total Loss- 73lbs

Starting Weight 239lbs, Ending Weight 166lbs

Body Fat % Loss- 25%

Starting body fat% – 30%+, Ending body fat%- 7.5%

Inches Lost Off Stomach- 14″

Starting stomach – 46″, Ending stomach – 32″


Get Fit Over 50

Lose Belly Fat After 50


As 2024 comes to a close I wanted to reflect on the past year of my fitness journey. After a successfully completing another program designed by Hitch Fit I was able to achieve a sub 10% body fat level that I have not seen since my college days, 26 years ago!

Fitness has become a way of life now. Ingrained in my daily decisions. I even obtained my personal training certification to be able to help others achieve a more healthy life.

I have learned after multiple training programs with Micah that accountability and support are two keys to success. Working with Micah has helped me develop discipline to push forward. His expertise is immeasurable!

I spent nearly 30 years gaining and losing weight and never making the commitment to take my fitness level seriously. There were always obstacles that I used for excuses.

Get Low Body Fat At 50

Fit Over 50 Male


The heaviest I had gotten to be was 239 pounds. For me the 240 pound mark was my trigger. As I looked in the mirror at myself, I was disgusted. I knew better! The thought of going shirtless bright of feeling of embarrassment.  Something had to be changed.

I spent years yo-yoing and each time getting a little bit heavier, year after year. Completing Micah’s programs taught me how to take control of my training, nutrition, and supplementation so I was always improving and not yo-yoing in an unhealthy manner.

My heaviest weight was 239 pounds and my lightest was 166 pounds. But more importantly was the level of my body fat! I am not sure what my actual body fat percentage was when I weighed 239 lbs, but I am sure I was well over 30%, maybe even 40%! My wife and I started on the Inner Circle Plan and When I arrived at SoulFIT Mexico in May of 2024 I was a ripped 7.5% body fat. That means I lost 60-70 pounds of FAT! Without Micah’s coaching I would not have reached such an amazing fitness level!

Fit Couple

Fit Over 50 Couple


Micah has prepared a road map for me to meet and exceed my 2025 fitness goals. We are currently adding muscle to my frame in what is called a bulk. After 3 years of cutting away fat that has been an adjustment to mentally handle the additional calories and the small amount of body fat needed to add significant muscle to my body. Building Muscle After 50 is one of my overall fitness goal for 2025 and to compete in my first bodybuilding show in December of 2025.

Micah will be designing the routines to prepare me for that show in 12 months. We will have time to build and times to cut the fat. One benchmark will be SoulFIT Mexico 2025 at the end of May. My goal is to show up at that event at 5% body fat.

Hitch Fit Success Story

Micah LaCerte


Stretch goals are possible with Micah and Hitch Fit driving my training, nutrition, and supplementation. The work has to be done, and nothing is given, but having a plan, expert coaches, and following a plan will ensure my success.

I am ready to achieve in 2025. One saying I like to use is, “the death of great, is good enough”. I don’t want to be good enough. I want to be great! With a great physique! Teaming up with Hitch Fit is the best decision I have ever made.




Program Choice: Build Muscle


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