He's juiced but regardless he's working hard. Steroids aren't shit without a ton of hard work
That bullz jersey EATZ
More like “how I grew my nips to 20 inches+”
Homi has gyno tissue from high estrogen.
Arms day 2 days per week is bonkers lol
Thanks for the advice! Oh, whoops, you dropped this💉
Use me as a Dislike button 👎. Stupid influencers spreading stupid peice of shit information. Encouraging to do ego lifting by unnecessarily increasing weights.
You didn’t give one tip on how you grew your arms. Youre on copious amounts of tren
Nice gyno. How did you build that?
Why do people hate gear so much? Who’s fukin cares. You think you ain’t gotta out work a natty while you’re on gear? Lmao people act like you stick a needle in and then you just blow up. Smfh
You didn't lie, you arms are huge
Where’s the scene where you take a bunch of sarms and roids?
You look like an absolute tosser!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Its easy guys just follow these four steps
1- Eat Clen
2 – Tren hard
3 – Test yourself
4 – Anavar give up
Repent for The Kingdom of God is at hand
I was 6'6 247lbs at 23…arms 19" all natural, no drugs. Then was in a car accident that paralyzed me from the waist down. Now, 30 yrs later, still 16-17" with no training..just active lifestyle.
Do par shels
Most get to 18 maybe 19.Very rare to hit 20 with out help😂
Ridiculous. Tell us the real secret.
I actually believe this guy could be natty.
Now it's time to hammer out two leg days per week.
Those aren't 20
Notice the 2 arm concentric seated preacher curl. He doesn't even know how to work out properly.
Looking good but you need to focus on those legs👀
Most people aren’t on roids. And most people are looking to be fit, not have big arms that can’t do anything useful. Can those big arms help you swim, rock climb, run a half marathon? Or are they just big ass arms.
Steroids left the chat😂
I never saw 20” arms in your video
And the drugs … don't forget the drugs.
With how hard you train you cant possibly recover enough to fit in 2 arm days a week without performance enhancing drugs.. Also most your arm gains are gonna come from the compound lifts i thought this was common knowledge🤡
Dr mike would not agree..and he has a PHD..so, i go with his approach
what split then?
weird way to say juice
Uk and the steroid epidemic
So more weight ? Or lightweight and pump them ?
If you’re going people to overkill themselves with two arm workouts a week you must also tell them what steroid cycle to do. This way they can avoid the inevitable burnout they would suffer if, God forbid, they don’t juice!
Do you also have a tit day?
How do I get a good arm workout? This guy: “my advice is do a good arm workout” 👍🏽
Heavy preacher curl = bicep tear
Juice is the answer my guy. It's impossible for a natural lifter to add that many inches to their biceps.
He's juiced but regardless he's working hard. Steroids aren't shit without a ton of hard work
That bullz jersey EATZ
More like “how I grew my nips to 20 inches+”
Homi has gyno tissue from high estrogen.
Arms day 2 days per week is bonkers lol
Thanks for the advice! Oh, whoops, you dropped this💉
Use me as a Dislike button 👎.
Stupid influencers spreading stupid peice of shit information. Encouraging to do ego lifting by unnecessarily increasing weights.
You didn’t give one tip on how you grew your arms. Youre on copious amounts of tren
Nice gyno. How did you build that?
Why do people hate gear so much? Who’s fukin cares. You think you ain’t gotta out work a natty while you’re on gear? Lmao people act like you stick a needle in and then you just blow up. Smfh
You didn't lie, you arms are huge
Where’s the scene where you take a bunch of sarms and roids?
You look like an absolute tosser!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Its easy guys just follow these four steps
1- Eat Clen
2 – Tren hard
3 – Test yourself
4 – Anavar give up
Repent for The Kingdom of God is at hand
I was 6'6 247lbs at 23…arms 19" all natural, no drugs. Then was in a car accident that paralyzed me from the waist down. Now, 30 yrs later, still 16-17" with no training..just active lifestyle.
Do par shels
Most get to 18 maybe 19.Very rare to hit 20 with out help😂
Ridiculous. Tell us the real secret.
I actually believe this guy could be natty.
Now it's time to hammer out two leg days per week.
Those aren't 20
Notice the 2 arm concentric seated preacher curl. He doesn't even know how to work out properly.
Looking good but you need to focus on those legs👀
Most people aren’t on roids. And most people are looking to be fit, not have big arms that can’t do anything useful. Can those big arms help you swim, rock climb, run a half marathon? Or are they just big ass arms.
Steroids left the chat😂
I never saw 20” arms in your video
And the drugs … don't forget the drugs.
With how hard you train you cant possibly recover enough to fit in 2 arm days a week without performance enhancing drugs.. Also most your arm gains are gonna come from the compound lifts i thought this was common knowledge🤡
Dr mike would not agree..and he has a PHD..so, i go with his approach
what split then?
weird way to say juice
Uk and the steroid epidemic
So more weight ? Or lightweight and pump them ?
If you’re going people to overkill themselves with two arm workouts a week you must also tell them what steroid cycle to do. This way they can avoid the inevitable burnout they would suffer if, God forbid, they don’t juice!
Do you also have a tit day?
How do I get a good arm workout? This guy: “my advice is do a good arm workout” 👍🏽
Heavy preacher curl = bicep tear
Juice is the answer my guy. It's impossible for a natural lifter to add that many inches to their biceps.
Good job brother! Looking good!
How much mg? 😉
Those are 20”?