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Jake Luhrs Has Made Passion For Fitness and Mental Health His Business

Jake Luhrs Has Made Passion For Fitness and Mental Health His Business

Mirriam-Webster defines the word ”advocate” as “one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause or group.” That word and definition fits August Burns Red lead vocalist Jake Luhrs to a T. Luhrs has earned a lot of success in his 19 years performing in the popular metalcore band, but he does not measure his success by accolades or dollar amounts but rather by the difference he can make.

“I love the impact I get to make,” Luhrs said.

Luhrs realized what he wanted to do with his life when he went to a Strike Anywhere concert and met lead singer Thomas Barnett. Luhrs had nothing for him to get autograph on, so he asked him to sign his arm. Barnett obliged but then did something that took Luhrs by surprise.

“He gives me the Sharpie, and I look up at him, and he has his arm out. Then, he said, now you sign mine,” said Luhrs. “No one really recognized my presence like that before. So, for this guy to do that, who is a superhuman front man of a band, to say I matter as much, that was when I knew, I want to be like that.”

Luhrs wasted no time pursuing his goal by putting together multiple bands and learning his craft. His destiny was met when August Burns Red needed a vocalist in 2006, and he managed to take the spot.

“That was my opportunity.”

In the 19 years since, he has been able to tour the world, make music that reaches and appeals to many fans, and serve as a positive example for other kids to look up to, just as he looked up to Barnett all those years ago.

“I don’t have words to describe the journey,” he said with a laugh. “I’m very blessed and thankful. Our fanbase is insanely loyal to us, and to still do this today seems like a miracle.”

Jake Luhrs holding dumbbells
Jake Luhrs

Luhrs Opens YourLife Gym To Help Battle Suicide

Working out and training became far more than a hobby for Luhrs. He found fitness as a way to rebuild his life in 2015. Just like his passion for music, he wanted to find a way to be more involved in the fitness space, and that opportunity came when a local gym closed their doors during the early days of the pandemic.

“I saw that my community was just going down the drain,” he recalled. “Suicide skyrocketed during that time, and when I saw this and was not touring, obviously. I felt God was pushing me to do something. I had to go do this.”

Luhrs sought out advice from various friends, including Rob and Dana Linn Bailey and Andrew Hall from Arsenal Strength. He then made the leap and that facility is now known as YourLife Gym. Located in Lancaster, PA, Luhrs went all in with this endeavor by bringing in the best equipment he could find and creating an atmosphere that was welcoming and motivating for the members.

Luhrs remembers being a beginner himself a decade ago and wants to be the positive force at the beginning of someone else’s journey. He said proudly, “I feel like with beginners, there is an opportunity to really help keep them on a path and show them the right direction.”

Jake Luhrs holding a can of liquid death
Jake Luhrs

Jake Luhrs Finds His True Calling in HeartSupport

Luhrs other form of advocacy is for mental health. That passion was initiated close to the stage as well. He has been a part of many meet and greet events throughout his career, and he heard many stories about how the music has helped them deal with struggles or adversity in their lives. The brief connections would always end, but Luhrs understood that the troubles that he just heard about were far from over for those sharing their stories.

“I’m having real heavy conversations with these people, and they are important. Music gave me the gift to listen and speak to them about things they never told anyone else or very few people at the most. And I’m having these conversations every night in a different city.”

Luhrs wanted to do something more to help those in the music community and those that supported it. This led to the creation of HeartSupport, a nonprofit mental health organization and online community that provides mental health support for those in need. They provide support through content via a therapist on their YouTube channel and comments online as well as help provide connections to extra support to the people they serve. Luhrs is supported by donations, a staff and board of directors.

“We are having active conversations where they are. They don’t have to come to us, we are going to them. If you’re really going through something and don’t have a friend, you can apply for our Pure to Pure mentorship program for free for one year.”

Luhrs is a man of faith and feels his purpose is to serve and make the biggest difference he can. Whether it is on stage, in a gym, or through his work and leadership with HeartSupport, he intends to continue pursuing all the forms of advocacy he is involved with

because he understands that the difference he can make to the people he serves can extend to those that he may not directly reach. He is certain there is a kid out there somewhere that is in a similar place he was in the beginning of his journey, and he wants that kid to be ready to succeed as he has.

“We need that kid to carry the torch because I won’t be here forever. We need that next generation to add their flavor to it and make it special so it keeps living on.”

You can follow Luhrs on Instagram @jakeluhrsabr. For more information on HeartSupport, check out their website.

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