Do you know the difference between deadlifts and romanian deadlifts (RDL’s’)?
Many people are mixing things up.
💥 RDL’s are mainly targeting the hamstrings, glutes and the lower back.
• You should start with the barbell racked above the knees.
💥 The dl works the hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, quads, core muscles, the upper back muscles and the lower back.
• You should start with the barbell on the floor.
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Yet more leg work for women, I'm afraid their frail upper bodies may snap, I never see em doing bench curls triceps pull-ups etc
What are the benefits of doing both?
Thank you
It’s very useful…
How wide do you stand with you'r feet on RDL? Shoulder och hipp width
So the deadlift is a hinge, not a modified squat. Your RDL form should be essentially the same as your deadlift. Your deadlift uses way too much knee bend. You have perfect RDL form. That is your deadlift.
You have been doing such a good job for quite a while. Aren’t you glad & proud of all the hard work, diligence & eating right, for the long term, not giving up no matter what?😅
Why are u focusing quad while doing DL? I understand hip hinge, but during DL, i think the bar should be at mid-scap, but u are doing DL at top scapula
Love it…Deadlifts is more like an unfinished squat, while RDL’s is more of trying to sit down but changing your mind at the last minute.
Watched half a dozen videos and couldn't figure it out. This video is a gem. Thank you!!
sehr gut veranschaulicht!
With proper form, RDL stresses much on the hamstring while deadlift stresses much on the glutes and quads. If you feel you're not feeling it right on the muscle groups, you might want to check on your form again then correct it. Practising mind muscle connection is definitely helpful to feel the right muscles working out. Hope this helps!
This is the first video that made me properly understand the difference between these two techniques. Thank you!
When I romanian deadlift my lower back hurts, I take care of my core stability my position and where to focus but still I had back pain, what if I'm too short from above like the symetry between my upper and my lower is not proper.
~~Personal diary~~
This really helps!
Fart/Queef sounds
Nicely explained ❤
Great😍😍❤️🔥❤️🔥 If we do this movement without weight, will the hips be shaped?
I have been doing it wrong this whole time
Didn't even know there was a difference💀 Thanks!
Mention spéciale pour la musique ! Merci ❤
Name of the jam please? Ty
great video, you can see the diffrence
It a like traditional Deadlifts incorporate a squat and Romanian dont. Its just a hinge movement vs sitting down
If you look closely, she is doing a deadlift
Is one more glute focused vs. the other more hamstring focused?
Finally someone explains the difference! Thank you!
What’s the background song called?