These are the 3 core exercises you should be doing every day.
Enhance your movement and power with efficient core exercises! Discover the importance of tailored core exercises as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to engaging all the muscles surrounding your spine equally. Renowned spine expert, Dr. Stuart McGill, has identified “The Big 3” core exercises that efficiently target these areas while minimizing stress on injured or irritated back regions.
In this enlightening video, we’ll delve into these three key core exercises:
1) Curl-Up: Strengthen your core with controlled spinal flexion, engaging specific abdominal muscles.
2)Side Plank: Improve lateral stability and activate the muscles along the sides of your core.
3)Bird-Dog: Enhance spinal stability and coordination by challenging the muscles in your back and abdomen.
Join us as we demonstrate proper form, discuss variations, and provide valuable insights on incorporating “The Big 3” core exercises into your training regimen. Subscribe now to our channel for more expert guidance and training tips, empowering you to maximize strength and optimize your overall performance.
To learn more about the McGill Big 3, check out this blog:
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Thank you to Dr. Stuart McGill and his book ‘Back Mechanic’ where I first learned this information from. If you want to learn more from Dr. McGill be sure to check out https/
Big thanks to 3d4Medical and their app Complete Anatomy for the visual of the body today. If you would like to use their app at a discounted price, check out this link:
Music credits
Opening track by JookTheFirst: Soundcloud:
Background track: This track has been publicly released under a “Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.” The download link for this track is provided below the “Artist Credit Instructions.” Simply click the link to download the FREE MP3 from the official LAKEY INSPIRED SoundCloud page.
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Special thank you to Evan Pierson Productions for his help in making this video!
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How about a series about the orthodedic challenges of different professions to the body…or other activities like chopping wood or single buck..thanks
Awesome core stability exercises. I’ll do them every day during my workouts
What should/can I do if the curl up puts too much strain on my neck? (I get headaches when this kind of pressure happens..) is there a modifed curl up I could do, somehow? 😢
Should we hold our breath the entire 10 seconds while contracting our abs ?
Hi, thanks for your fantastic videos! Would dog bird exercise work on core strength in transverse plane? Or this exercise is more for back strength? Many thanks in advance!
tan kyou dr aaron.
Might be a silly question, but in the side plank, was there a bend at the hips? Or should it all be completely straight? The camera angle seemed to me there was a bend, especially with the knee variation. Just want to make sure I'm doing it right.
These exercises, yes!! I am so sore, in a good, but painful way.
I've struggled for the last several years. Did PT several times for hip and shoulder pain. I got involved in pilates about a year ago. It's been the biggest help. These specific exercises though 🔥.
I'm feeling like a whole person again, instead of being in pieces of pain.
Question. Why would the McGill curl up with extended leg be more efficient or Superior to traditional front plank? Thanks for taking the time.
Kocham cię bracie
Are these good for anterior pelvic tilt?
👋🏽 Hiiiiii, can you post a video on how to properly brace your core?
If I have a mobility or strength issue on one side, should I only do the exercises on that side? In some of your other videos, you suggest focusing solely on the affected side.
1. Should the shoulder blades lift off the floor in the curl up?
2. Should the hand grip be neutral in bird dog? And should the foot be in flex or pointed?
3. For side plank and bird dog, do you do 6 sets on each side or 3 sets on each side?
This is a great video! Birdogs should be really hard if you’re doing them right. Slowly with neutral spine is the key.
Thank you!!!! Every video is life saving info!!!
How do you breathe during bird dog if you are bracing the entire time?
love how the cameraman started drawing squares with you at 7:50… thanks for the video!!
Thank you
It'd be amazing to have a second video of this one that is a complete follow along 😁😁
I dont even have neck pain, but doing to first exersize seems to hurt the back of my neck no matter what i do. It's incredibly uncomfortable
I feel an improvement already only after a week. Thanks 🙏
best explain thanks a lot
In curl up you lift your chest slightly and head is straight and lifted as part of it you don't initiate with neck but with chest!.
That's great. These core exercises are better for my back than the ones I got off my physio. Thank you x
I dont feel my core muscles working on the first excercise. I don't know what I am doing wrong😢
Holy shit those bird dogs are no joke. I did the rest with ease but when it came to holding my core as hard as I could while having my leg and arm extended, I could barely do 4. Definitely going to work on these.
Holy shit those bird dogs are no joke. I did the rest with ease but when it came to holding my core as hard as I could while having my leg and arm extended, I could barely do 4. Definitely going to work on these.
Thanks. I will give it a try. My new chiropractor recommended this.