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In this episode, Farnham’s leading over-50’s physiotherapist, Will Harlow, reveals 5 of the worst exercises for people over 50 that have the potential to cause pain and injury!
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Hello everyone! I just produced a follow-up video to this one detailing 5 alternatives to the exercises I recommended to avoid. You can find it here: Enjoy!
Here's my advice. DON'T LIFT DEAD WEIGHTS OR ANY HEAVY WEIGHTS WHATSOEVER. Just use your own weight to do stretching exercises. That advice is for women too. Stop trying to be like 20 yr old men and stop lifting dead weights. Those are body killers. Plus, it's not substainable. You'll gain more weight and have body issues in the long run.
i practise sport since 5yo i have 50 now and , i have no limit, sorry 😢😢😢
Thanks for the pragmatic video
Great info, thanks for looking out for us.
Nobody should be doing these at any age tbh
Why do you use 50 as a benchmark? Shouldn’t these exercises be avoided with those rotator cuff or neck or lumbar issues? What are your better things?
These exercises are not good for anyone to start doing, not just 50 (which is young, 60s and 70s is a better range). I agree, there are much better alternatives.
Not good for ANY age.
I wouldn’t have done any of these 25 years ago! Might as well tell me not to do high jumps off my roof!
Give me a couch and a beer I guess
Upright row and the BTNP are two of the best exercises out there. Stop scaremongering and talking crap. Science has evolved beyond this lame excuse nowadays.
Wide grip upright row would be ok to do. Also, is better overall compared to close grip upright rows.
Crunches done properly isn't an issue. I do rack pulls for a lower back movement. Never have I done back extensions like this video. No one should be doing behind the neck presses. Unless to just above ear height. Any lower you are damaging your rotator cuffs. Only people that don't know how to workout do neck rolls. There is no need to do that.
I'm 51, btw.
Having clicked on this waiting to criticise the upload I can honestly say imo I think he's right. Iam 56 and had several injuries. These are definitely exercises that don't help me personally. Although everyone is different. But for me I agree with this guy.
Handsome fella 🥰🥰
I’m 63 and have done a lot of weight training when younger and the exercises you cover I didn’t like and avoided when even young…I found the exercises you coveted the most ineffective and most likely to cause injury even for young people. There are better alternatives in my more than 30 years of using weights. Great video.
Mr Physio, all i would say. When you turn 50+ and fit, you will delete this post. At 50+, I can perform all exercises much better than what you can do now.
Here is one video that most of us above 50 must see, particularly those who fake professional physio without knowing physiology at all. In Yoga classes I have seen it the trainer advising this to the trainees. All up-starts. Don'ts are more important than Dos. All these 5 exercises are most often done or tried or preferred by many under false impressions of better pay off, which is further from truth. Again, this is a very important video. 🎉
This guy is completely off the wall. What's he talking about? I'm 60 and I do all of these and it is perfectly fine. Always good to hear from someone just out of diapers telling older people what not to do… Joke.
@ht-physio Hey Will I do 2 minutes slow and steady, time under tension movements 3 sets. What do you think?
Hi Will….
I am 60+ I found this to be super helpful. Thanks so much!👌👍🙏
Too long((
The neck rotation warm up warning is probably why I've noticed a headache after the last few gym sessions. Cheers for that. I'll stick to pure movements from now.
gosh, we do all 5 at a fitness class-worrying!
Must ne horrible to have a job where you treat 50 year olds that are unfit anf get injured and i see it everyday day at the gym whi dont have a clue what they are doing
Thank you very much.
Very good video, so glas I found the channel. I am under 50, and the upright row gave a pinched nerve which took 6 months to solve + physio.
I do Pendlay-Row, Deadlift, Sure, Hanging Leg Raises and Overhead press with dumbless neutral grip.
Exercises are good.keep moving at our own speed and enjoy by feeling better.
Think I'll avoid all exercises. You can never be too safe.
Sorry, as a lifelong yoga teacher, I totally disagree.
Extensions done probably can save people's backs! You also can't generalise. If a 60yo is in good shape and has done those movements for years, they can be in better condition than 20yo!
Crunches are never great for any age.
I'm 80 and will now look forward to a new regime…….Thank you.
In my 70s and while I like doing some daily exercise, I agree with most of what's said here. My arthritis did worsen until I identified the cause – these and some other exercises which I ceased to do, to my benefit.
Hmm, im 53. I do workouts in binges. I get up to 1600 crunches a week. I also do pushups and leg lifts to 1600 a week. If you dont do anything, start with 5 each everydat for a week, add 5 the next week.
As people age, they often experience changes in joint mobility, muscle elasticity, and bone health. Certain exercises that may have been safe or effective in younger years can become risky for older adults, increasing the likelihood of strains, sprains, or joint problems.
Very informative video but it would be even more if you had shown us optional exercises for each of these five ones.
I'm totally agree, i hate all these 5 exsercises!😊 but i need to improve my shoulders. What i can do? I'm 65 and "notsofat".
You don't know what you're talking about when you do all these you build up muscle and strengthen bones. Especially muscle and strength around spine. And increase mobility. 50 is new 40.
I know people over 50 that do all of these things and they are in excellent shape. I call bs. 😂
As a 67 year old I do just fine with CrossFit 5 days a week, teach martial arts 3 days a week and spend weekends at the bike park on my mtb.Age is just a number. Cheers!
Thanks Will for your valuable advice…i am an active 61 year old woman but have some low back issues and tightness in my neck. I am also interested in what to avoid and what is good…that said im sure if i lived in sunnier climate my body would be A1! Thanks for your time and energy❤
OK so , alternatives?
I'm 58 doing jogging 2.4 km 5 times a week. 200 sit up, 60 push up and some others but still can't get that 6 pack i used to have in the early days.🤭🤭🤭 been doing it for a couple of year no results