The ONLY 5 Exercises You Need To Do AFTER Age 40

» The ONLY 5 Exercises You Need To Do AFTER Age 40

The ONLY 5 Exercises You Need To Do AFTER Age 40

Watch this video about Plank variations NEXT 👇

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  1. fun fact. horse stance is a staple precursor movements of performing "kung fu". kung fu, as I was taught, is not just a fighting or combat methodology, kung fu is also a technique to apply to every day actions. These actions range from sweeping with a broom, to types of breathing, painting with a paint brush, to dancing, to blocking a punch, to deliver a punch, etc… SOME OF THESE EXERCISES are performed in the kung fu as morning rituals in Chinese work society. MEANING, employers give their employers paid time on the clock to perform these exercises in GROUPS(i would not use any weights just use body weight). Together the group will learn innately to sync their work flows together without realizing it. Ask your manager at work that instead of a "MORNING MEETING" that you all perform these 5 exercises together. Once a week. In 6 months you will find employees who are doing this will be less prone to negative behavior and way more positive and productive AND LESS LIKELY TO BE INJURED AT DURING WORK. For those employees who cant perform, they could walk or stretch during this time. BUT MANAGEMENT, DO NOT MAKE THESE EXERCISES COMPULSORY. But still pay those who dont participant. within a few weeks they will eventually join the group of their own volition

  2. none of this matters if you eat fast food like a pig and drink beer like Norm from Cheers

  3. who in this clip is AFTER Age 40?

  4. My goodness this editing is annoying

  5. These, including horse stance, are all core teaching of many martial arts training. This is what we were taught as well, many decades ago in my tae kwon do classes.

  6. I do 100 squats, 80 sit-ups, 20 burpees, 40 "fentes" (in French, dontt know the name in English), and 20 crunches. Once or twice a week. Really helps a lot. I feel good.

  7. Horse Stance… Karate name : Kiba Dachi… Guess you discouver it 🙂

  8. Good data. 👍✌

  9. This is awesome let’s keep voting these people in! 🤡

  10. Are all videos sutaple for women?

  11. Bro Im watching the video already, stop with the guilt tripping FOMO.

  12. Plank? I never understood that one.
    20-30 seconds? I'm not sure you'd feel anything after 20-30 minutes.
    I must not be doing it right.

  13. This is great. Haven't seen this combo before. Will definitely be doing this workout.

  14. Thank you for the package ^^ Think I'm gonna start with these. Just one thing: noticed, you use quite lot of video material from fitness/calisthenics/primal move Youtubers, I think there is a copyright issue here.

  15. Do horse stance most days

  16. I broke both wrists last May and can't do many floor exercises. I miss yoga! Do you have suggestions to modify the push-up or planks?

  17. I do a horse stance but I don’t like to have my feet pointed out – I feel that it doesn’t support my knees – I have the sides of the feel parallel to each other. I hold it wider than my hips of course but not as wide as some of the Shaolin monks – guess could cube called post standing. I do that for 7 minutes. Before that I do the Xingyi Chuan San Ti Shi stance – 5 minutes on each side. So 17 minutes altogether. Do these early in the morning – starting between 4 and 6 am and follow that with a sitting meditation with sone forms of pranayama. Thanks for the video.

  18. and this is why people don't do the single leg romaniand deadlift correctly. instructions like these don't tell you to keep your hips level to the ground and not let the leg that's going up tilt your hips upward.

  19. Thanks for the Post


  20. Planks are absolutely useless. I can hold a plank indefinitely. It doesn't challenge the body and there are better options.

  21. Pushups caused a mild case of ulnar tunnel syndrome for me, that when away when I stopped. I read that it’s terrible to bend your wrists at that angle.

  22. The title is one that people could assume means these are the only movement you need. That's misleading. For vo2max you need to be doing moderate aerobic exercise as well, preferably several hours a week. Strength and aerobic capacity are partners. And who has NOT heard of the horse stance?

  23. So much bad information for non-athlete over 40's – Fail

  24. Kettlebell swings are horrible.

  25. When I plank my knees feel like they might blow out.

  26. Planks do nothing worthless video

  27. Thanks for this very helpful video. As an irregular trainer, what weight of kettlebell should I start with ?

  28. I have L4-L5-S1 herniated and cervical spondilytis can I do these exercises ? Also I have reduced knee space. My age is 54 years

  29. "Planking strengthens your abs and your core". Monkeys.

  30. what about running?you miss it

  31. The secret is taking our position IN Christ. Galatians 2:20. CONSISTENTLY dying to self, so He can live in and through you. The Holy Spirit does the work IN us. He empties us of self and fills us with Him. This is how we are meant to live. This is transformation and the renewing of our mind. He does the rewiring THROUGH His indwelling Spirit. It’s a posture we take. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with C-PTSD, bipolar, anxiety, depression, debilitating insomnia x 15 years, narcissistic abuse. Once I understood and went from living under the law to under grace, became a REBORN Christian, overtime ,I was set free. I took His Word that I am a NEW CREATION, IN HIM, the old has passed away. I didn’t need to heal the trauma, etc. I have been off ALL meds x 4 years and am walking in freedom, IN Him!!

  32. I'm a 54 year old PT. Keep things basic! Too often folks are dazzled by the latest and greatest. Start off with walking about an hour a day and then do "core" exercises like these. Drink more water, cut out processed foods. You'll see results and increase your healthspan.

  33. Open question: What is the best push up position/method if you can't bend your wrists? Thank you.

  34. I’m too old to do any of these.

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