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“WILLOW” by Sappheiros (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
I would also add some abs in there if your feeling strong but this is the best I've seen yet , I've been sayin this for years
I can't do pull ups what should i do?
Nothing like compounds, build bustle everywhere instead of isolations(for natural lifters)
Good and your body muscles can get too used to these, so changing it up is good alongside
Worst advice ever, very bad stimulus to fatigue ratio,
The first 2 years of my training that's all I did for 5×5 3 times a week and got my best muscle and strength gains ever
mad respect mario rios would love you
I would add hanging legs raises and cables crunches for abs
Does these also build biceps and triceps?
I would add these to just balance things out, dumbbell laterals, bicep Curls and Calf raises
Add the Hip thrust and plank.
Too mechanical.
I have a set of advisable dumbbells and an adjustable bench that I use at home, should I invest in a barbell setup instead? I’m an ectomorph btw (hardgainer).
I’m open to all opinions.
Replace dips with push ups and you’re golden
In what order do you do the exercises?
Calves are missing
Add in a rotational movent and you're golden. Really cant be stressed enough how important that is.
So should you do them in any particular order? Can it still be effective if you spread them out throughout the week, as long as you're doing proper sets?
Music name ?? Simply blowing.
Roast and dips I don't think so those are maintenance exercises
I do, squats, deadlift, pendlay rows, bench, oh press, dips, power cleans, and chins. All raw to maintain strength at 61yrs
Where is the bicep getting worked, do a chin-up instead of pull-up
I’m a big believer in compound exercises & practical strength, and I’ve always done 5 of 7 of the exercises in this video consistently for 40+yrs.
All of them are in my routine, except for deadlift
now that i found the exercise, what would be the routine?
Push up?