Best stretches and exercises for upper back pain
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We’ll be talking about these items in this video:
3 Upper Back Pain Exercises & Stretches:
– Neck Stretch
– Child Pose
– Plank
We will answer these questions in the long version of this title:
– What are the best stretches and exercises for upper back pain?
– What are the upper back pain exercises and stretches?
– Where is the upper back?
– What is upper back pain?
– What are the causes of upper back pain?
– What are the reasons for upper back pain?
– How to fix upper back pain?
– How to treat upper back pain?
– What are the best exercises for upper back pain?
– How to fix upper back pain at home?
– What are the best stretches for upper back pain?
– How to do child pose?
– What are the 5 upper back pain exercises and stretches?
– How to do neck stretch?
– How to do chest expansion?
– How to do the plank?
– What are the benefits of doing the plank?
– What is the plank?
– How to fix back pain?
Be sure to do these exercises at least 5 times per week to relieve upper back pain. These won’t take you time more than 10 minutes, but you will see the result after 45 days. While you are doing these exercises focus on relaxing your body, and please notice to release any tension in your spine and anywhere else you feel tightness. Do these stretches only to the degree that feels comfortable for you, do not push yourself beyond your limits, and discontinue any exercises that give you beyond mild discomfort and pain
Number Five
Neck Stretch
When you have upper back pain, your trapezius and scalene muscles are also engaged in this issue. So, this will cause neck pain and headache for you. The upper muscle in your neck which is on the back of your head will be so tightened if you have experienced pain in this area. With this stretch, you can make this muscle stronger. For doing this stretch, you should stand with your shoulders down and back. Gently pull your right ear toward your right shoulder, you can put your hand on your hand to give your neck more support.
Number Four
Child Pose
Child pose is best known for its impact on tension relief. It not only stretches your back, your neck, and your hips, but also releases tensions in your chest, spine, and shoulders which leads you to have a relaxed and flexible body. Allowing the forehead to rest on the ground has an effective impact on your blood flow which is really helpful for increasing your muscle power. Child pose has some variations, no matter which one you have chosen, all of them have these benefits. We will give you instructions for the most used one. Come to your mat, make your knees as wide as your mat, bend until your belly is between your thighs, and your forehead is on the ground. Place your arms straight forward on the side of your head with the palms facing the mat.
Number Three
Chest Expansion
This exercise has many different types, and all types will work on your upper back. It will make your upper back muscles stronger and more flexible on both sides, back and front. It also promotes the range of motion in the shoulders and chest. You can do this exercise while you are standing, and holding a Pilates band behind your back with both hands, stretch the band, and lift your chin up and look toward the ceiling. Hold the pose for 30 seconds each set, and having 3-5 sets is enough per day. You can also do this exercise at the gym with gym equipment. There is another type of this exercise that is helpful to shoulder pain.
Number Two
Maybe the simplest effective exercise ever is the plank. Your hand should be directly under your shoulder, toes on the ground, keep your tight and hold your body up for 20 seconds, and do it 2 times. If you shake, there’s nothing to worry about, this is the thing that happens for every beginner, so just keep going and burn your muscles. Core strength is incredibly important for the prevention of back pain, ensuring adequate posture, and also postural endurance. The plank is the perfect exercise for you to target the muscles of the core as well as the shoulder stabilizers.
Number One
Opposite arm and leg raise
This exercise, sometimes called the bird-dog pose in yoga, increases your abdominals and back muscles’ strength. Get on your hands and knees. Keep your back straight, with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees should be directly under your hips. Gently reach out with one arm while stretching the leg on its opposite side. Keep both straight and level. Hold for a few deep breaths, then smoothly lower your arm and leg to starting position.
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Upper Back Pain Exercises & Stretches #shorts