Can’t Wrap Your Head Around Pi? Here’s a Cool Visual to Help
Pi is an irrational number, and like some irrational people it just goes on and on. What is it with this crazy, crucial number? Source linkContinue Reading
Pi is an irrational number, and like some irrational people it just goes on and on. What is it with this crazy, crucial number? Source linkContinue Reading
If you took introductory physics, you learned about the “fundamental forces.” It goes something like this: All interactions are the result of one or more of five basic forces: strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravity, electric, and magnetic. “Doing physics,” then, means identifying the forces in play. There’s a problem, though,Continue Reading
Now the ball behaves more like you would expect. Its horizontal velocity decreases so that it falls behind the original car. But it’s still not going to hit your windshield. With air drag and loss of energy on impact with the ground, each bounce is a little lower than theContinue Reading
All the tech we rely on, from cars to smartphones, was engineered using physics. You don’t need to know the science to use these things. But a well-rounded human should understand at least some of the key concepts—along with some music, art, history, and economics. Robert Heinlein said it allContinue Reading
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