Wildfires Are One of Hurricane Helene’s Lasting Legacies

Dozens of other fires broke out in Georgia and western North Carolina, which were both hard-hit by Hurricane Helene. In some areas, the fallen trees can act as fuel and promote fire spread in the short and long term, according to Virginia Iglesias, who studies the effects of climate variabilityContinue Reading

Safeguarding Climate Action Amid Political Transitions in Asia  

The humanitarian and economic consequences of the climate crisis are especially pronounced in Asia – a region highly vulnerable to climate change and simultaneously grappling with economic pressures, security concerns, and geopolitical tensions. Climate action in many Asian nations remains heavily leadership-driven, making it particularly susceptible to disruption during politicalContinue Reading

India’s Nascent Blue Economy: Structural Constraints and Climate Change Challenges

India’s National Policy on the Blue Economy has been in the making since 2021, when a draft policy was launched. Since then, the government has made periodic claims of nearing the promulgation of a final policy. A host of factors, including bureaucratic inertia, the lack of multi-stakeholder engagement, and climateContinue Reading

One Photographer’s Quest to Redefine the Shark

I expected to meet a dreaded “man-eater,” but when I saw it, I realized that it was a defenseless animal, more afraid of me than I was of it. That moment aroused my curiosity, and I decided to learn more about sharks. I travelled to the island of Guadalupe offContinue Reading

'Really suffocating': Pakistan emerges from record smog season

PLEDGES FOR CLEAN AIR Efforts that tackle pollution’s effects, rather than its source, miss the point, said Ahmad Ali Gul at Lahore’s University of Management and Technology. “It’s like when you have a bathtub and it’s overflowing and it’s creating a huge mess, do you first grab a towel orContinue Reading

Can China’s Power Sector Walk the Tight-Rope Between Decarbonization and Market Liberalization?

On February 9, China’s National Development and Reform Commission and National Energy Agency jointly published a “Notice on Deepening Market-Based Reform of Renewable Energy On-Grid Tariffs to Promote High-Quality Renewable Energy Development.” Hereafter referred to as Document 136, this policy drastically changed the character of China’s power sector, advancing marketContinue Reading

The Biggest US Banks Have All Backed Out of a Commitment to Reach Net Zero

Danielle Fugere, president and chief counsel for the shareholder advocacy nonprofit As You Sow, said disclosure is a prerequisite for holding banks to their climate goals. ”We want to understand what it is they’re doing,” she said. Laws like California’s bring to light the financial instability wrought by fossil-fuel-driven climate changeContinue Reading