Can Matchmaking Platforms Save Us From Dating App Fatigue?

Unlike Singles Only Social Club, however, My TruBond is also an app (it’s free to sign up). Moss, who previously managed IT systems for various government agencies and private companies, says that the app is primarily designed for people to meet offline. There are no robust texting features, and theContinue Reading

In her 2012 book, Addiction by Design, anthropologist Natasha Dow Schüll lays out the different technological mechanisms casinos employ to keep people gambling. From the architecture of buildings and placement of ATMs to the design of casino carpets—all of it exemplifies strategic calculation. As a blurb for a gambling tradeContinue Reading

From Swipe to Sweat: How Athletic Clubs Replaced Dating Apps

Love Match “I’m open to playing doubles for life,” says Belinda Huang, a single twentysomething who enjoys the natural way relationships develop on the tennis court. She’s a member of TMAC, a club that hosts tennis matches and off-court social activities. Seeing the same faces week after week allows friendships,Continue Reading

Well, with one exception. I finally had to ask her to stop talking like a pirate. I couldn’t take it anymore. That, at least, was free. Courtesy of Megan Farokhmanesh Courtesy of Megan Farokhmanesh Pros: Frankie had a more natural way of speaking than the other bots. I could alsoContinue Reading

AI Will Save Dating Apps. Or Maybe Finally Kill Them

The last phase of the setup involved swiping left and right on stock images of people’s faces until the app, supposedly, figured out what profiles matched my true “#AttractionDNA.” Despite choosing men and women of various racial backgrounds during the swiping, most of the matches Iris connected me with wereContinue Reading