4 Core Exercises to AVOID with Bulging Discs!
To subscribe to 3-Tip Friday, Will’s free weekly email where he shares his best health tips, new videos and fascinating research, go here: https://info.ht-physio.co.uk/3tf To get a copy of Will’s new book, Thriving Beyond Fifty, you can find it on Amazon below: UK link: https://amzn.to/3mAISFv US link: https://amzn.to/3J1ACGi (Amazon AffiliateContinue Reading
Weight Loss Tips For Men Over 50
Weight loss tips for men over 50 As an over 50 man we have a lot of challenges that come with ageing. Our metabolism has started to slow down, we’ve lost some muscle mass and more than likely gained some body fat. And this doesn’t necessarily start at 50 forContinue Reading
Scoliosis Treatment Options for Adults Over 50
You can learn more about this topic here: Treatment Options For Scoliosis In Adults Over 50? Ready for a consultation or want more information? You can contact us here: Contact Us When patients think of scoliosis, they often think of it as an adolescent condition since it is most oftenContinue Reading
7 Foods that can raise estrogen levels in menopause and help you feel better.
This video covers 7 foods that can raise estrogen levels in menopause and help you feel better. If you are midway through perimenopause, in menopause or in post menopause and your estrogen levels are at an all time low, boosting them will help you feel more like yourself again. IfContinue Reading
How Many Sets To Build Muscle AFTER 50?
How Many Sets To Build Muscle?…https://www.liveanabolic.com A good question I get asked a lot is, how many sets do I need to do to build muscle? There are quite a few different things I want you to think about when deciding how many sets you should be doing for theContinue Reading
Improve Your Fortnite PING In JUST 1 Minute! (Get Lower Ping)
Improve Your Fortnite PING In JUST 1 Minute! (Get Lower Ping) In this video I quickly show you guys how to improve your ping in under 1 minute. That’s right, I go over a few things you can do in order to reduce your ping and get the best connectionContinue Reading
Best Tricep Exercises for Women with light dumbbells
This is one tricep exercise from one of my videos-there are several more that are really good for toning your arms. This is a called a tricep kickback or extension, and attention to form is very important. Notice I am not too bent over-I am just hinged forward slightly fromContinue Reading
Why You Should Eat More Protein In Your 50s For Weight Loss!
Aging bodies process protein less efficiently. So, if weight loss is one of your goals, or you just want to maintain your muscle mass, protein is KING. Even healthy 50+ peeps like us, need more protein than when we were younger to preserve muscle mass. Great sources of protein include:Continue Reading
FITNESS over 50 – Advice for the Maturing Athlete
Learn more about our Fitness Programs at https://lifeisaspecialoperation.com/fitness-programs/ You can be strong and healthy late into life… but you must be smart about it. Your body isn’t as forgiving at 50 as it was when you were 20. Have a healthy lifestyle with good hobbies, eat, sleep and rest well,Continue Reading