Pickers and Clusters: A Complex Array of Issues Confronts Uzbekistan’s Evolving Cotton Industry

Although Uzbekistan has effectively eliminated large-scale state-imposed forced labor in the cotton harvest, ongoing government influence over certain aspects of the country’s agricultural industry continues to generate exploitative conditions for farmers and pickers alike, the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights argued in a new report. The report, covering the 2024Continue Reading

The Taliban’s Struggle for Legitimacy

The ongoing power struggle between the Kandahari and Kabuli factions of the Taliban has garnered significant attention in post-Soviet media spaces. This internal conflict, which could potentially lead to a shift in Afghanistan’s leadership, reveals the complex dynamics at play within the organization.  Central to this struggle are the disagreementsContinue Reading

Why Is Prominent Uzbek Imam Mubashshir Ahmad Wanted by Authorities?

On February 19, news broke that Alisher Tursunov, widely known as Mubashshir Ahmad, was wanted by Uzbek law enforcement for allegedly establishing a banned organization (Article 244-2 of the Criminal Code, which pertains to “establishing, leading, or participating in religious extremist, separatist, fundamentalist, or other prohibited organizations.”) He is theContinue Reading

Uzbekistan’s Corruption Crackdown: Progress or Perpetual Crisis?

On February 11, Transparency International, a global non-governmental organization that works to combat corruption and promote transparency, released its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), revealing a decline for Uzbekistan – the first since 2012. The country’s score dropped from 33 out of 100 in 2023 to 32 in 2024, earningContinue Reading