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I watched an AI collar make a dog talk, and it was unreal



I watched an AI collar make a dog talk, and it was unreal

All of us talk to our pets, but what if our pets could talk back? That’s the premise of Personifi AI’s Shazam Band, a wearable that puts your pet’s mood, movements, and emotions into words. By using AI, it actually makes a two-sided conversation possible.

If all this sounds crazy, it’s only the beginning of what makes the Shazam Band one of the maddest pieces of tech we’ve seen in a while. And if I hadn’t actually seen it working, I doubt I’d believe it was real.

This is Shazam, an AI pet collar

A dog wearing the Personifi AI Shazam Band.
Personifi AI

Shazam (no, not that one) comes in two sizes, one for a dog and one suitable for cats, and is worn like a collar. It contains various sensors, including a 6-axis gyroscope, GPS, temperature sensor, speaker, and microphone. There’s a battery inside that lasts for several weeks on a charge and another battery in the box, so you can always have one charged up and ready to go. It uses AI to interpret your pet’s movements and actions and the tone you use when speaking to it to create verbal responses that reflect your pet’s intentions, thoughts, and personality.

I know. It sounds either staggeringly stupid or like the best thing ever, depending on your level of pet obsession. But stay with me, as it’s way better thought out than you may expect.

Wondering how Shazam interprets what your pet is thinking accurately enough to put it all into words that match your pet’s personality? The company has teamed up with Matt Beisner, a dog trainer best known for the Dog: Impossible show on Disney+, to train the AI, along with social media voice-over sensation Bobby Johnson, also known as “The RxckStxr,” and voice actor Jorjeana Marie.


Another key member of the team is Roscoe, Personifi AI’s founder and CEO John McHale’s dog. Roscoe is one of several hundred animals that have already been training the AI. Over a short Zoom video call ahead of the announcement, I saw Roscoe interact with McHale and other members of the team through Shazam. Not just tail-wagging, bouncing-up-and-down interaction, but verbal interaction. No, I haven’t gone crazy; it’s as barking mad as it sounds.

One of the strangest tech demos I’ve seen

A dog wearing the Personifi AI Shazam Band.
Personifi AI

When I spoke to McHale, it was early morning at their offices, and Roscoe had not been fed or walked and was apparently a little grumpy at being woken up. We laughed at the prospect of running a tech demo using an animal, a wearable, and an AI system interpreting its actions and operating in real time and how it was a recipe for things to go wrong. In reality, the next few moments were an eye-opening glimpse of a Dr. Doolittle-style future.

Roscoe was asked if he wanted to go for a walk and chase squirrels, as well as if he had been fed yet, all spoken in that usual rhetorical way we speak to pets. Except through Shazam, Roscoe replied. Not in that if-you-listen-hard-I-think-he-said-sausages way, but actually talked.

Well, Roscoe didn’t talk, but the words came from the speaker on the Shazam wearable and in a voice that brought out Roscoe’s lackadaisical personality. Yes, he was hungry, the squirrels were likely to get chased, and he was frustrated that none of these things had happened. The voice and style will be familiar to anyone who watches Bobby Johnson’s voice-over comedy skits.

No, I haven’t gone crazy; it’s as barking mad as it sounds.


It was one of the most bizarre tech demos I’ve seen, and I smiled and laughed throughout, my mind flip-flopping between childish joy and complete bewilderment. You won’t be discussing Tolstoy with your Shazam-wearing pet, but you will see a new side to its personality.

However, there’s the potential for a more serious use case too. McHale explained that he got the idea after Roscoe had been bitten by a snake and managed to hide the problem, but was clearly not himself. Roscoe eventually underwent several serious surgeries and survived, but if he had been able to say he’d been bitten by a snake, then things could have been taken care of far sooner.

Does it turn your pet into an AI chatbot?

A dog wearing the Personifi AI Shazam Band.
Personifi AI

Even with Shazam, Roscoe is unlikely to have been able to articulate he’d been bitten by a snake, but he may have been able to vocalize that he wasn’t well in a way we could quickly understand and act upon. Any resulting vet visit would have been memorable, too, that’s for sure.

Shazam may also be able to help your pet vocalize concern for you, bringing further emotional support to the moment when they come over and check in, as they seemingly understand that you’re sad, unwell, or in need of a furry hug.

Because Shazam is AI-driven and always learning, it’s not like getting a series of canned responses that approximate emotion. It’s more like an AI chatbot, but rather than being a voice from an empty vessel, Shazam takes real emotions and your pet’s personality, or the personality you give it, and blends them into a voice, so it shouldn’t come across as something it’s not or a completely artificial fabrication. Shazam has a choice of 27 characters, each with its distinct persona and tone ranging from a witty Southern belle to a fast-talking mafia boss, plus the ability to further craft individual personality traits through the app. Several voices are available in both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese as well.


The app also shows activity tracking data from the Shazam collar, and the built-in GPS keeps track of your pet, plus it has a geofencing feature to encourage it to stay within certain set boundaries. It does so by verbally telling the pet through the speaker that it’s going where it shouldn’t, as if it were its own subconscious, which should confuse the neighbors. You set a single voice as the primary caregiver and can program other secondary voices as well, to both add safety and keep things simple for the pet.

Giving your pet a voice isn’t cheap

Putting words in your pet’s mouth is not going to be cheap. The Shazam wearable is $495 for the small version and $595 for the large version, and this includes one voice option and access to the app for a year. If you want to change voices, it’s $99 each time, and there’s a $295 subscription for every year after the first. Preorders begin on October 25, and orders will ship in February 2025.

Only you know if it’s worth it

A dog wearing the Personifi AI Shazam Band.
Personifi AI

We already recognize and try to understand our pet’s personalities and emotions. Shazam takes it to the next level by vocalizing those emotions in a language we understand. When you see it in action for the first time, it may look and sound a bit silly, but after a few moments, you will understand how much fun could be had with it and even how it could help keep your pet safe and healthy, too. How long that fun will last after the novelty has worn off is the big question. There’s also the considerable expense to find out.

Shazam is such a crazy product that you’re either going to walk away after seeing it, desperate to put in your order, or think it’s one of the most ridiculous things ever made. The voices and characters created by Personifi AI won’t be for everyone either, and the ones I heard went hard on their chosen hook — the superhero character was like an even more hyped-up Buzz Lightyear, for example. I imagine they could get quite grating. Though, if you don’t want Shazam/your pet to interrupt you, it’s as simple as saying “quiet,” just as you would normally do.

Every owner has wondered what their pet would say if it could talk, and Shazam does make it possible to somewhat answer that question. As to whether it works in the real world and outside the confines of a very short demo remains to be seen, but I came away from seeing Shazam in action thinking that there are going to be a lot of crazy cat and dog people out there who will lap this insane piece of tech up, no matter the cost.


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Samsung’s patent hints at an innovative wearable projector technology



Samsung's patent hints at an innovative wearable projector technology

Samsung has been a top player in the wearable market for a long time now. Initially, the South Korean tech giant started offering earbuds and smartwatches. The company has recently expanded its footprints in the wearable tech market with the launch of Galaxy Ring. Now, it seems Samsung wants to further expand its smart wearable portfolio by adding a wearable projector to it.

Samsung’s latest patent reveals an innovative wearable projector technology

Today, folks over at 91Mobiles spotted a patent from Samsung that includes details about a new device that appears to be a wearable projector. Samsung’s patent reveals that the alleged wearable projector will use the “beam image output” technology. The diagrams shown in the patent indicate that the device can project images from smartphones or other electronic gadgets.

Notably, Samsung has utilized special technology to make it stand out against regular projectors. The device appears to have a unique way of modulating the beam. The innovative way is likely to ensure the quality and accuracy of the projected image irrespective of the surface. In the attached image, the device projects the image of the keyboard when a user places a hand on the tabletop.

Besides, when a user’s palm is facing toward their face, the patented device projects the smartphone’s display. These projection angles and positions are possible because Samsung has included a gimbal inside the wearable projector. It is also possible that these features will contribute to enhancing the brightness, clarity, and size of the projected image.


There’s no surety if the company will ever launch a device using such tech

To catch you up, Samsung introduced a smartphone back in 2010 called Galaxy Beam i8530 that came with a built-in projector allowing users to project photos, videos, and other content to nearby surfaces. Additionally, the company unveiled a portable projector last year that could be ideal for gamers.

So, it is safe to say that Samsung is playing around with a new form factor and could market the new device in the wearable segment. Remember, many companies patent technologies they are working with. However, not all of them are made available for the end user. Therefore, we are still unsure if the device will ever become a reality.

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FCC launches a formal inquiry into why broadband data caps are terrible



FCC launches a formal inquiry into why broadband data caps are terrible

The Federal Communications Commission that it will open a renewed investigation into broadband data caps and how they impact both consumer experience and company competition. The FCC is soliciting from consumers about their experiences with capped broadband service. The agency also opened a formal to collect public comment that will further inform its actions around broadband data caps.

“Restricting consumers’ data can cut off small businesses from their customers, slap fees on low-income families and prevent people with disabilities from using the tools they rely on to communicate,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said. “As the nation’s leading agency on communications, it’s our duty to dig deeper into these practices and make sure that consumers are put first.”

This topic has been a hot one of late, and the FCC launched another about the practice of capping Internet access last year. In April 2024, the agency successfully required that ISPs offer clear on their service plans, detailing additional fees, discounts, and upload and download speeds. Data caps could also come under additional fire as the FCC attempts to , which classify broadband as an essential service. Returning net neutrality has not been a simple journey, however, as the agency faces from broadband providers.

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The one question you need to ask ChatGPT right now



The one question you need to ask ChatGPT right now

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Do you use ChatGPT regularly? Do you have the “memory” feature turned on — which allows the chatbot from OpenAI to recall important information about you and your preferences?

If so, navigate over to it when you have a free moment and enter in the following question:

“From all of our interactions what is one thing that you can tell me about myself that I may not know about myself?”


The question was proposed and suggested first on the social network X by Tom Morgan, founder of The Leading Edge newsletter and former director of client communications and marketing at Sapient Capital wealth management.

The answers ChatGPT provides in response to this prompt may surprise and even move you in their insight into your character and work style. Presumably, it could work with other AI chatbots and assistants with persistent memory, such as Anthropic’s Claude Sonnet 3.5.

For example, here’s what it responded when I asked it this very question (using the GPT-4o model, the default paid one).

Other users have reported similarly, moving, insightful responses.

Even OpenAI co-founder and CEO Sam Altman remarked on the trend on his account on X, stating “love this” and quote posting Morgan’s original post.

Yet others, such as AI researcher and expert Simon Willison, disagree that the trend reveals anything particularly insightful about the user. Posting on X as well, Willison likened the responses to a “horoscope generator.”

However, I disagree with this take as at least in my case — and presumably for all those who have ChaGPT’s memory feature enabled (read how to turn it on here) — the chatbot is taking into account whatever is stored in its memory to answer you, and even if it does not derive insights from every single interaction you have with it, it clearly knows information about you that it can use to attempt some sort of value-judgement and introspective answer (as evidenced by the fact that my response noted I was a journalist).

Still others have posted variations on the original question proposed by Morgan, noting the curious user would do well to check out the variation in responses by switching the underlying model powering ChatGPT from the default GPT-4o or 4o mini to OpenAI’s new o1 preview reasoning model.


Others have altered the prompt to receive brutal criticism and honesty.

And still others have completely other ideas for questions you could ask the chatbot, such as requesting it “roast” you in the style of a Comedy Central special.

Regardless of which style question you decide to ask ChatGPT, or any AI chatbot for that matter, regular users might find it interesting, amusing, and potentially revealing to learn what the chatbot says it knows about you — and more importantly, it may inspire you to think differently about yourself today.

Altogether, the interest in using AI models to find out more about ourselves and our own habits reveals how much potential they have, far beyond simply assisting with work or school assignments. Indeed, as the generative AI era approaches its 2nd year anniversary (since the November 2022 launch of ChatGPT), this question and the others like it show just how much AI has become embedded into the fabric of our lives and society, and how the more we use it, the more interesting new uses for it people find.

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Inversion Space gets reentry license for orbital cargo delivery capsule demo



Inversion's Ray pathfinder capsule

Inversion Space has become the third company to receive a spacecraft reentry license from the Federal Aviation Administration, paving the way for the startup to launch and return its tech pathfinder mission for orbital delivery later this year. 

The three-year-old startup has ambitions of transforming space into a new “transportation layer for Earth” using ultra-fast, on-demand cargo deliveries to anywhere on Earth from orbit. The Ray vehicle is the first hardware Inversion will be sending to space. Mounted on an oven-sized bus, the actual Ray capsule is only about twice the size of a Frisbee — much smaller than the company’s full-scale spacecraft. But the mission will still put much of the final tech to the test. 

According to a draft environmental assessment (EA) of Inversion’s plans released by the FAA in May, the aluminum Ray capsule “contains and is intended to test and demonstrate many of Inversion’s custom developed systems that allow for a decreased cost and increased cadence of reentry space capsules.”  

The FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation issued the vehicle operator license for Inversion’s Ray under new Part 450 regulations designed to modernize spacecraft licensing. It joins SpaceX and Varda on the short list of operators with approval to reenter spacecraft, though only Varda was also approved under Part 450 regs. The new regulatory framework was finalized in 2020 to streamline the licensing process for satellite and rocket operators, though there have been a fair number of critics that question whether Part 450 has achieved that goal. The licensing process for Inversion’s Ray took 18 months, a spokesperson said.


The new license gives Inversion a green light to return the Ray capsule back to Earth for a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. Ray, which will launch on SpaceX’s Transport-12 rideshare mission (likely sometime this month), will spend between one to five weeks in space, Inversion CEO Justin Fiaschetti said in a previous interview with TechCrunch

The reentry would occur in two stages, the EA says: First, the capsule would deploy a drogue parachute when Ray is traveling at around Mach 2 and help the capsule decelerate from supersonic speed. When the capsule is around 6,000 feet above sea level, the main parachute will deploy, and the capsule will slow to 15.5 miles per hour to splash down. 

The craft will then activate a recovery buoy that will broadcast the capsule’s location to Inversion’s mission control center, and a team will go recover the 41-pound capsule from the water. 

Following the Ray demonstration missions, Inversion plans to introduce a larger vehicle named Arc and launch that as early as 2026, though this will require a separate license. 


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Threads can now show you when people in your feed are online



Threads can now show you when people in your feed are online

Meta is adding an “activity status” to Threads so that you can see who’s actively online as you’re scrolling your feed. In a post, Threads boss Adam Mosseri pitches it as a “way to help you find others to engage with in real-time.” The activity status will show up next to your profile picture in the feed and on your profile, based on screenshots Mosseri shared.

Fortunately, if you don’t want people to know when you’re online, you don’t have to share that. “Only people who have activity status turned on will be able to see when you’re online, and you can turn this off within your settings at any time,” Mosseri says.

I can’t currently find how to turn on the feature. It might be user error, but I’m guessing it just hasn’t rolled out to me yet. Even when I get it, I’ll probably be keeping it off.

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I’ve seen the new AI collar that lets your dog talk, and it’s as wild as it sounds



Shazam band worn by a dog.

The Shazam Band is a new AI-powered collar containing speakers and sensors that lets your pet talk to you, just like the dogs in the Pixar movie UP can. Once your pet is wearing the band you can have a conversation with it, and the band emits a human voice in response to your questions.

You can also use the Shazam Band to track your pet if they wander off, and it will alert you via text message if they get into danger, say from other animals or traffic, or if they got left behind somewhere. You can find them using the Shazam app and the GPS inside the band.

A real life UP

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