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Should smartphones be banned for under 16s?



Should smartphones be banned for under 16s?
BBC Two children talking into tin cans. The children have a grey filter and the background is green and red circles. BBC

Smartphones have worked their way deep into our lives and have become indispensable for work and socialising.

Unsurprisingly, many children want them too, but here we are much less sure of the benefits they bring. Many parents worry they are addictive and expose children to inappropriate and harmful content. A growing number think stronger restrictions are needed.

Others suggest some of the risks are overblown. They argue phones provide good opportunities for child development, including socialising, and that the evidence of harm is neither as convincing nor as conclusive as critics suggest.

I hosted a debate on WhatsApp between an academic and a campaigner, focusing on whether there’s a case to be made for stronger restrictions on children’s use of smartphones. What follows is an edited version of their conversation.

Meet the participants

A graphic that introduces the two participants. Daisy Greenwell, Co-founder of Smartphone Free Childhood, a campaign group and Sonia Livingstone, Professor at LSE who leads the university's research centre for children's digital rights.

To ban or not to ban?

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Daisy Greenwell from Smartphone Free Childhood, a grassroots campaign group against big tech, let’s start with you.

What kind of ban or restrictions do you want and why?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

Hi Chris.

Firstly, we think banning is unhelpful framing. We’re not calling for an outright ban on smartphones.

Parents have been put in an impossible position by the tech companies – we either give our kids access to a harmful product (ie a smartphone with unrestricted access to the internet and social media) or go against the cultural grain and risk alienating them from their peer group.

Governments need to do better to help parents and protect young people.


Put simply, we believe that until tech companies can prove that their products are safe for children, children shouldn’t have unrestricted access to them.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

What restrictions would you like to see?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

We believe there should be default age-appropriate set up of smartphones. Age-verification technology exists – how can it be implemented at a device and content level to ensure children can only access services that are appropriate for them?

Despite the 13+ minimum age requirement for social media, 51% of British children under 13 use it. They should not be on these platforms as they are not safe, so we need to find a way of enforcing that as soon as possible.

We also believe the government should implement a mandatory ban on smartphones in schools, given that only 11% of schools currently have an effective ban, and all the the research proves that they are hugely disruptive for learning, behaviour and lead to serious safeguarding issues.

A beige box that reads InDepth context as the title. The body text is as follows: 

"11% of secondary schools either don't allow phones in school or insist they are locked up during the school day, a survey by Policy Exchange, a leading think tank, has found. This is called an "effective ban".

52% ban any use of phones including at breaks and lunchtime, but pupils are allowed to keep their phones in their bags.

36% of schools surveyed had a partial ban, with phones banned in some contexts but allowed at other times, such as at break or lunch."
An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Sonia Livingstone, you’re a social psychologist specialising in how tech affects children’s lives. Does the evidence support what Daisy is saying about the risks?

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

Hi Daisy.

I think there are several points we could agree on, especially about avoiding the word ‘ban’…


Some points are trickier, though, including the application of age assurance, which is important for high-risk services but care is needed as it has privacy implications for the entire population.

On the question of evidence, it’s a mixed picture. There’s a little evidence supporting restrictions on smartphones in schools. For the rest of children’s lives, we need to consider the positives as well as the negatives of phone use.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

Of course I agree and am aware of potential positives of smartphones for children. Wouldn’t it be great if all children could benefit from the upsides of this technology without any of the harms?

Unfortunately we’re a million miles away from that utopia at the moment.

That’s why something needs to change urgently.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Sonia, do you think it’s a mistake for schools to introduce bans?

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

We’re just reviewing the research now. It’s pretty clear that parents, teachers and students would like clear and effective restrictions on use of phones in class.

The trouble is that we have had a policy of ‘bring your own device’ and of incorporating digital technologies into the classroom for educational purposes.

So I suggest it’s time to review our edtech policy more broadly. This hasn’t been updated since the pandemic, and is currently benefiting big tech and data brokers more than children, according to the evidence.

When we consult children, they agree with some of the risks and problems that Daisy points to.

But they also value their phones, precisely as a way of staying in touch with friends… Our society has cut many of the ways in which children have long been able to play or socialise outside the home.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

The network effects of this technology and the sophistication of their addictive design means parents and young people are fighting an impossible battle.

Who should regulate children’s mobile phone use?

A bar graph showing the percentage of five-to-seven-year-olds using social media and how it has risen in one year. The dates included are 2022 and 2023. Overall, the jump was 30% to 38%. For WhatsApp it was 29% to 37%. TikTok it was 25% to 30% and Instagram it was 14% to 22%.
An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Daisy – it’s hard for a child to buy a phone, and if they have one it’s probably come from mum or dad. Why not just leave it to parents to decide?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

It’s totally unfair to put the onus on the parents.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

I agree that the burden should be shifted to companies. Not only are they amplifying the harms, but also they refuse to provide more age-appropriate services and a wider diversity of products.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Sonia – are the risks as grave as Daisy suggests? Does the evidence support that?

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

There’s a case to be made for both risks and benefits; and both appear to be greater for more vulnerable children.

So yes, children need better protections, for sure, and yes, the present situation is problematic for many and dangerous for some.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

The entire business model of social media giants is predicated on harvesting as much attention as possible. Smartphones and addictive social media apps have lured children away from the activities that are indispensable to healthy development – outdoor play, face-to-face conversations, sleep.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

The question is how to achieve the balance that the public wants between regulation vs education, individual choice vs limits for all.

If we ask: are smartphones bad for children, the evidence suggests yes in some ways, no in others, and it depends on the child and the circumstances.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

Yes it’s complicated. You can always find two sides to any academic debate, but we think we need to take a step back and question the societal norm, which is to give children smartphones when they’re younger and younger… Do they need them?

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

Now it sounds like you are putting the blame on parents, Daisy?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

No – we’re saying this is a huge societal issue that needs imagination and bold action.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

Moreover, if we ask what the causes of child wellbeing or poor mental health are, technology use is one among many factors – let’s start with poverty, family stress, lack of play and community resource, anxiety about the future…

Are children addicted to smartphones?

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Sonia – some researchers have disputed the idea that they are addictive, is there good scientific evidence of that?

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

I think Daisy has in mind the dark patterns and attention-grabbing incentives built into social media and game design; these certainly have adverse effects.

Clinicians are just careful about ‘addiction’ because alcoholism, drug addiction etc are rather different.

Still, they agree that some 1-3% of the child population meets the threshold for clinical addiction to tech.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

What about behavioural addiction?

We all know what addiction to our smartphones feels like… it seems ludicrous to question whether they’re addictive or suggest only 1-3% are.

We know that children are spending four to nine-plus hours a day on these devices.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

I’m trying not to be ludicrous, and am happy to offer citations to clinical research.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Daisy – what needs to change, would you increase the age limits on social media for example?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

We believe that until social media platforms can prove they are safe for children, children shouldn’t be on them. We’re very interested in what the Australian government is exploring.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

All interesting proposals, and as ever, the devil is in the detail. Three questions from me:

1. Is the British public ready for mandatory age verification? They will have to get used to giving up their personal information to companies. Can we trust those companies with such sensitive information?

2. Yes, let’s enforce age limits. But first, let’s debate the right one – 13 is pretty much an accident of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, not a thought-through child-protection policy.

A beige box with the words "Daisy Greenwell is typing..." inside.

3. How safe should platforms be? As safe as roads? Or swimming pools? And how can we balance risks with opportunities?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

On your first question, the public is crying out for something to change. It’s not up to us to figure out the workings of age-verification technology, but we shouldn’t give up because it’s complicated.

To your second question, totally agree, we don’t think 13 is the right age – it’s based on 25-year-old US data law, not child wellbeing – but it is the age at the moment so it should be enforced.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

Yes, the public wants change, and rightly so. But sadly, unless we can propose workable solutions, we may find our calls unheeded.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

This sounds defeatist – it shouldn’t be on parents to come up with all the policy solutions in what is an incredibly complicated space.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

I don’t think it is all on parents. Academics, regulators, civil society, children’s charities, lawyers and technologists are all actively seeking ways forward.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

How young is too young to be on social media, Sonia?

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

I’m afraid I consider that the wrong question. We may need another debate.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

Why? It seems a question that nobody wants to answer

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

OK, let me give it a try.

1. The right age for one child is not right for another.


2. It depends what the child wants to do online.

3. It depends if the child is vulnerable or supported.

4. It depends what digital product or service you are talking about.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

Would you apply the same logic to the age of consent?!

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

That’s yet another debate – am not refusing to answer, but it will take time. Perhaps you have quick answers to big problems, but I like to weigh the evidence.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Daisy – what about Sonia’s third question. We do let children take risks where we think there are rewards too in sport etc.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

It’s interesting framing – it certainly shouldn’t be driving kids to suicide, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, etc.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

Do children benefit from having smartphones?

A bar chart showing the results of a survey about when children receive a smartphone. It says most children have a smartphone by the age 10.
An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

Do you accept, Daisy, that there are benefits to owning these devices and is it right to cut children off from those benefits that adults enjoy?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

The upsides of technology are clear… Smartphones are incredibly useful. We carry around all-powerful supercomputers in our pockets that know everything and are connected to everyone, everywhere… They’ve transformed the way we live.

But at what cost? We need to question the assumption that all technological advancement is social progress.


Kids don’t actually need to be connected to the internet 24/7. They don’t need phones for work or to organise diaries etc.

A brick phone can keep them connected to family and friends.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

But don’t children need to learn how to use these tools that many adults find essential?

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

A five-year-old can learn how to use Instagram in about four minutes – that’s really not a valid argument.

Do children need to learn how to have sex before they’re 16, or drive before they’re 17? Both things that will be important to their adult lives.

A beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone is typing..."

Also we aren’t saying don’t use tech – just don’t have unrestricted access to the internet in your pocket 24/7.

An image of Sonia Livingstone in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Sonia Livingstone"

The thing is, society has involved the internet – typically accessed via a smartphone – in most domains…

So it’s hard to know where to start. One place might be the recent Good Childhood Report. It gives a decent measure of what’s going wrong.

An image of Daisy Greenwell in a red circle to the left. The face is next to a beige box that reads "Daisy Greenwell"

Why shouldn’t children have healthy, intentional, non-addictive relationships with technology that enhances their lives?

We would say the solution starts with people power, not more academic quarrels.

An image of BBC reporter Chris Vallance in a red circle on the right. The face is next to a grey box that reads "Chris Vallance"

We’re going to wrap up now. Thank you both – it’s been a lively debate.

A beige banner with Chris Vallance's profile and a series of red and green dots. The banner reads "Key takeaways from Chris Vallance".

This debate has demonstrated that even people who agree that tech firms need to do more can disagree passionately over how far we should restrict children’s smartphone use.

The UK government says it has no plans to introduce a smartphone ban for under 16s, and there may be no consensus over how much change is needed, but change is happening nonetheless: tech firms are rolling out new child-safety features, schools are adopting new policies and the technology itself continues to evolve, creating more opportunities and risks.

Disagreement over how we keep children safe online will likely be with us for some time.

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Why I Bought Two 6U Wall Mount Network Racks!

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TORRAS Ostand Spin flagship iPhone 16 case hands on, more



TORRAS Ostand Spin flagship iPhone 16 case hands on, more

While we have featured TORRAS quite a bit here at Digital Trends, including the brand’s latest iPhone 16 cases, we’re doing something a little different this time around. We’ve had the opportunity to both unbox and get our hands on the TORRAS Ostand Spin for the iPhone 16 and we’re here to share a little about the experience. Our mobile editors did the unboxing and took some fantastic shots. We’ll also take a closer look at some of the case’s best features, and how they enhance the average iPhone 16 experience.

An elegant design: Make Your Stand

TORRAS Ostand Spin iPhone 16 series cases Make Your Stand slogan
Joe Maring / Digital Trends

It’s a point we tend to harp on a lot, but it makes sense. Your new iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, or iPhone 16 Pro, whatever the model, features an exquisite design. It’s a shame to cover that up with something bulky for the sake of improving durability. The TORRAS iPhone 16 series cases are designed with that same mindset, evoking true elegance and bravado. Starting with the curved back and rounded corners they recreate the sleek aesthetic of Apple’s design. Not only that, they have an anti-slip texture that’s skin-friendly and allows for a more secure grip — you’re less likely to drop your phone.

The cases don’t add much bulk to your device either. The contours match your device, on top of providing a host of features to enhance your experience. TORRAS set out to provide cases that help “make your iPhone live longer,” and it’s clear they’ve succeeded.

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Take a look for yourself

Here are some of the great photos the editing team captured of the TORRAS Ostand Spin unboxing and hands-on:


As you can see, there are three color options across the TORRAS iPhone 16 series cases, and the darker color Dune fits perfectly with this year’s new color for iPhones — Desert Titanium.

How do they improve the iPhone 16 experience?

TORRAS Ostand Spin on iphone 16
Joe Maring / Digital Trends

The most prominent feature is the flip-out magnetic ring design on the back, which TORRAS is a pioneer of. Replacing those stick-on and auxiliary pop rings, this one is built directly into the case. It flips out, with a 360-degree spinning function — to adjust to multiple usage scenarios — and also doubles as a stand. That way, if you’re at a restaurant, or doing something in the kitchen, or just want your hands free you can prop up your phone easily.

Some other things you can do with the ring include:

  • Clipping it to the screen on your computer as a second display or for use as an impromptu webcam.
  • Setting the phone up for still photography, selfie shoots, or other lifestyle shots.
  • Standing up your phone as a reference display while working out or cooking, allowing you to follow along with guides while keeping your hands free.
  • Place it on a nightstand or nearby table while in bed to watch media, browse TikTok, and other content.

Beyond the built-in ring stand, the TORRAS OStand Spin also has a MagSafe-ready magnet. It offers double the strength of a regular MagSafe magnet, per TORRAS’ claims. That allows you to connect your iPhone 16 with MagSafe accessories and Qi2 wireless chargers without added hassle, even with the case on. Pair your phone with a power bank to expand the battery life, attach to metal surfaces to hold it up or take photos, or secure it to car and bike mounts while you’re busy steering.

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Apple developing lighter smart glasses with AI, claims report



Featured image for Apple developing lighter smart glasses with AI, claims report

Apple is developing smart glasses that would integrate AirPods and Apple Intelligence, claims a new report. The upcoming Apple product would be lighter than the Apple Vision Pro, presumably to compete with the Meta Quest 3.

Is Apple developing smart glasses to succeed the Vision Pro?

The Apple Vision Pro is one of the most expensive Mixed Reality headsets on the market. As Apple insists, it is a “spatial computer”. The company also asks $3,499 for the headset.

The Apple Vision Pro is a fully integrated product. It is a miniature computer that’s powered by a dedicated external battery. This makes the device bulky and expensive.

According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple is aware that it needs to “rethink its approach to headsets”. However, he speculates the company is currently unsure and hasn’t decided on its exact approach.


In his ‘Power On’ newsletter, Gurman suggested Apple could be developing smart glasses. These glasses would reportedly be extensively lighter, and presumably cheaper, than the Apple Vision Pro.

Incidentally, Apple CEO Tim Cook has previously indicated the company is moving towards smart glasses. However, he admitted the technology is too elusive at this time.

Lighter smart glasses will integrate AirPods and Apple Intelligence

Meta recently surprised the tech world with an aggressively priced Meta Quest 3S and the Orion Augmented Reality headset with a holographic display. Simply put, the company seems to have surged ahead in the VR world.

Apple could be developing something similar. However, the company might not embed batteries, sensors, smart display tech, and cameras, into glasses. Gurman suggests a new pair of AirPods would be a critical component for the Apple smart glasses.


The new AirPods would feature cameras. When paired with smart glasses, they would deliver visual and audio information about the outside world to the wearer.

Needless to say, Apple Intelligence, could play an important role in processing the data and delivering information. But to make the smart glasses lighter, Apple could try and outsource the processing to the iPhone. Some reports suggest that this approach would turn the smart glasses into an iPhone accessory.

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Bolein 27U 600mm * 600mm Network Server Rack Cabinet



Bolein 27U 600mm * 600mm Network Server Rack Cabinet

Bolein 27U 600mm*600mm free-standing DDF network rack enclosure server cabinet can be used in data centers, monitoring rooms, CCTV, and other places.
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The degree of protection is IP20 and it can be customized.
Standard static loading capacity is 800 KG, and it can be increased to 1000 KG by adding auxiliary mounting angle if need.
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Football Manager 25 is out on November 26




Football Manager 25 is finally on its way, with Sports Interactive confirming the news and announcing a release date. The game will arrive for PC, Mac, Xbox and PS5 on November 26, just in time for some Thanksgiving gameplay. At the same time, FM25 Mobile is launching exclusively on Netflix, while FM25 Touch should come to Nintendo Switch on December 3.

FM25 comes with two big updates: a switch to the Unity engine (everywhere except mobile) and women’s football (or soccer, depending on where you’re reading this from) arriving into the same world as the men’s teams. Sega-owned SI first announced the development of women’s games in 2021, claiming it would take a while to do in order to provide the same depth as the men’s ones. Last year, it confirmed women’s teams would be in FM25.

In a statement, Sports Interactive Studio Director Miles Jacobson said, “The world gets to see two of our multi-year projects come to fruition: the switch to the Unity engine and the introduction of Women’s Football. It gives us a real sense of achievement to begin sharing our hard work with you and we’re really looking forward to showing you more of the game in the weeks before the game’s release.”

Right now, anyone who pre-orders FM25 for PC or Mac from a SEGA-approved digital retailer will get 10 percent off. SI will announce pre-orders for Xbox and PS5 editions later.


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Servers computers

Servidores Cisco UCS C210 M2 Rack Server



Servidores  Cisco UCS C210 M2 Rack Server

Esta es un vista rapida a los servidores Cisco en 3D del modelo UCS 210 M2 Rack Server. Suitable for stand-alone applications, including Cisco Unified Communications Ver 8.0+

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