Best Tricep Exercises for Women with light dumbbells

This is one tricep exercise from one of my videos-there are several more that are really good for toning your arms. This is a called a tricep kickback or extension, and attention to form is very important. Notice I am not too bent over-I am just hinged forward slightly fromContinue Reading

Why You Should Eat More Protein In Your 50s For Weight Loss!

Aging bodies process protein less efficiently. So, if weight loss is one of your goals, or you just want to maintain your muscle mass, protein is KING. Even healthy 50+ peeps like us, need more protein than when we were younger to preserve muscle mass. Great sources of protein include:Continue Reading

FITNESS over 50 - Advice for the Maturing Athlete

Learn more about our Fitness Programs at You can be strong and healthy late into life… but you must be smart about it. Your body isn’t as forgiving at 50 as it was when you were 20. Have a healthy lifestyle with good hobbies, eat, sleep and rest well,Continue Reading

From Sitting 82 to 88-90 MPH In 9 Months | Zack Gimon

– Looking for guidance in your baseball career? – We’ve had 47 draft picks, 500+ College commitments, 50+ Free Agent signs, and 10 MLB Debuts since 2017. You provide the work ethic, we’ll construct the plan with a coach to guide you step by step through the process. – EmailContinue Reading

Should Old People Take Steroids?

This video was recorded at our September, 2020 seminar in Virginia Beach, VA at Iron Asylum gym. Join us at an upcoming seminar: For more of our stuff: Podcasts: Website: Instagram: @austin_barbellmedicine @jordan_barbellmedicine @leah_barbellmedicine @vanessa_barbellmedicine @untamedstrength @michael_barbellmedicine @derek_barbellmedicine @hassan_barbellmedicine @amato_barbellmedicine @charlie_barbellmedicine @alex_barbellmedicine @tomcampitelli Email: Supplements/Templates/Seminars: Reading