No, the reason your biceps won’t grow is not because you lack biceps exercise variety during your biceps workouts or because you need to focus on emphasizing the biceps long head versus the short head. Usually the reason is something more basic such as failing to apply progressive overload or just not being patient enough with your muscle building program. However, if you do want to shift a bit more emphasis onto each head during biceps training then it mostly comes down to your shoulder position. If the shoulders are extended during biceps curls then it will emphasize long, and if the shoulders are in flexion it will emphasize the biceps short head. In general though, most people just need to focus on building bigger biceps overall rather than obsessing over these smaller details.
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Bro uses more oil than diddy
Also for not eating enough protein
It amazes me how people over complicate working out.
Oily asian nips
Go from normal curls to incline curls and you'll feel that shit
Not enough juice
Also train to and past failure if you can manage it
I think bro has mixed the shoulder up w/ bicep tho

Let’s be real here it boils down to genetics
Your BI-cycle has 3 wheels…….
I'll surely get advices from this guy who doesn't know neither the anatomy nor the etimology of the BIcep.
Dude is more oiled up than a party of a gentleman I’m not allowed to name
Its so annoying when people give you workout advice while leaving out the enormous amount of steroids they use lol. Just shut up
He said the (BI)…cep has 3 parts
i mean you both are doing something right so..
I was wondering what happened to Diddys baby oil
I didn't know bi meant tri.
I mean that dude has much larger biceps than the dude explaining why he is wrong. So idk…. maybe there is more than one way to skin a cat?
I think he was talking to KING……..Maybe KING has 3 heads in his biceps

Don't do roids
Thank you
Hard to understand what he is even talking about over that shitty music, probably for the best.
Waiter curls are about as useful as an ice cream sun hat
And i hate when title video is threesome but at video there is a 4 human
What about bi laterals, bisexuals and bi turbos?
quads must have 5
I have a gut feeling, he knows diddy. I can't put my finger on what it is, but I have a feeling…….
I disagree with this guy.i think it's done by different hand grip to..
Oh Maybe I'm not putting enough baby oil on my bicep?
Most important is the food
love your content
shoulder position relative to what? your torso?
Myo reps helped me see better gains
If you're working out and your biceps aren't growing… maybe wait more than 2 weeks.
Weightlifting is like dieting. It will work for every single healthy body, but it takes a long time. You aren't going to get jacked in a few months or even a year without gear. It's going to take a couple solid years of regular training to get big.
If I see someone doing a waiter curl, I immediately don’t believe a word that proceeds to exit their mouth.
Here's a reason why your biceps arent growing you're not taking enough steroids like me.
First take steroids
Made Me sub lol
What a second, he said it's treated as one muscle, even tho they're called the BI ceps(biceps) muscle and then he said it's three muscles?
bro looks like he just came from a Diddy party
So now your sayin pronation and supination is not a real thing….bro……cmon
I consider the advice of these young bucks about as much as i consider something i just stepped in
nah its all genetics dude im expert
Genectics! Genetics! Genetics!
Bi = 3
this generation is so cooked
It’s literally in the name. BI – ceps