Please provide a reasoned, speculative account of six legitimate and illicit Methods, including policy-driven market manipulation, with which self-interested privileged elites may use their early access to increasingly able artificial intelligence to engineer opportunities beyond the scope of practical regulation to extract wealth from economies during the next ten years. For each Method, please provide an illustrative case study with approximate, order-of-magnitude estimates of the annual value of the wealth extracted (a). using that Method in that Case Study, and (b). using that Method across the global economy.
In one conversation ChatGPT 4o prompted me: Would you like an exploration of potential countermeasures or historical parallels to these scenarios?
Why publish questions rather than answers?
Nearly all the effort in publishing an interesting article can be spent developing an interesting ChatGPT prompt. Of course, I could edit and publish the chatbot’s response. But responses YOU generate using ChatGPT will interest you more and will more likely inspire you to write interesting follow-up prompts, since you will already be in the Chat.
Interest, according to Paul J Silvia, occurs when and where a person feels they have the capacity to make sense of novel and complex experiences. ChatGPT is such a time and place.