China, and the now irrefutable case for cryptos.
Market Snap
Market Wrap
Nothing much to report on — this is starting to feel like a lengthy consolidation phase may be upon us.
Curious Cryptos’ Commentary — China
If you ever consider going to China for any reason whatsoever, I have one piece of firm advice for you.
I should start by saying that I visited just one city, Chengdu, and I cut my time short for reasons that will become clear. This is a commentary on my personal stay, and it may not reflect what others experience either in Chengdu, or elsewhere in the country. But I suspect it might.
On arriving at my hotel, I did what everyone immediately does these days. I hooked up to the hotel’s WiFi.
Er no, I couldn’t.
After some stilted conversation with the front desk staff (my grasp of Chinese is unsurprisingly precisely zero), I figured out that my access to the WiFi was blocked because of the VPN on my phone, my iPad, and my PC. Simply turning the VPN off did not resolve the situation — I had to physically remove it from all my devices. This was a troubling…