We sometimes forget that “holiday” literally means “holy day,” and instead, we often translate the word in our head to mean “day off.”
But in truth, holidays are set aside, not for presidents or workers, but as remembrances of those days when the miraculous touched down.
And bitcoiners — many of whom are laser-eyed mystics and philosophers at heart themselves — have never expressed any shame at all about indulging in our fair share of bitcoin holy days.
There’s sometimes even claims that divine providence perhaps lent a guiding hand in bitcoin’s appearance and ascension.
Bitcoin’s oft-referred to “immaculate conception” involved Satoshi Nakamoto’s “bitcoin takeover” of Oct. 31, a day Protestants claim as their Reformation Day.
That’s when, in 1517, German priest and theologian Martin Luther posted his “95 Theses” on the door of a Wittenberg church, critiquing their centralized possession of scripture and control over its interpretation, all based on Luther’s prior personally transformative revelation,
“The just shall live by faith, …”
… which was a spiritual way of dispensing with third-party middlemen who were stealing value from the people.
Luther’s posted stance said basically,
“We don’t need a third party, now that we can own our own copy of the record. From now on, we will verify truth for ourselves, instead of merely trusting others to interpret.”
By identifying both the problems with and the solution to the world’s financial troubles, Nakamoto published “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”
Also known as “the bitcoin whitepaper,” the 8-page document (nine, with citations) posted by Nakamoto in October 2008 “reformed” the world’s understanding of money, not unlike the effect Luther’s “post” had centuries prior for theology.
Coinciding with the invention and decades-spanning adoption curve of Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press (by “around 1440,” sources say, in Mainz, Germany), the latest tech met with Luther’s spiritual revelation.
These elements converged to create both a world-transforming technology, and an unstoppable grassroots movement.
Is any of this starting to sound familiar?
It’s no wonder that from the beginning, portions of the bitcoin community have seen parallels between Luther and Nakamoto’s actions and effect; What’s left to guesswork is, was the timing of the dates random or not?
As in, was it guided?
Even those who would not classify themselves as religious, have expressed discerning some as-yet-unidentifiable sense of cosmic guidance behind bitcoin’s rise, and from varying worldviews.
For those who find the idea bordering on blasphemy, buckle up:
One Canadian pastor, Alin Armstrong, X’s “@PastorCoin” and author of “The Bible and Bitcoin,” caused quite a stir one Resurrection Sunday (aka Easter) by posting a laser-eyed Jesus presenting his wounds to “doubting” Thomas, respecting the loyal disciple’s insistence to not trust, but verify.
We call that based. And yes, we are aware that we are in a cult.
Following the Oct. 31 date, Jan. 3, 2009, also stands out for bitcoiners.
On that day, computer scientist Hal Finney posted his now-famous 2009 “Running bitcoin” tweet …
Bitcoin’s October conception aside, Finney’s post marked the bitcoin network’s official birthday, launched with the mining of the genesis block (#0), launching the world’s first blockchain.
Third, thanks to many celebrated mainstream news posts each year, more people know about Bitcoin Pizza Day, than any other so-called “bitcoin holiday.”

On May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz offered 10,000 bitcoin to have two Papa John’s pizzas delivered to him.
Someone across the Atlantic “made it so,” and Hanyecz paid, marking the first time a real-world exchange of goods or services was completed using bitcoin as the payment method.
This event is annually marked by various events and gatherings worldwide, usually in small informal meetings where a single bitcoiner simply bought pizza for his friends or family on that day.
In fact, if you have a bitcoiner in your life but are not yet one yourself, test me on this: Ask your bitcoiner on any May 22 to buy you a pizza and tell you about bitcoin, and they will.
I’m not gonna lie: It’s a religious compulsion, at least it is for me.
At large scale, Slice and PizzaDAO collaborated to give away over 2,500 free pizzas across all 50 U.S. states, or “… More Than 1BTC Worth of Free Pizza,” the 2021 press release read.
Payments processor Bitpay and other notable efforts have likewise targeted bitcoin adoption, by taking advantage of the interest the fun holiday tradition affords to empower merchants — specifically pizzarias — by setting them up to accept bitcoin for pizza, and assisting them with in-store holiday promotions.
Most dates on the various published unofficial calendars are more secular historical observances of bitcoin’s milestones, not inviting supernatural speculation …
Then, on March 14, 2025, Bitcoin Twitter underwent a mind-blowing exercise in group consciousness, wondering if, on the most recent Pi Day, whether the miraculous had indeed touched down, right before our very eyes.
We all saw it.
“Prophecy. Fulfilled.”
“… a religious experience”
“Man, I’m going to church this Sunday.”
Even an attempted explanation of “what” exactly happened last Friday would be beyond the scope of another 1,000-word article, and will no doubt be the subject of volumes of debate for years to come.
TLDR: A legendary Wall Street trader, known as “Josh Man” on X, and operating under the name of Josh Mandell otherwise, who had been publishing his winning portfolio on X already, correctly predicted the closing price of bitcoin well over 100 days in advance.
Whether he nailed the call to both the penny and even the exact second were matters of debate — but notwithstanding, the odds of this are considered to be astronomical.
How Mandell did so remains the question.
Haunted by Memory, from his Youth or a Dream?
“… The truth is that I have a very specific prediction based on memories of something that happened 30 years ago, combined with thoughts which seem ever present in my mind. …”
At least two more explosive factors beyond simply nailing the price prediction, also stood out:
1. He did so in rhyme, reminiscent of the style of the ancient alleged “prophet,” Nostradamus posting in November
“When 84 becomes the base,
Bitcoin CALLS will melt their face
This is how you get ahead
Buy IBIT calls in size instead
Ten to one you’ll ride it up
The stock it soars into the skies
Then sell the call and exercise
See the path of Pistol Pete
Try a slug and then repeat
Look every day at close and lows
When 84 is on the dot
The car will launch. A real hole shot
Feel the G’s, hear the roar
The coin won’t stop, 360 more
A trio of fours, times a grand
That’s the top .. the BTC fades
This is how a cowboy trades. …”
2. If his verse is interpreted correctly, Mandell’s next target is $444,000
Adding further intrigue, when pressed for the source of his knowledge, he both references trading patterns only an inside Wall Street market-maker could know, some said, as well as a publication he claimed was lost in the destruction caused by 9-11.
Someone said something about a dream, and Nikola Tesla’s 3,6,9, rewriting time and the Mandela effect …
Mandell also began a very long post last Friday saying,
“So, here’s a bit of what I have garnered from this experience. God or Operators outside the sim are constantly editing. We work on these timelines without even knowing it. Bad outcomes are noted and modified. …”
So yeah.
Any attempt to be succinct in describing the debates and presumed revelations — about bitcoin, yes, but even the nature of reality itself sparked by this “prophecy fulfilled” — is destined to failure.
Before Mandell’s theories, bitcoin history already had well-known bitcoin author Tomer Strolight’s 2,500-word 2021 piece “Why People Wonder if Bitcoin is Alien Technology.”
In it, he wrote,
“Many people who study Bitcoin closely eventually give their head a shake and say, ‘How did any person manage to come up with this?’ Often, for at least a moment, they are also struck by (the) thought
‘Was it even a person who came up with it?’
“As a result, the Internet is filled with suppositions that Bitcoin was sent here by aliens or time travellers.”
There’s also this author’s op-ed “No, Satoshi Nakamoto is not a time-traveling alien from Narnia,” arguing that in light of the documented history of cryptographic breakthroughs made by previous attempts at creating secure digital currencies …
… that the attribution of bitcoin’s origins to time travel or alien technology is actually offensively dismissive to the sacrifices made by history’s cypherpunk pioneers who gave us bitcoin, along with Nakamoto.
But still, is bitcoin of “divine origins?” Is bitcoin “from God?”
Or even, “Does God work through humans, and give them exceptional gifts and even real-time revelation, to perform His purposes?”
Well, just ask yourself whether the printing press was of divine origin, and from there, you’ll likely work out a reasonable life philosophy all on your own.
Any way.
No life philosophy formed other than that which is formed over pie, and with a friend, is complete, I’ll submit …
And holy or not, we need to set aside a day for doing just this, says I.
Bitcoin Pi Day.
According to a verified canonical meme I once saw, Nakamoto has already blessed the carbs in pizza consumed on any May 22 to be of none effect, giving bitcoin carnivores permission to break fasting and heartily observe Bitcoin Pizza Day with loved ones.
By the power vested in me by the timechain, I now submit that the same be deemed true of Pi Day, and for all future March 14s, moving forward.
Bitcoin calendars, historians and documenters please take note, and please also signal your acceptance or rejection of Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 3.14 …
The only question left remaining is just when and where should we formally christen this new holiday? Well, would you believe there’s a Pie Town?
As of press time, neither Pie Town, New Mexico, residents nor officials had yet responded to emails from Bitcoin News requesting the signaling or withholding of their acceptance of said proposal.
A representative of the nearby Quemado Community Center, located in Quemado, New Mexico, about 20 miles from Pie Town, replied,
“Quemado is not interested.”
As readers know, Quemado will get bitcoin at the price it deserves.