Touching Grass Instead Of Being Glued To Your Screen | by PVMihalache | Coinmonks | Mar, 2025

» Touching Grass Instead Of Being Glued To Your Screen | by PVMihalache | Coinmonks | Mar, 2025

I am recommending you to touch some grass instead of being glued to your screen! Why? Because spending every waking hour online and trading memecoins is obviously not the secret to happiness.

Why not “touch some grass” for a change? Fancy the idea of stepping outside and experiencing that weird thing called “fresh air” or “sunlight”? This it might help you remember what reality feels like! The metaphor for stepping away from screens become a buzz word for those immersed into crypto, memecoins, and NFTs.

Going out IRL is not like the Metaverse, as it has many benefits for the anon’s mental health and social interaction. Taking breaks from the digital space helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting overall wellbeing. Spending time outdoors or with friends and family will fosters meaningful connections!

Engaging with nature IRL will provide a fresh perspective, helping you to clear your mind and avoid burnout! I often feel exhausted and in need of a restart, but most of the time I dive into toxic productivity. The laptop is my best frien’ most of the days!

Real-world experiences can spark new ideas and insights… and may enhance your approach to projects in the crypto space. A reality check no and then will help us maintain a healthy relationship with technology and investment…

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