Days of Our Lives sees Philip Kiriakis’s (John-Paul Lavoisier) time is nearly up and when his fraud is completely exposed to the man he stole from, we’re going to see him exit Salem on a walk of shame. But then, in a surprise move, Philip is back to press a point. We’re going to dig into why he comes back after Xander Cook Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) finds out Philip stole half his inheritance.
Days of Our Lives: Xander’s Discovery of Philip and Sarah’s Betrayal
So, here’s the timeline for Xander’s discovery of the backstabbing and betrayal, not only by his brother Philip, but also by his beloved wife Sarah Horton Kiriakis (Linsey Godfrey). So this week on Thursday, things start to fall apart for Philip and that’s going to lead to his hasty exit soon. Remember Xander overheard Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) and Philip talking in The Square.
That was when Stephanie was annoyed because Philip was pressing her about whether she was going to keep quiet or tell Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) about the fraud. So under pressure, Stephanie agreed. She and Philip said, “Okay, we’re going to keep this from Alex.” And so that is what Xander overheard.
And on Thursday, Philip is then on the receiving end of a scathing rebuke from his half-brother Xander. He lays into Philip because after overhearing him with Stephanie, he assumes she slept with Philip behind Alex’s back. And part of that is because he’s got no reason to think Philip and Stephanie have any other secrets that they’re keeping. So when Alex confronts Philip, you know, it’s not like he can clear the air and say to Alex and Xander, “No, no, man. I didn’t sleep with Stephanie. You know, we’re hiding this other big secret.” Oh, what’s the big secret?
Yeah, by the way, I stole half of Titan from you, so it’s all good, right? But that can’t happen. And Philip knows that he’s in a tough spot. He’s painted into this corner. And unless there’s some, you know, miracle over this mess, there’s about to be no choice but for Philip to flee Salem before Xander breaks his neck or the cops come for him.
Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Philip and Stephanie Make Moves
So, Philip is going to try and play this all off. But then also on Thursday, Xander doesn’t want to enable Philip and Stephanie screwing over Alex. And he tells his cousin that they are doing this secret fling thing behind his back. Alex believes Xander because they have this family bond now. And then he turns around, lays into Philip, grabs him up, makes threats.
At the same time, that confrontation is happening at the Kiriakis mansion. Sarah’s freaking out, runs to Stephanie, and get this, Xander’s wife wants Stephanie to let her boyfriend Alex think she cheated on him so they can keep this Philip fraud thing under wraps. I mean, how wackadoo of a question is that? Of course, Stephanie is not going to let Alex think she did him dirty to cover up for the dirty that Sarah and Philip have done. And then things get even worse for those two liars on Friday of this week.
DOOL Spoilers: Vivian Alamain, Kate Roberts, and the Stolen Inheritance
Because after Sarah gets a hard no from Stephanie about asking her to lie to Alex, then of course Sarah’s worried this whole thing is going to blow up in her and Philip’s faces. They are in this deep together and Xander is gonna lose it on both of them which leads to Philip’s exit and then a big return twist.
And if you remember, of course, Vivian Alamain (formerly played by Linda Dano) started all of this. But then Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslow) got Vivian arrested and kind of took over managing Philip through this process to take advantage of Vivian’s fraud and steal half of Xander’s inheritance.
And Kate convinced herself Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) would want Philip to have half the company. And the whole premise of the forged letter was to say that Victor would have left part of the company or all the company to Philip, but he didn’t know he was alive when he wrote his last will and testament. But that’s a big fat lie. It’s just that not that many people know it.
Days Spoilers: Fake Death in Salem
If you remember, Philip left his prosthetic leg at a staged crime scene to frame Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) for murder. And that was trying to steal Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) away. And then Philip took off out of town and he was presumed dead. The guy’s got a history of running from his problems and it’s about to happen again. But of course, there’s more to it than all this and it’s kind of wild what happens.
Despite the fake death, Victor learned shortly afterwards from Kate that their son was alive like a week, a week maybe two after the incident if I’m remembering the timeline correctly. So yeah, when Victor wrote his final will, he 100% knew Philip was alive and still left it to the other son that nobody knew about at the time, but Victor did. So, they’ve sold this falsehood as the reason for the letter and engaged in the fraud. Xander remains in the dark.
Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Philip’s Exit and Shocking Return Twist
And of course, Sarah and Philip know they’re about to be outed. Friday’s episode has Sarah and Philip in a full-blown panic, terrified what’s going to happen when Stephanie tells Alex the truth, because that’s exactly what Stephanie does. And that means Philip’s going to be packing his bags soon because he is leaving Salem. But it’s a twist that’s going to bring him back. So, Days of Our Lives spoilers confirm Stephanie tells Alex the whole entire ugly truth.
And then the question becomes, what will he do after Stephanie comes clean? Will Alex go straight to Xander and tell him? I mean, I’m certain he wants to, but Stephanie may convince him to wait. Here’s why. May Sweeps kicks off in about three and a half weeks. And this is the kind of storyline they always save for sweeps. Shootings, breakups, secrets exposed, secret twins, you know, secret pregnancies. So, we’ll see if it rocks and rolls on and holds off until then.
It also appears Philip and Sarah are exposed at the beginning of May sweeps just based on some of the stuff we’ve seen. Xander’s outraged, tells Sarah he wants to split. That’s what we’re told by our leaker. And then Philip takes off out of Salem. He knows Xander is going to get back total control of Titan. And in the process, Philip could face civil charges, criminal charges, there’s forgery, there’s perjury, there’s a lot of other crimes.
So after Xander finds out his wife and brother betrayed him, Philip goes exit stage left. Here’s where the twist comes in. Although he lied to Xander and took half of Titan, Philip did all that before he really knew Xander. So despite running away like a coward in May, by this fall, we’re going to see Xander’s brother back to Salem with his hat in his hand.
Spoilers for DOOL: Philip’s Redemption Arc – Reconciliation and Forgiveness
That’s where the twist comes in. After getting to know his brother, Philip cares about him. He doesn’t want to lose Xander. Philip forged a bond with Xander and he can’t let go of it and he can’t forget it. But it’s more than that. Not only does Philip want to reconcile with Xander as brothers, but Philip also wants to help reconcile Sarah and Xander. He wants to put his brother’s life back together.
And you know what Sarah did? It was one of those the worst things with the best intentions. So anyway, Philip is gone for just a few months and then he’s back and advocating for Xander to forgive him, let him back into his life as a brother, not as a co-CEO or anything like that. Philip just wants Xander back, just as his brother. And then he’s trying to help him with Sarah. So at this point, they’re supposed to be still split, but not divorced.
So, we’ll see if Philip can help put his broken brother Xander’s life back together because the big Harry Scotsman is utterly destroyed finding out these two people he cares about. Sarah and Philip have betrayed him and just lied in his face. The only way it’d be worse is if Maggie Horton Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers) lied to him, too. But fortunately, she didn’t. She loves Xander.
So, watch for Philip to put on his running shoes and flee town in sweeps, then feel heartsick over what he’s done and hot foot it back to Salem in the fall to try and make things right. That’s a twist worth watching, I think. And Philip is still around Salem when Christmas rolls around. So, it looks like he does indeed get that forgiveness that he wants from Xander. And that is a twist.