Sister Wives has Kody Brown shutting down his “Tell All” segment as the TLC series surprises fans with the second half of Season 19 rolling out in just a few weeks. Typically fans wait months and months for the second half of a season to air. But not this time.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown Fed Up
Kody Brown is hit with all his wives’ sharing their disparaging words about him when Sister Wives returns with Season 19. And you have less than a month for this to air. So, Papa Brown listens to all the complaints as he watches his ex-wives’ confessional segments.

So the Sister Wives audience gets to see Kody work up to his boiling point, shocking Sukanya Krishnan, the woman who interviews them in the Tell All segments. Sukanya brings some of what the wives are saying to Kody’s attention.
Then she waits for his comments after he sees the scene where the wife spewed off one thing or another about him. Most of what the wives say paints Kody as someone awful, all except for Robyn Brown, of course.
The Feathered Nest of Kody and Robyn Brown
Sister Wives star Kody Brown has almost complete control over the Coyote Pass land the family owns. His name appears on every lot, along with one of his wives.

The three original wives, who are now his exes, all trusted him at the time of the purchase. But now that they are no longer married to him, things sour. His control over this land has caused two wives to lawyer-up.
Christine Brown washed her hands of the land when she left Kody. She traded her shares of the land for the all the proceeds of the sale from her Flagstaff home.
She didn’t split what she got from the sale of her house with Kody. So, in lieu of this, she gave up any rights to Coyote Pass. So she got out of her marriage to Kody with a financial agreement between the two. And better yet, it left no financial ties between them. This is what the other two ex-wives want, but it looks like they have a battle on their hands.
Sister Wives: Like Pulling Teeth…
Meri Brown and Janelle Brown cannot get Kody to budge – they want the land sold and their fair share of the money. Kody and Robyn don’t seem to think these ladies have anything coming.
But, then, Robyn skirted the money issue by giving the history of how money was spent on the other wives. She tried to make the point that everyone has already gotten their fair sare of finances out of this now defunct marriage.
But when she was done, Sister Wives fans thought it sounded as if she didn’t think anyone was owed anything from Coyote Pass. She seems to believe it belongs to her and Kody. But then there’s a scene where she’s almost resigned to the fact they need to sell. So, it seems Robyn backpeddled a bit.
Then, Kody says in the preview below that he won’t rip off Meri. But it seems he still has a different take on Janelle Brown. Janelle approached Meri with a warning to watch her back in the first half of Season 19.
Janelle suggested to Meri they may need to launch a legal battle to get what he owes them. But Meri had a hard time digesting that, after all she trusted Kody Brown. Now, in the second half of the season, she is “angry” and ready to get what is rightfully hers with legal help.
Kody Shuts Down Sukanya
The Sister Wives preview touches on a few topics, but each one of them has an angry ex-wife involved. Meri said for years people told her Robyn manipulated her and was not the person who Meri thought she was. Now Meri sees evidence of this herself.
Of course, Robyn chimes in that she always had Meri’s back, so conflict over money is just part of the next season. It seems the original three Sister Wives ladies also go after other wrongs done to them by Kody and Robyn.
But at one point the heat gets way too hot for Kody and he shuts down the interview, with Sukanya looking stunned at Kody’s demand.
Kody tells Sukanya he is shutting her down after she asks if he would do it all again. She wanted to know if he would marry all four wives and live a polygamous marriage while knowing what he knows today.
But it looks like Kody doesn’t want to answer this. Still there’s always a chance there is a different question that made him blow up and led him to shut her down. The editing of this Sister Wives preview might have taken the scene out of context.
But for some reason Sukanya hits a sore spot for Kody Brown who puts a stop to his interview, surprising her. This popular interviewer with the Sister Wives fans appears stunned over this move from Kody Brown. But the other surprise is the second half of Season 19 for this TLC series starts on April 20. That is a lot sooner than most fans expected.
Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest buzz on Sister Wives.