Bolton Hospice Strictly experience features Bolton firefighters

» Bolton Hospice Strictly experience features Bolton firefighters

Bolton Central firefighters Phil Hindsley and Ruby Abbott are busy rehearsing the Argentine tango for Bolton Hospice’s Strictly experience, which will take place on March 29.

(Image: Henry Lisowski)

Joined by 20 other couples, Phil and Ruby will be competing at the Grand Finale where they will get to compete in front of a live audience, which will be taking place in the Premier Suite at the Whites Hotel in Bolton.

Phil and Ruby have just weeks to learn the dance routine.Phil and Ruby have just weeks to learn the dance routine. (Image: Bolton Hospice) Tickets for the Grand Finale are now available to buy and are expected to sell quickly.

Despite being a fan of the iconic ITV programme, Ruby is a complete beginner in the world of dance. Phil, who took ballroom lessons as a child, is reliving his childhood hobby over two decades later.

(Image: Henry Lisowski)


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The two have set themselves a fundraising target of £1,500 for Bolton Hospice.

Ruby and Phil have also put on a number of events to boost funds for Bolton Hospice.

Even getting their fellow firefighters together for a charity car wash, which will be taking place on March 23 at Bolton Central Fire Station.

Speaking to The Bolton News Bolton Central Watch Manager Phil said: “Ruby and myself were sat together and debating whether or not to apply, but in the end, we decided to just go for it.

“Every step we take even the dodgy ones, is for this amazing cause, so we welcome people to sponsor us and make that difference.

Phil and Ruby will be competing at the end of the monthPhil and Ruby will be competing at the end of the month (Image: Phil Hindsley)

“We’ll be doing the Argentine tango, we felt this was the routine that we would be able to learn quickly. We’ve already picked it up for the introduction night.

“The two of us have been practising regularly for the event, I’d say about two to four hours per week. So, it’s been quite intense, but the progress has been good, we’ve watched lots of tutorials on YouTube!

“Each contestant must make their own routines for the day and put it to music.

“We’ve truly thrown ourselves into the whole experience and we are having an absolute ball! Thank you to everyone for the amazing support.

“We’re up for the challenge and are determined to give it our all!”

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