Almost 350 people are killed each year on the UK’s roads, according to RAC, with speed among the contributing factors.
Not only is it dangerous but it can land you with a fine and points on your licence.
The minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and three penalty points added to your licence.
In certain circumstances, drivers will be eligible to attend a Driver Education Course, which will incur a cost, but you will not have penalty points added to your licence.
Seven common speed camera myths
Speed cameras come in many different forms including mobile, fixed and average. But are there speed cameras in police cars?
Do police cars have speed cameras?
The majority of mobile speed cameras in the UK are operated by local police forces, according to RAC.
They often reside in accident hotspots where “there is a history of road traffic incidents over a three year or more period”.
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RAC added: “These cameras (mobile speed cameras) can take on a number of forms, working from marked or unmarked cars, as well as being manually operated by police officers using radar guns and laser guns.
“Mobile speed cameras typically work out of parked vans, however, they can still catch motorists from a moving vehicle.”
Some marked and unmarked police cars across the UK, including in the Roads Policing Unit in Kent, are also fitted with a system called Provida.
This video system has “video recording capability similar to a conventional Dash Cam” and helps detect traffic offences.
The system comprises of features including front and rear facing colour video cameras (with pan and zoom) as well as a speed detection device.
So the next time you pass a police car on the road, be sure to check your speed.