In the colder months of the year, indoor air tends to be warmer and more humid resulting in more moisture in the air compared to outside.
When the warmer indoor air meets the cold windows, it can cause condensation to form on the glass.
Lots of condensation can lead to dampness which can cause mould growth on blinds, walls and ceilings.
Condensation is likely to occur in the colder months. (Image: Getty)
8 ways to reduce window condensation and prevent mould
Glass specialists at Me and My Glass have offered some tips to help you out.
Wipe windows with paper towels
Before the moisture soaks into the walls, wipe the condensation off with paper towels and dab across the window sill.
If you have blinds, you’ll want to wipe those too to prevent mould growth.
Keep your windows open
While keeping your windows open on cold days isn’t the most tempting, it can help give your room more ventilation and reduce humidity levels indoors.
It can also help prevent the growth of mould as the amount of moisture in the air is reduced.
Use a dehumidifier
Investing in a dehumidifier can help eliminate the problem of excess moisture in the air.
If you place one on a window sill, it can absorb the moisture and prevent the spread from escalating.
How to get rid of mould in your home
Keep blinds and curtains away from glass
The airflow can be blocked if blinds and curtains are touching the glass, contributing to condensation getting worse.
Turn the heating on in the morning
By putting the heating on for 20 minutes in the morning, the humidity in the room can be controlled.
You should open the windows first to get a healthy airflow in the room and then put the heating on to stop the windows from steaming up.
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Add houseplants to your room
Houseplants such as spider plants and orchids are known to help reduce moisture in the air, making condensation more manageable.
For the best results, put them on your windowsill.
Look for window cracks
Condensation can be worse due to tiny cracks in corners so if you notice them, make sure to get them filled.
Call in the professionals
If you’ve found serious mould growth on walls or ceilings that’s resulted from the condensation, you might need to call in the professionals as it could be due to external issues in the building making it worse.