The plans will see 43 homes, a mix of 33 houses and ten flats, built off Roxalina Street in Great Lever by Great Places Housing Group.
Bolton Council’s planning committee heard how the land has previously been deemed to be “poorly used” by developers.
Great Places development programme manager Richard Ingram said: “This scheme has been four years in the making, having overcome considerable technical challenges with the site.
“So, we’re therefore delighted to be presenting a carefully considered design proposal for 43 units, one, two three four-bedroom houses today.”
A total of 43 new homes have been proposed (Image: Great Places Housing Group) The development will depend on £3.8M of public funding from Homes England and Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
It will be found between Roxalina Street and Belford Drive in Great Lever, with access for cars and other vehicles to be found from Settle Street via Belford Drive.
In response to questions put by Great Lever’s Cllr Mohammed Iqbal, Mr Ingram said the group hoped to be ready to enter contracts by the end of this month or at least by next.
He said he believed they would be able to start work without disturbing trees and repeated that the new homes would be “100 per cent affordable” at 80 per cent of the normal market rate.
The new houses will be 100 per cent afforable (Image: Great Places Housing Group) Cllr Mohammed Ayub, of Great Lever, said: “I’ve read the report thoroughly and I’ve not found any reason for refusal.
“Although we’re going to lose the green space which I’m really sorry for because there are not many green spaces in Great Lever.
“But what is proposed here, one, two, three, four bedrooms, I think that covers all of the community.”
Cllr Robert Morrissey, of Breightmet, agreed and added that “although affordable at 80 per cent of the market value isn’t perfect, its better than a lot of others that don’t have any.”
The proposed homes will be “below average density”, a factor welcomed by Heaton, Lostock and Chew Moor’s Cllr Anne Galloway.
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She said this meant the developers appreciated “suburban density, which will be nice for the people who live there.”
Committee chair Cllr John Walsh, of Astley Bridge, said that the site had previously had “immense problems with fly tipping and anti-social behaviour.”
He said: “Whilst it is notionally green land, it is not hugely attractive in that sense.”
The committee voted unanimously to approve the plans.