👆3 Stretches For Your Stiff Lower Back !!

» 👆3 Stretches For Your Stiff Lower Back !!

Hey guys…In this video today I’m helping you with your lower back stiffness.💯

These 3 stretches can be done at home or work and it’s worth the time and effort that you put into it.🙌

When sitting for long periods we don’t realize how much of our muscles become dormant and weakened, and it is these same muscles that we need to move..

It leaves us with a lot of compensation from the other smaller and weaker muscles to do the job of the prime movers..

This leads to disastrous effects over years of this habit.

These stretches can only help temporarily as you would eventually need to have a corrective exercise program done for you to help with the lack of mobility, flexibility, and muscle imbalances you are sure to end up with.💥💥

👆I can help..head over to our website

👉 lifecycle360tt.com

go to the H.M.M.T tab and leave me a message..or just hit me up in the comments below.

Don’t let this happen to you!! 👆

#lifecycle360 #lowerbackpain #backstretches #positionmatters #posturematters #mobilitymatters #movemore #learnmore #becomemore #educationislife



  1. Had to go back to this video. Since working from home I have to remind myself to get up and stretch and these stretches have been very helpful. Thank you👍👍

  2. Once again, thank you for the video. Will definitely be doing these stretches.

  3. Great info and we must all do this.!!looking forward to your continued wisdom and guidance 🙏

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