👑 19 Year Old Tried The FST-7 Chest Workout

» 👑 19 Year Old Tried The FST-7 Chest Workout

#fst7 #cbum #hanyrambod #chestday #chestworkout



  1. Brother went through the natural captain America transformation. Jesus Christ. No shade to the guy he looks great but the caption should be dead before 40 years old bodybuilder

  2. 5 exercises 3-4 sets each, 8-10 reps per exercise and 7 sets of push-ups to failure. That's not growth that's fckn durability test. You can do this much and grow only on steroids. Just do 5×5 program and you'll be fine as natural bodybuilder.

  3. Natural from Mexico 😂. The body we don't know.

  4. Anyone who has been to the gym can tell that this dude is natural

  5. Nineteen year old and natural
    Come on this physique will require at least 10 years of training and diet to be achieved naturally.😂

  6. Some serious equipments🤯

  7. Considering the volume he does he surely isnt natural

  8. Bro say machine make you jealous . 😂😂😂
    Bro that guy forgot his Ball's in his mom's womb . Can't able too hold hard metal

  9. Natural 😂😂
    Best joke from2025

  10. These are some amazing machines

  11. Nothing is natural about him, only the shorts he got on😂😂

  12. Haiyny bruh its pronoused just how u pronouns honey its becuese his person

  13. Where’s coach Greg?! Natural?! C’mon😂

  14. Wish my gym had that chest machine

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