15 Min COMPOUND LEG WORKOUT with Dumbbells at Home + Cool Down

» 15 Min COMPOUND LEG WORKOUT with Dumbbells at Home + Cool Down

🔥 Build strength, muscle, and power from home! The 8 Week Stronger Challenge is your no-excuses program to get results with just dumbbells and bodyweight. Ready to level up? https://www.solin.stream/tiffxdan/program/2797

This 15 minute lower body compound leg workout is made up of compound movements to work multiple muscles at the once. Your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and even your core will feel this one!

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Don’t let the shorter 15 min home workout fool you … this workout is CHALLENGING! If you follow along with our channel you know that we never lead you astray. No fluff. No empty promises. Just efficient and effective workouts — and this leg workout is no different. DON’T SKIP THIS LEG DAY!

This follow along workout is perfect to save for those days when you have a limited amount of time and want to target the lower body.

Hang in until the end for a quick yet killer finisher, and we’ll follow that up with a 4 minute cool down + stretch. Scroll down for more workout details.

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💾 Sculpted Core: 2 Week Ab Challenge: https://bit.ly/UnbreakableCoreChallenge

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⏱️ Duration: 15 Minutes
🏋️ Equipment: 1-2 sets of dumbbells (I’m using 30 lb /13.6 kg dumbbells + 50 lb / 22.7 kg dumbbells for heavier sets.) You can get away with one set of dumbbells if needed. Mat is optional.
⏱️ Intervals: 40 Seconds work, 20 seconds rest

The exercises for this leg workout with dumbbells at home are listed below. Repeat each exercise 2x:

00:00 Get Ready!
00:20 High Squats
02:20 1-1/2 RDL
04:20 Sumo Deadlift
06:20 Static Lunge R
07:20 Static Lunge L
08:20 Lateral Lunge R + Goblet Squat
09:20 Lateral Lunge L + Goblet Squat
10:20 Curtsy Lunge R + Staggered Squat
11:20 Curtsy Lunge L + Staggered Squat
12:20 Suitcase Squat Ground Pause

Finisher – Squat Drop Sets – 20/20/20
14:20 High Squats
14:40 Goblet Squats
15:00 Air Squats

15:40 Stretch + Cool Down

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DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it’s safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video’s exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!



  1. This is my first leg day, and this video kill me so badly. My knee cant stop shaking 😂

  2. 😅Muy bueno, excelente para reventar 😅❤❤

  3. 何キロのダンベル使ってるんですか?🎉🎉

  4. i had to take 5 water breaks😂

  5. Bro this thing is very tiresome 😢😢

  6. Thank you sir!

  7. I just started doing this workout this January 2025, and I just realized I'm using heavier dumbbells than him..and now I'm impressed with myself. 😂😂 Now I just need not to rest for too long lol

  8. I love this video workout 🏋️ I watch this video workout 🏋️‍♀️ every morning. This is my routine workout 🏋️‍♂️. Thank you so much for make this video ❤

  9. Can you make separate video only with alert sound no other songs and sound s

  10. Why my lower back is hurting 😢

  11. DO NOT underestimate this workout! I saw it was 20 minutes and totally underestimated it. It killed me though!!! Will be more humble the next time I do it for sure!

  12. As if we taking advice from a bloke with legs like that 😵‍💫

  13. Que hermosa rutina vamos con todo eres genial gracias x conpartir con todos nosotros q te necesitamos ❤bendiciones

  14. Yang lebih pedes dari plank yaitu leg day 😂

  15. This is my favorite workout routine

  16. I hate this Workout and love it to the Same Time💪 Legs are burning amazing, Thank you 🙏

  17. Hit like if you paused after every set and completed the whole thing 🎉

  18. Tried this for the first time and hurt my back halfway 🥲

  19. I do legs 3x a week… and this one gets everything done… now the only things I do at the gym for legs are leg curls and squats

  20. just tried this, almost couldnt make it all the way through, legs were trembling by the end, thank you

  21. damn, just using my own bodyweight exhaust me

  22. After child birth I understand I HAVE TO make strong legs. Its my favorite workout day

  23. All are my favorites movements

  24. Holly Molly!!!! This was fire 🔥

  25. Dadgum bro i have a PT test and you ganna get me sour! 😅

  26. 😅Muy bueno el entrenamiento, lo que necesitaba, gracias 😅

  27. 20 นาทีที่โหดร้าย แต่ชอบมาก เจ๋ง!!! 🎉

  28. I did until 11:11 my legs got hard 😂gotta take break

  29. If Arnold Schwarzenegger had a personal favorite, it would be Muscles: Every Man's Dream. This book changed everything for me!

  30. I'm obsessed with leg workouts and I've tried them from different youtubers and I'm a little hard to please I'm genuinely looking for muscle growth so sir you just earned yourself a loyal sub

  31. Am I the only one who actually loves it 😂😂 it feels soooo good

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