15 MIN: Single KETTLEBELL Workout (FULL BODY)!

» 15 MIN: Single KETTLEBELL Workout (FULL BODY)!

FAT burning Kettlebell workout! each movement is for 30 seconds with a 15 second rest. One round has 9 exercises in, once the 9 are done you get 2 minutes rest between each round. 2 rounds to complete for the full 15 minute workout.

If you struggle or need a break: don’t worry about it. Take a small rest, get something to drink & continue once you’re ready 🙂 most important is that you don’t quit and push yourself.

Be sure to check out my other workouts!

👉Coaching Programs:http://www.olimccann.com​
IG – @olimccann



  1. Just bought my first kettlebels! Crazy good workout

  2. Perfect workout and easy to do during my lunch break! 💪

  3. Solid workout thankyou

  4. How many days a week do you recommend this routine?

  5. Love the workout, but the ads break the rhythm a lot.

  6. How muc( calories were burned

  7. Brilliant video respect brother YNWA

  8. Did my first workout out to this video and honestly killed me 🤣 I’ll be doing this every day and update you on results!

  9. first time here, enjoyed this one

  10. The first time I did this workout I was sore for two days after. I was much stronger today doing this routine the second time. Great video! 😊

  11. Great workout👍👍….What weight do you recommend for a beginner? Thank you!

  12. What weight should be used for this?

  13. I'm in my forties. Since October 2024 I've been training 3-4 times a week (16kg), Your workout or other 15-minute ones from YT. When I started, I couldn't do a single pull-up on the bar. Now I do 4 pull-ups, up to six at most. Thank You :)!

  14. Why most of workout vid dont share weight?

  15. Just perfect !! I think one of the best sport video I ever followed ! Thanks mate

  16. Just found you after doing the burpee program, felt like I was plateauing. This has really worked up a sweat. Nice. Thank you.

  17. Hey. Which weight are you using? This workout good for women too?

  18. Nice format, music fine, my new job workout to start 2025, many thanks

  19. The weight u used according to the video?

  20. alright man you just earned another sub, great video

  21. I tried it, it almost killed me but I love it 👍

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