Dumbbell booty & leg workout you can do at home! A great beginner style workout.

👉🏼THE MAT I USE (Exercise 6X4): http://gorillamats.com?aff=19 (MADFIT10 for 10% off)
⭐️SHOP MY COOKBOOKS! 100+ RECIPES: https://goo.gl/XHwUJg ⭐️

👉🏼SUBSCRIBE TO MY MAIN CHANNEL (what i eat, recipes, vlogs): https://goo.gl/WTpDQk
➤ PREVIOUS VIDEO (LOOK AT HER NOW Workout): http://bit.ly/2p5PnT2
➤ AT HOME WORKOUTS: http://bit.ly/2p5PnT2
➤ DUMBBELL WORKOUTS: http://bit.ly/2qzPKpj

CAMERA: https://goo.gl/rVQzXd
42.5mm LENS: https://goo.gl/oLRc2u
TRIPOD: https://goo.gl/ihp5br
MICROPHONE: https://goo.gl/fPzkRN
GOPRO: https://goo.gl/D6eMwL

✘ I N S T A G R A M: @madfit.ig
✘ T W I T T E R: @maddielymburner
✘ F A C E B O O K: facebook.com/madfit.ig
✉ C O N T A C T (business inquiries): madfit95@gmail.com



  1. How did you guys enjoy this 15 min lower body dumbbell routine? Let me know down below! I'll be adding some more dumbbell/kettlebell workouts int he future, so leave your requests below as well! See you soon! Much love xx – Maddie

  2. Wasn’t expecting that to get the heart rate up so much! Got a nice sweat on 💪🏼 Thanks MadFit!

  3. I ❤ your videos Maddie thank u

  4. madfit never let me down…good job

  5. It was amazing, perfect amount of time. Thanks so much 😊 ❤

  6. it looked easy… but my legs can't stop shaking after this damn

  7. Thought I wouldn’t like the repeat, but it was great to know what to expect and increase my weights a bunch in preparation. Really enjoyed this one. 60 calories but I missed the first three
    Minutes and did a 20 minute run beforehand

  8. I just started working out and ran across your videos! I LOVE THEM! (Plus the music is awesome too lol) I do have one question! Can you do some lower abdomen workouts? I’ve had stomach surgeries and im struggling Hard to get this back into form. ❤

  9. Its my 1st day and I stopped at 10 minutes because I am out of breath😢. It looks easy but I am sweating like a pig

  10. My fist time thank you. 😊

  11. Great workout thank you!

  12. THIS WAS GOOOD!!! Very Functional, Just choose the weight! 💖😊

  13. Huge difference in my thighs and booty , 😮thank youuuu so muchhh for your workouts!!

  14. Just wanted to say, I’ve been doing this for maybe more than two weeks. I could only do the first 6 mins, because I have a bad knee. I can do the second half of it, and I can feel a difference in my glutes and quads. I’ll add the date, of when I started it. Also I can see a small difference with this workout already!

  15. Swearing sweating, love it!

  16. I’ve been doing this video 3-4 times a week and my legs and butt have never looked better! I swear by this workout❤

  17. Kalo berasanya dipinggang itu gimana yaa?

  18. It was great! Challenging and rewarding and short too 💪🏼😁

  19. Omg this is great! Thank you so much for this workout

  20. I hate you but love you at the same timmeeeeee😭😂😂OMGggg

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