Today’s daily morning workout routine focuses on burning your belly fat and giving you that amazing morning energy boost!
In the past we’ve uploaded full body workout videos to burn fat but today we’re changing that a bit to focus on your core.
I guarantee loads of fun and fats burned with today’s workout video so good luck and let’s get started!
**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
00:00 Introduction
00:21 Back Squeeze
01:07 Rest
01:25 Downward Punches
02:14 Rest
02:32 Triangle Fly
03:22 Rest
03:40 Chest Fly
04:28 Rest
04:46 Overhead Reach
05:14 Rest
05:32 Punches
06:01 Rest
06:19 Side Leg Raise Left
07:02 Rest
07:20 Side Leg Raise Right
08:03 Rest
08:21 Standing Crunch
09:07 Rest
09:25 Side Lunge Windmill
09:54 Rest
10:21 Bridge
11:27 Rest
11:45 Kick Back Left
12:23 Rest
12:41 Kick Back Right
13:20 Rest
13:38 Toe Tap Leg Lifts
14:00 Rest
14:18 Bicycle Crunches
14:43 Rest
15:01 Baby Pose
16:08 Rest
16:26 Back Stretch
I have a little left thigh pain so, I didn't do the back stretch
Can you give a exercise to disappear the thigh pain? Please

Very good workout thanku so much
I'm start to day
Herbal life la sakta ho ap
Iss exercise ky sath healthy diet mein kia hona chahiye?
Glad I could be able to join this train
Started from today
Aaww…. That's amazing
Weight gain exercise please
My first day work out first time completed
Just found your channel and this exercise today! I really felt a difference. At first I thought it was too easy and the time for each exercise too short, but it ramped up and my heart started to race a bit. I’ll check out more of your contents! Today’s Day 2 of me building consistency in working out. Glad I found your channel!
My first day workout is almost completed, I failed the last post

but I still congratulate myself 

this one is also good, thank you Roberta's Gym, i am doing this every morning
Kya sach mein wait los hota hai is exercises se
Nice one
I use your videos regularly. I like the rest time you give in between. Just one suggestion, after the last exercise should there be a counter pose like a forward bending pose, don’t know what it is called. I am no yoga expert, but thought it could end in a more relaxed state imo.

Bhish dekhay
Amazing exercise thank you so much
first day done let's see if we can do this every day and get results <3
Jesus has placed it on my heart to share the Gospel with you. Jesus, God the Son the Son of God, died, and spilled His precious blood, on the cross to pay the price for our sins. He was buried and on the third day rose from the dead just like the scriptures said He would. Salvation is a gift, please accept it now if you haven't already by BELIEVING in what Jesus did for us.

I did it all and I almost die xD but its worth it
its my first day of work out
I was doing the back stretch and rolled away backwards
I want gain my weight.
Finally able to touch feet in back stretch
Can't count the numbers of time I fell during side raise legs
2day completed
Day 4 done
Hi I just subscribed
Very nice i am daily follow your work out video and i changing my life

Very good

Been doing the work out for months now thanks

I love doing all the exercises
in the morning I can feel a difference as disabled I can't do the floor exercise but I really enjoy it every day