Get ready for one of the best Home Dumbbell Chest and Shoulder Workouts of your LIFE! Let’s do this! A 20 minute dumbbell only chest and deltoid workout that you can do from the comfort of your own home! This workout is perfect to grow your chest and front, lateral and side deltoid!
This video is full length which means you can just follow along with whatever I’m doing. If you need extra rest, just pause the video. If you don’t need a rest – watch it the whole way through.
You can hit this home workout 1-2 x per week – and if you wanted to keep active on your other days – be sure to check out my other workouts!
Outfit in this video is from Gymshark.
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I cannot quite see how the "wide to narrow" exercise is performed by you. Would it be possible for someone to describe it? Maybe which muscles are supposed to be tensed during it?
Otherwise, great video as many others I have seen from you!
What dumbbell weights u guys use?
Why is it hitting my triceps
Thank you
Great workouts horrible music choice
Bro I just started watching your vids and mate your killing me! I don't stop til I see the Legend Text at the end. Love it!!!!
Seated DB press hit so hard

Is it just me or does my chest not hurt during the entire video
Time for me to move on and find another channel. I dont like that you aren’t showing how to properly do the exrecise. Also you need to show the workout before hand so after the 30 second pauses we know what to do
Those claps at the end make it all worth it
Hi may I know the weight in kg plz
its the best feeling when i have the same dumbells as fraser and im finally higher than him… bros so inspiring
Love your vids. What weight are you using in these videos?
0:13 side letarals
01:02 db press
2:20 upright rows
2:58 cross raises
3:55 db front
4:43 underarm press
5:45 rear delt rows
6:32 half letarals
7:30 clean & press
8:19 explosive press
9:18 neutral raises
9:50 rear delt row baks
10:50 flat press
11:17 neutral db press
12:12 flat db flies
12:43 press sequence
13:55 around the wolds
14:50 negative flies
15:26 close presses
16:18 seated press
17:18 punch pushaps
17:56 rear delt shrugs
18:58 guillotine press
19:24 explosive presses
20:00 pause push ups
Does anyone know the kind of shoes this man is wearing? I need to get me a pair of those for sure
Calm down
crasser take it easy 
I wish you would show the upcoming exercise during the 30 sec break so we know what to position for. I keep having to pause to get set up and is annoying. Thank you
Confidence increased
I really appreciate u
dont use light weight dumble use 5kg or plus
Has someone counted the calorie expense on this one? Avg. calories burnt with this routine. Please let me know.
I'm in my summer vacation rn and im dropsetting all of these workouts lmao
bro u are the goat my guy
I would like to ask if i could this workout everyday?
I respect the time you take to make these videos for everyone. This is content that people will watch for generations and will never cease to benefit. Thanks.