Hip Mobility
Our hips can get pretty tight. When the hips lack mobility this can cause pain in the hips, low back, and even down the leg. Here are some stretches to loosen the muscles surrounding the hips.
Figure 4 Stretch –
Lie down on a mat with your knees bent.
Cross one ankle over the opposite knee and use the hand on the side of the crossed leg to push the knee down further.
You can increase the stretch by pulling your ankle towards you while pressing the knee away from you.
Banded SLR-
Lie down on your back with one leg bent and the working leg outstretched.
Wrap a strong resistance band, belt, or strap around underneath your foot.
Keep your leg straight and lift the leg with the assistance of the band. At your full range try bringing your toe back towards your shin.
Thomas Stretch –
Sit at a slight angle on your bed or a stable raised surface.
Leave your outside leg hanging and bend your inside leg wrapping your arms around it to bring it to your chest.
Slowly lie back while holding your knee to your chest. Allow your outside leg to hang down as far as possible. Allow your hanging leg knee to bend and your hip to extend down.
Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side. Try 5x to start or a minimum of 2 minutes per day on each side.
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