40 min FULL BODY DUMBBELL WORKOUT at home! | No Repeat

» 40 min FULL BODY DUMBBELL WORKOUT at home! | No Repeat

Today, we’ve got a killer 40-minute full-body dumbbell workout that’s gonna torch those calories and sculpt those muscles from head to toe!

We’re hitting arms, legs, abs, and back with this one, so get ready to sweat and feel the burn as we blast away those stubborn fat cells and crank up that muscle definition!

Grab those dumbbells and let’s dive right in together!
Remember, it’s all about pushing yourself and giving it your all.
You’ve got this, let’s go!

*I used 2kg dumbbells in this video.

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  1. hi everyone! looking for easy workout to gain muscle around your body? try this workout! use dumbell that are 10-20% heavy from your total body weight. do this 2-3 times a week. you can increase the weight when you feels like its getting easier! wishing you best of luck! ☺

  2. Hola me gusta muchisimos tus ejercicios dd fuerza ojala siga haciendos videos como este!!

  3. i cannot follow the legs movement because my body stiff huhuhu

  4. ✅ Day 5 of March 2025 Challenge

  5. 25.03.05 미지님 따라 집중해야 할 부위를 느끼며 했더니 시간 금방가네요~
    자극이 잘 되서 너무 좋았어요 !!!

  6. Second time when i give up at 24 min.next time more.is so hard this one,for me.keep up Mizi doing us better everytime👏👏

  7. This was such a great workout, thank you. It was fun and challenging. What a great way to start my day. Could you please do more workouts like this?

  8. Excelente rutina, saludos desde Irapuato, Gto. Méx.

  9. 요즘 틈만 나면 미지님 운동 따라하고 있습니다. 주변에 홍보도 열심히 하고 있구요. 50분, 60분짜리 덤벨 운동도 만들어주시면 너무너무 좋겠습니다!!!

  10. Bravo.. que buena rutina

  11. Thank you for this video

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