45 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout [Strength Training]

» 45 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout [Strength Training]

Tap in with us for a 45 minute full body dumbbell strength training workout if you’re looking build strength/muscle, endurance, and burn a lot of calories! 🔥 All you need for this workout is a soft surface and a moderate pair of dumbbells (for reference we used a pair 20lb and 10lb dumbbells). This workout is broken down into 3 total sets with each set containing different variations of the same movement patterns. There are no big modifications for this workout BUT the first set was designed for beginners, so you can always use the prior set(s) for modifications. We recommend doing this workout at least 2-3 x per week for noticeable results especially if you’re looking to build strength and lose body fat. Give this workout a go and be sure to drop a comment to let us know how you did!

Check out our other follow along dumbbell workouts:
30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell AMRAP: https://youtu.be/rEEZB68GTs0
30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout https://youtu.be/4sUGg9mcMGU
20 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout: https://youtu.be/mf1xQS_Zlkc
20 Minute Light Dumbbell Workout: https://youtu.be/PFGeohvbNq8​
15 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout: https://youtu.be/xqVBoyKXbsA​
10 Minute Light Dumbbell Workout: https://youtu.be/mnzaEyTm-MA

The Home Equipment We Use:

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Juice: @JuicetonTx

Toya: @ToyaCherrelle

Personal Training Business Page: @OneBodyLA

#JuiceandToya #dumbbellworkout



  1. Be sure to drop a comment and let us know how your workout went 🔥

  2. Doing this workout this morning and then 9hrs later round 2…love the exercises format and break in between group sets. ❤

  3. Is there anyway to put links for all the instrumentals/tracks please?

  4. Me encantan sus videos. Desde que los descubrí supe que me quedaría con ustedes. Ya logré pasar de mancuernas de ocho libras a las de doce libras. Me siento fuerte y motivada. Me gusta mucho que no hablan durante los ejercicios, solo los muestran en la pantalla y puedes ver cuál es el siguiente para estar preparado. Me gusta que trabajan todo el cuerpo, así no te aburres ni se vuelve monótono. Son lo máximo. ❤🎉😊

  5. Great great workout, thanks 🙏!

  6. Yeaaay..i can do it!!!.. from 96kg to 84kg..thankyouuu..❤

  7. thanks, my 100 consecutive week

  8. Great workout for rest day 🙏

  9. So sore in the legs/butt xD Loved the workout, such a dreamteam you two <3 High five all the way from Norway!

  10. Loving the 45 mins dumbell workout strength training..keep it coming ❤ 3 different levels 🔥 🔥

  11. Best training I have seen so far in YouTube! The last series is amazing! Just what I was looking for. Thanks!🎉

  12. Excellent workout. I was tented to quit but remained strong till the end. I will do three times per week for a month to see results. Thanks

  13. Yes! This one was a killer work out! Love these

  14. Me encantan sus entrenamientos. Soy mamá de un bebé de 18 meses y entreno desde casa porque mi tiempo es escaso. Descubrirlos me ha ayudado mucho ❤

  15. Wow! I am so proud of myself, 45 minutes done. Yeahhhhh!

  16. Thank You. Fitness day 12 of 2025.

  17. Started a program last week where i do workouts a day. This perfect. So much fun and time flew by

  18. Ok. I’m 68 years young. I got through 95% of this. First time. I’m good. Down here on the floor still. It was wonderful. Thanks💯💯💯🙈

  19. Hey guys, I just started watching your videos. The elevation of your videos and the workout space is amazing. Thank you and Keep up the AMAZING work!!

  20. Awesome workout. I love the way you mix up the exercises and body groups. It goes by so fast. So much fun AND amazing burn! Love you two! ❤

  21. 👌👍🤜 absolutely loved this workout! I follow these guys all the way from 254, they are absolutely the best!

  22. Hello, I play football in an amateur club. Would it be harmful if I do this every morning to gain strength and discipline?

  23. Thank you for your great work!

  24. Another great workout, really sweating at the end. Love the 'uh-oh' from juice at the start!

  25. been looking for a good workout that's actually full-body. glad i found this.!

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