5 Steps to Get Under 8% Bodyfat (Science-Based)

» 5 Steps to Get Under 8% Bodyfat (Science-Based)

Find out how to get under 8% body fat naturally and how to properly lose weight and belly fat fast. If you want to lower your body fat percentage down to 6%, 7%, or 8 percent body fat then you’ll love this video. Discover the benefits that come with losing weight and reducing your body fat to really low levels, as well as the drawbacks.

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We all have a layer of body fat sitting on top of our muscles, and by stripping away most of that body fat you start to see things like more muscle definition, striations, and veins. And even though it’s difficult to get to lower levels of body fat like 12 percent, 10 percent, and 8 percent, it’s definitely possible to achieve naturally, so in today’s video, I want to go over the exact steps that you need to take to get to those really low levels of body fat. Now, First, you have to ask yourself if this is really something that you even want to do because there are some drawbacks to having a really low body fat percentage. Some of these include hunger, a lack of energy, low libido, lightheadedness, mood swings, and always feeling cold. So I’m sure it’s no surprise when I say that staying under 8 percent body fat is typically unsustainable over a long period of time especially if you’re doing it naturally. So yes you can get to that really low level of body fat for a certain day where you have an event like a bodybuilding competition, a photoshoot, a wedding, or whatever, but the chance of maintaining such a low body fat percentage everyday overtime is slim especially while still feeling good. And that’s just the truth, but regardless many of you may want to get as lean as possible for that certain event and then afterward bring your body fat percentage back up a little so you can still feel nice and healthy while also looking defined and aesthetic. So step number one is to create specifically a small calorie deficit. Keep in mind if your overweight or obese, and you currently just want to lose as much body fat as fast as possible, there are more aggressive fat loss options available for you, but you’re not ready just yet to be thinking about getting down to a single-digit body fat percentage. If you want to get to a really low body fat percentage you should already be somewhat lean and you should plan on it taking a good amount of time, anywhere from 6 weeks to months depending on how lean you are when starting out. Now the reason why you want to create a small deficit is that when you’re already lean and you’re in a calorie deficit, your body activates certain mechanisms that lower energy expenditure, to a greater extent than someone that has a lot of fat to lose. When you already have a relatively low body fat percentage, a negative energy balance causes your thyroid hormone, growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 or (IGF-1),…. and testosterone to all drop rather quickly. Instead of these anabolic hormones that help you build muscle and burn fat, your body will produce more adrenaline, noradrenalin, and cortisol. As a result, you’ll be more prone to muscle loss, which is why it’s important to maintain only a slight calorie deficit. This is all supported by research, for example, one study compared the difference between three months of dieting with a 25 percent calorie deficit or a very-low-calorie diet of only 890 calories per day.(1) At the end of the study even though the Very low-calorie diet group lost more total mass or weight, the ratio of muscle to fat loss was much higher. 

That’s why you want to take a slower dieting approach especially as you lose body fat. A good guideline is to go for a 20 percent calorie deficit if you’re between 12 and 14 percent body fat right now. a 10 percent calorie deficit if you’re between 10 and 12 percent body fat. and a 5 percent calorie deficit if you’re between 8 and 10 percent body fat. To figure out approximately how much body fat you have right now you can go get a DEXA scan, but it’s time-consuming and it costs money. So a surprisingly accurate way that you can guestimate your body fat is by looking in the mirror and comparing your level of body fat to the picture that you see on the screen now. Whichever one looks most like you shows you your approximate body fat percentage. 
The next step is to cycle your calories, and there are a couple reasons for doing this. First, since you’ll be dieting for some time, you should keep in mind that hunger is the primary reason that diets fail. (2) That’s why it is important to optimize your diet and lifestyle for controlling hunger and one way you can do that is by cycling your calories. This means consuming more calories on some days and fewer on others.



  1. 1. Compared to the difference between three months of dieting with a 25% calorie deficit or a very-low-calorie diet (VLCD) of 890 calories per day.
    The result was that although the VLCD lost more total mass, the ratio of muscle to fat loss was also considerably higher.


    2. Hunger is the primary reason that diets fail



    3. Cycling your calories can improve diet adherence, diet satisfaction, and weight loss compared to continuous calorie restriction



    4. The amount of calories you eat on one day generally doesn't influence hunger on the following days



    5. "Responses to overfeeding differed markedly with evidence of ‘compensators’ and ‘non-compensators’, but on average, subsequent food intake was stimulated rather than suppressed after overfeeding in spite of markedly elevated body fat (+13%) and fasting leptin (+116%)" https://www.nature.com/articles/0803194

    6. Given the same energy balance, weight and fat loss are the same



    7. Adding cardio to a resistance training routine reduced muscle growth effect size by 39 percent


    8. Sleep deprivation suppresses appetite satiating hormones like leptin while at the same time raising levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin.

    See figure 3A and 3B:


    9. Sleeping only 40 fewer minutes per day from Monday to Friday shifted the ratio of the amount of muscle to fat loss from 20 percent to 80 percent.


    10. Sleeping 5.5 instead of 7.5 hours a day increased muscle loss by 60 percent while decreasing weight loss in the form of fat by 55%.


  2. Who faces muscleblaze ad before watching 😂

  3. Sleep is an issue but how to fix it? My body just wakes me up after 5-6h of sleep and also my brain keeps me awake longer than needed overthinking

  4. Between 10-20% of body fat is healthiest.
    Any lower your testosterone will be at Risk & that means less fat to feed your muscles & provide fuel I believe it is also essential for recovery if I'm not mistaken.

  5. Can't pause or stop music from these sleepbuds. $300 is a lot. But best fit.

  6. I lose like 30 pounds to 140 pounds I'm 5'11, I been eating only once a day and water, tea, and no sugar, since July, to go lower is just alot to lose, but I think I'll keep this up, but patience is key, does not happened over night. No junk food or process goods.

  7. oh…I am somewhere between 12 to 14, I think I am satisfied …

  8. So I am 12-13 % but I want to gain astrenght,and build muscles ,and stay shreded, so how ?

  9. If someone want to help our brothers in gaz.a , just search for Al Amal International Charity , and may Allah SWT bless you

  10. Suggestion watch at 0.75x😅

  11. Seeing this on my cheat day
    Bruh i been waiting for a month

  12. I’m just watching this video to lose face fat I’ve been riding my peloton bike for 2 hrs in my garage everyday I feel like I’m not Doing enough

  13. I want to know if I sleep late everyday like 3am, but i woke up at 11am? meaning i do have my 8 hours of sleep. would that be something that I need to change? I took my first meal at 12pm usually. Will that make any difference in terms of loosing weight and gaining muscle?

    Please advice. Thanks,

  14. Wait protein cookies are cheating???? Damn it all makes sense now 😮

  15. Me watching this at 1:30 am :- interesting!!

  16. I’m around 15% body fat at 80kg 183cm
    Any suggestions to lose body fat but not a lot of weight?

  17. i’m 8 percent without even trying

  18. For protein I consume soyabean but I can't eat for 70grams proteins Beacus3 it also contain estrogen so how many grams should I consum soyabean.?

  19. I remember being 110 pounds at 5’5 and I had nice veins on my abs , idk what bodyfat I was but I looked cool, I had 0 muscles but I remember my abs were extremely visible , I miss it tbh , and I haven’t been able to get that lean again , rn I’m 124 pounds and I see a vein on my lower stomach but i know I’m still chubby , being extremely lean is hard asf when your just a regular person who doesn’t bodybuild or model

  20. I went from 42% bodyfat to 20% body fat current level… went from 96kg to 78 😊
    It took me 6 months to get here working as a full timer
    My goal is to get 10% body fat

  21. 15 years old and i got o think 10% body fat

  22. باذن الله تعالى سوفا اخفظ دهوني الى 12%

    دعواتكم لخواننا المجاهدين في غزة اصدقاء

  23. Well you are right when you said when you're down to a low fat percentage the only way to lose and get a lower fat percentage is through exercise. That was pretty inspiring for me because I'm only 10 or 15 lb overweight but I want to lose it as quickly as possible and I've been trying different diets to to lose the weight with very little but it definitely hasn't been working. Thank you very much for this video

  24. 15% bf doesn't look like the picture

  25. Am I the only one thrown off by the math with 6g protein/kg vs. 0.73g protein/lb? I mean if we have a 100kg person and we did the kg calc it's 600g protein vs. 160g protein with the lb calc…?

  26. I would like to maintain a body fat percentage in the 10% area… 8-12% will be cool

  27. 195 to 165 currently let’s go!! I got 10 moire pounds to go!!

  28. Keep sharing your valuable tips, learning a lot from you. Thanks.

  29. I'd be happy to get down to 15% body fat.

  30. I've been staying at 8.5-9% PBF for more than a year now and while I'm reasonably happy with how I look, I admit the mental pressure is nothing to scoff at. Constantly being in a low-energy state is not fun, and the mood swings can hurt social relationships. It takes all I have to keep myself in check so I can look and act relatively normal. Luckily I don't have the rest of the issues listed in the video (food craving, constantly feeling cold, etc). Being an IT guy, maintaining this kind of physique is like working a part-time job but without the getting paid part. It's good to know that these are common issues faced by professional athletes and trainers as well. Just being aware of this helps a lot. While it's hard to correct my sleep schedule, I believe I can improve my diet to get into that "5% calorie deficit" region. I was also worried that I wasn't getting enough cardio, but now I know that I actually shouldn't be mixing cardio and strength training willy-nilly. This has been very helpful, thank you for making this video.

  31. I have been at 11% since 2019 !!

  32. Following a WFPB lifestyle is so much easier to lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI forever.
    No destructive cardio or hunger – just a WFPB lifestyle!

  33. I'm 12-13% bodyfat right now and my goal is 10% by fixing my eating and sleeping patterns. I achieved this so far, though I'm still consuming softdrinks.

  34. I'm getting down to low body fat % so I can get more nooky.

  35. Legends watch in 2023😎

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