If you walk into any commercial gym, you’ll likely see most men training either chest or biceps. It seems everyone wants a big set of arms and a big chest. And who’s to blame them?
These muscle groups look great, and they can set your physique apart from the rest. That’s why hundreds if not thousands of videos on YouTube talk about how you can grow your arms. From the anatomy of the biceps to the “best” exercises you can do to grow big guns.
If you’re interested in learning more about the anatomy and biomechanics of the biceps, we recommend you check out this video: https://youtu.be/eoLwOZG_hyo
But for those of you who are looking to add more dumbbell biceps exercises to their routine and understand the science behind these recommendations, then this video is for you.
In this video, we share 6 dumbbell exercises that will undoubtedly add some inches to your biceps.
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Bring you elbow up? Did you mean wrist
If you’re serious about transforming your body and mindset, Muscles: Every Man's Dream is a must-read. It gave me the motivation to push through plateaus and stay consistent.
White Joseph Williams Jose Rodriguez Brenda
Young David Miller Kenneth Davis Scott
Excellent video great advice. Just about to train arms so I broused YouTube and found your video great
how many sets and reps
First day impressions:It arrived in a waist high box. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxP26Tir6n60vUkdtn4mbwhRO8cwuJQNy2 Each dumbbell was in its own foam box within the shipping box. Everything was secure and in good shape. No weird smells. The weight changing mechanism is really smooth and straight forward. Changing weight is really fast and easy. Though the handle is plastic, I don't think it will be breaking anytime soon. So far pretty impressed after my first session with them. I was afraid they were going to be too wide at first, but I didn't have any issues with them while doing upright rows.
Thank you for the sound exercise advice. I have been working out since my early twenties with great results. However, life happened about 10 years ago and I'm just now getting back to my physical fitness regimen at the age of 62.
As an analyst I'm always looking for the most efficient path from point a to point b.
This is just what I needed to get my biceps/arms jacked!
Again thank you.
Watching this cos I want a hot body for the beach
for life too
Dang another awesome video. I'm glad I found your channel.
Waiter curls, waiter curls and more waiter curls
Pull ups have built my biceps the best.
Sew-pin-ation ** -physical therapist assistant
Dude, did you just dry scoop at the end?
Need one video for triceps too..
These are no doubt amazing exercises to focus on different parts on the muscles. But unfortunately many of them(if not all) are not easy to incorporate progressive overload. And whenever I choose exercises, I choose those that are also easier to increase the load gradually
2:43 Standing DB curl
4:21 Incline DB curl
5:00 DB spider curl
5:36 Preacher curl
6:00 DB cross-body hammer curl
6:30 Reverse grip DB curl
Ego guy should get his blue tracksuit back
You can NOT hit one head of the bicep and not the other it's physically impossible…just do curls period in good form your biceps will grow it's that simple…bend at the elbow bring up the weight and lower it slowly and all heads of the biceps will grow it has no choice…don't believe me ?…try flexing your bicep and see if you can flex the long head without the short head activating and vice versa…you can't they both work in unison…the only thing you can do extra is hammer curls because it hits the brachialis which is a separate muscle from the biceps…3 sets 8-12 reps of standing or seated dumbbell curls along with 1 set of 8-12 reps of hammer curls and your biceps will grow and it'll grow in the shape that your genetics allow nothing more nothing less…you can not build a peaky bicep you can only build what your genetics allow shape wise…. all you can build is size.
I’m currently doing dual dumbbell curl. Is it more advantageous to alternate arms rather than raising them at the same time like on the barbell curl?
I'm having a little bit of pain in my left elbow when i do dumbbell curls. I try not to overdo it on the weight as i get no results from overdoing it, and don't want to risk injury. How can i prevent or lessen the elbow pain?
Thank you so much
Great work as usual…On days i want to go crazy in the gym I put on my yellow tank top and yellow head band and get r done
This video is the real deal…good work
Big arms and big chest not going help you in a fight.
Hahaha that whoa
really got me
Great Video! Have not watched one of the videos in while, but I really like the New Narrator….and I really, really like how he gets straight into it and keeps it short and sweet. I think one of the reasons that I had not watched one of the videos in a while is because the videos were constantly getting longer and longer. And don't get me wrong, the information in the longer videos were always quite informative. But sometimes I think it's better to have the comprehensive info in a separate video, and then have the videos such as this one for those who want to get right to the exercises.
Tricep version plz!
Curls get the girls
Checking egos at the door is the best advice. Once I lightened the weight, used a slower tempo with a 1sec squeeze, and worked in 12-15 rep range is when I started seeing the most development. I get great pumps from dB and EZbar Spider curls. Great content always!
Good video bro
“Cheat reps” are just ego lifting.
You can avoid this by doing a secondary workout at home where you won’t get caught in the trap of trying to impress others in the gym
Great video guys! Nice to see some full ROM exercises
Yo, I thought I knew everything about curling but perhaps
there's more to learn
I've been doing exercises like these for a good portion of my fitness journey since I began. My question to you guys or anyone on here today is how many of these should I do in a session?