7 Of The Best Stretches For Tight, Stiff, or Painful Shoulders!

» 7 Of The Best Stretches For Tight, Stiff, or Painful Shoulders!

The best stretches to relieve tight, stiff, and sore shoulders! This shoulder stretching routine is perfect for eliminating shoulder aches, pains, and stiffness. Whether you spend long hours at a desk, have been hitting the gym hard, or just need some self-care for your shoulders, these stretches can help you feel amazing. Works great for frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tears, impingement, and other common shoulder issues.

🔗 LINK TO DR JARED’S HOME MASSAGE TABLE: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/massagetable

🔗 LINK TO DR JARED’S THICK EXERCISE MAT: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/drjaredexercisemat

Your shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body, but if yours feels tight, painful, or limited – you’re in the right place – this video is for you! I’m doctor Jared and these are 7 of the most-effective stretches to loosen up tight shoulders, improve mobility, and decrease pain.

** Why Are My Shoulders Tight?
Tightness in your shoulders can be caused by various factors. It could be due to the workout you did yesterday, long periods of inactivity, and even sleeping on it wrong. These issues often lead to muscle tension and discomfort in the shoulder area, affecting your daily life.

** Common Shoulder Problems Causing Tightness
The following is a list of common shoulder issues that would cause tightness and pain the shoulder joint:

Frozen Shoulder
Rotator Cuff Issues
Labral Tears
General Shoulder Pain 

** What Causes Shoulders to Get Tight?
Several factors can contribute to tight shoulders, such as muscle imbalances, overuse, or injuries mentioned above. When the muscles and connective tissues surrounding the shoulders are strained or stressed, they can contract and lose flexibility, resulting in that uncomfortable tight feeling.

Ready to eliminate shoulder tightness for good? Join us in this stretching routine and start feeling better today!

Inferior Capsule Stretch
Supine ER
Supine Flexion
IR Sleeper Stretch
Standing ABD
Standing IR
Don’t Miss This

💬 Did you try the stretches in this video? Did they help you? We’d love to hear about your experience – please leave your thoughts in the comments!

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🔗 FIX SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT AT HOME: https://youtu.be/-bmVuh3U_zU



🚨 DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless T&T Digital Media, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. T&T Digital Media, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.



  1. #2 and #5 are my personal favorites when my shoulder starts bothering me… which ones did you like? I would love to hear from you in a COMMENT below! Also if you're interested in some great rotator cuff strengthening exercises you can do right at home be sure to check out this video: https://youtu.be/INKiQi2mJ78 Hope you feel better! 🙏🏼

  2. I’ve been dealing with a frozen shoulder for the two months, and this is the first time I’ve felt any relief. Thank you, Jared!

  3. Both my shoulders hurt so how do I do the ones where you can only select 1 shoulder?

  4. Mission not understood both of my shoulders hurt😂😂

  5. Way to painful to do amy of these

  6. Hydration is a big key that we fell to forget.

  7. 2 and 5 perfect for my tight shoulder and added to daily stretches!

  8. Still a bit tender, but god these were good! Sleep stretch in particular for me

  9. This video helped me with shoulder pain that I’ve been dealing with for almost a year. Thank you so much. Wow.

  10. I just downloaded this video, thanks bro.

  11. I just downloaded this video, thanks bro.

  12. thank you very much, very helpful❤🙌

  13. Anyone here who completly healthy by these exercises please tell me i am suffering from frozen shoulder

  14. For the sleeper stretch is it normal for me to be able to put my hand to the floor and only feel a slight stretch from it

  15. When to do? After workout or before workout?

  16. Really useful, I can feel a massive difference even after doing the exercises just once

  17. Great video, Dr. Jared! I’ve always wondered if there are supplements that can complement these stretches and help support joint health for long-term mobility. Anyone have thoughts?

  18. These stretches are great! Helped me a lot. Thanks!

  19. I just watched this video and the one posted recently on 5 exercises for rotator cuff. Is it best to do the exercises first and then the stretches or stretches first and then exercises?

  20. Warning ⚠️ ….. All workouts mentioned above are not recommended for prison..😊

  21. Great video man. My pain gone immediately 🎉

  22. I am trying to do the shoulder stretches and am having to modify them because they hurt. I hope to be sble to do these soon.

  23. Stretch 5 is god send 💪 thanks mate

  24. Does this improve my shoulder mobility and shoulder strength as a rugby player?

  25. These are amazong stretches for a super tight shoulder after being sick and laying in bed for a few days. Thank you!

  26. What to do if my shoulder gets loose and kinda jumps out and back in, in the "sleeper stretch" ? I have even visited my local hospital to check it and they did ultra sound but found nothing more than a bit excess of liquid that went away after moving shoulder enough. So, never got any help cuz they didn't really care at all. Edit: Been like this for a few years.

  27. Thank you. Exercise number 2 works pretty well.

  28. 2:26 Pendulum stretch
    3:30 inferior capsule stretch
    4:50 external rotation stretch
    5:40 shoulder flexion stretch
    7:00 sleeper stretch
    8:10 standing abduction stretch
    9:40 internal rotation stretch

  29. Didn’t work for me and now I feel gay… I didn’t have such a light weight tho I had to use 7.5kg so that probably doesn’t help much lol

  30. Are you a physiotherapist or a chiropractor?

  31. Really good no nonsense no hype straight forward advice . Do you have anything for painful elbow?

  32. Exactly 60 degrees on average 😂

  33. You Deserves more hype fr I need good stretches

  34. If my collarbone is bothering me, do I do shoulder stretching?

  35. I want to be your neighbor

  36. Hi, thanks for your vedio, can you tell us how can we help our bodies to prepare for pregnancy? Special making the joint and the muscles more flexibility..✨

  37. Thank you so much! That stretch behind the back did the trick! I had no shoulder left! I can injure body parts much faster then you can tell me the remedy, lol

  38. Hi Brad. Thanks for your videos I like your uncluttered style. I’ve mostly watched sciatica related stuff but have shoulder related questions! I am wondering if you have specific suggestions for “supraspinatus tendinitis and tendinopathy” and “subscapularis and infraspinatus tendinopathy” two diagnoses I got from my shoulder MRI exam. Thanks!😊

  39. Do you have any stretch to relief my pain on my right butt, i have that pain for almost half of a month, i have that pain everytime i train soccer.

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