★ Workout Results ( Instagram) https://bit.ly/ShirlynKim
★ WEEKLY Workout Plan (FREE) https://www.youtube.com/c/ShirlynKim/community
★ WEEKLY WORKOUT PLAYLIST ( ON MY MAIN PAGE) https://www.youtube.com/c/ShirlynKim

☆How Many Calories can I burn by doing this abs exercises?

– It can be burning 40 to 80 calories in just 8 minutes.

☆ For Better Results:
– Complete this entire routine once or twice a day with My Weekly Full Body Workout PROGRAM ( Free )
– Do it for at least 30 days with a good nutritious meal (essential:)
– Also, consistency is the magic key to achieve your fitness goal. You can do it~! 😊

☆ My Real Daily Diet Routines: https://youtu.be/PPjwtPjmeZk

▣My Height: 164. 8 // Weight: 43~45 Kg // Body Type: between Mesomorph and Hourglass

* How long does weight loss take to show up?
The time it takes for weight loss to show is that everyone is different, depending on a person’s body fat percentage, gender, diet, exercise habits, etc.. It takes at least two weeks and significant weight loss and muscle gains will take approximately eight weeks to see. Healthy weight loss is anywhere from 1 to two pounds per week.

▣ My Most Popular Full Body Burning WORKOUTS (EASY & EFFECTIVE)
(Jumping ) https://youtu.be/vaq7YpCwH7M
(No Jumping ) https://youtu.be/65HEndrYGCA

▣Grow Taller & Get Slimmer (FUN & EFFECTIVE)



▣ My Morning Skin Care Routines

▣ My Q & A Video

▶For teenagers- It’s important for teens to lose weight the healthy way by making diet and lifestyle changes that nourish growing bodies and can be followed long term.
1)firstly think of a healthy eating plan, not diet; Fruits and vegetables every day. .. ( healthy eating doesn’t mean going hungry)
2)Do home workout 30 to 60 minutes a day three or four days a week—that’s a start, including, aerobic activity are running, swimming, and dancing(not too much)
3) Get enough sleep
4)Protein to build muscles and organs
5)Love yourself

▶Music By https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/f
▶ What I wear: https://www.xexymix.com/

Thank you for watching my video and hope you enjoy it. Lots of love from Korea😊
※Disclaimer This workout video on my YouTube channel is the one that I personally do to stay fit and healthy at home. When joining me for this workout video, check your health and safety with experts first since they are the most important. I am not responsible for any injuries and risks arising from this workout video.

※ 이 영상의 저작권은 크리에이터 Shirlyn Kim에게만 있음을 알려드립니다. 저작권 침해위반시 법적책임을 배상할 수 있습니다.

※ Please note that the copyright of this video belongs only to creator Shirlyn Kim. In case of copyright infringement, you will be held legally responsible.



  1. I’m crying—this is my first time trying a workout LMAO I CAN’T LAST A FEW MINS 😭😭

  2. Help I felt a bit sick after this😂

  3. Day 2, along with restarting my other ones of URS that I stopped doing for 2 days. I hate this so fucking much. I bladkrd out again and felt like I wasn't me, like a diff person. I wasn't even aware of what I was doing. Didn't wheeze for more than one exercise today tho.i nearly hate this as much as I hate Rosie graham

  4. не знаю, но делала месяц и 2 недели. хотя я и не соблюдала диету, моя фигура не сильно изменилась.
    если кратко, то изначально мой низ живота был 73 см, а талия 61. а сейчас смотрю и вижу–так же. мой пресс стал намного крепче, а упражнения так же сложные, но легче.

  5. im sweating, shaking, crying, lungs hurting… im not even done-

  6. genuinely near vomiting at this 😭

  7. Doing this for 2 weeks !
    Day 1:✅
    Day 2:
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:
    Remimd me!!

  8. Current: 27 inces
    Day 1:✅
    Day 2:✅
    Day 3:✅

  9. I am starting off today
    Please if anyone sees this just reply or like the comment so I am motivated to do this daily

  10. Day 4 (I moved workouts!)


  11. Does it also help with slimming thighs?

  12. doing this everyday before sleeping until i decide to stop 🙂

    current weight: 52.6 kg
    height : 5ft 2

    disclaimer – i am doing one of nikola pilates workouts every morning therefore might see results quicker

    🩷 day 1 : this workout definitely debloated my stomach back to it usual shape, felt a bit of burn on my abs

    🩷 day 2 : i burned a lot! i didn't see any different however my ab area is feeling a little harder than it was 2 days ago

    🩷 day 3 : so i didn't notice much difference mainly as i was extremely bloated as i ate a lot of food at a meal tonight but i did feel a lot of burn, even though i was quite bloated, i definitely even saw a tiny result in the end

  13. Doing this everyday for 15 days:
    I will do this and some routines from lidia mera idk and i will try to eat as healthy(i cant without sweets😅)
    Start:5'6 60kg
    1.✅️easy and i have motivation

  14. 160 cm 50kg .. trying to be 45kg wish me luck

  15. Im gonna do this for as long as I document this!
    I dont do many sports, so i try to get xtra excerisce through pilates!

    Day 1: It felt like torture, my abs ached and felt really stretched and uncomfortable everytime I moved, but I felt good after excersicing
    Day 2: Much better, my stomach got a tiny bit flatter because it got more tensed, the excersices were slightly easier to do, and I could complete it almost fully, I missed about two excersices, but I still felt the stretch in my abs
    Day 3: The excersices at the start were much easier, I still felt a little bit weird in the abs while doing them, but it was much easier. I could do the excersices more correctly, I did miss one excersice because I was out of breath and didnt know how to do it. After the excersice my abs dont feel any pain

    coming back tmrww!

  16. I will do this during Ramadan, and then I will tell you the result.

    Day 1:A little pain, no change
    Day 2: This was easier than yesterday.
    Day 3: This was very easy.
    Day 4, 5, 6: I was sick, so I didn't exercise.
    Day 7: Very easy, changes are starting to appear.
    Day 8: I felt tired so I didn't exercise.
    Day 9: I did it twice.

  17. Trying it for 2 weeks:

    Day 1: ✅ Felt the burn, but did the whole workout !
    Day 2: ✅ Muscles were aching from the first day, the burn was abit less but the muscle ache is real! Did the workout!
    Day 3: ✅ The muscles ache is better than yesterday, the burn is also alot better to manage. Did the workout!
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:

    Second Week:

    Day 1:
    Day 2:
    Day 3:
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:

  18. Weight-60
    Day 1:✅

  19. Is working im losing alot of weight and I'm proud that I can finally do this without stopping

  20. Doing this for a month
    Day 1: Definitely felt the difficulty mid workout✅
    Day 2: Still hard ✅
    Day 3: less harder I was surprised ✅
    Day 4:
    Day 5:
    Day 6:
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:
    Day 15:
    Day 16:
    Day 17:
    Day 18:
    Day 19:
    Day 20:
    Day 21:
    Day 22:
    Day 23:
    Day 24:
    Day 25:
    Day 26:
    Day 27:
    Day 28:
    Day 29:
    Day 30:
    Day 31:

  21. Doing this for 20 days
    Day 1-
    Day 2-
    Day 3-
    Day 4-
    Day 5-
    Day 6-
    Day 7-
    Day 8-
    Day 9-
    Day 10-
    Day 11-
    Day 12-
    Day 13-
    Day 14-
    Day 15-
    Day 16-
    Day 17-
    Day 18-
    Day 19-
    Day 20-

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